ESO Morrowind: Divine Restoration

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Clarity emerges… like sunlight breaking through the clouds… Barbas must have replaced the Archcanon weeks ago … all to set the wheels in motion to steal my divine energy…


He went to a lot of trouble just to steal your divine energy.


Every move… has a purpose. Stealing my energy sowed discord and disaster… throughout the land… and ultimately revealed the location of… the Clockwork City. If Barbas and his master can bypass the wards and enter Sotha Sil’s domain…


This has all been a ploy to find the Clockwork City?


Clavicus Vile distracted me, weakened me… all to locate the Clockwork City. Perhaps we require a Daedra… to fight a Daedra. Azura’s champion, Seryn… in the Archcanon’s office. Seek guidance from her patron. But hurry, my time grows short…


I’ll find Seryn and see if Azura can help us.

The Vestige finds Seryn in the Archcanon’s Office.


Outlander, over here. I’ve been trying to find something that makes sense of all-

Seryn gets posessed by Azura.


Mortal, the Lady of Twilight has words for you! So Vivec deigns to ask for help? I foresaw such an event, but scarcely believed it. Listen well, for if you continue to perform flawlessly, we might yet thwart the efforts of Clavicus Vile and his hound, Barbas.


Lord Vivec said to ask you for guidance in this matter.


Just as I anticipated. The mysteries reveal that Barbas seeks to enter the Clockwork City. So far, Sotha Sil’s wards have impeded him, but the hound has Sunna’rah. You must beat him to the prize – the reservoir that holds Vivec’s stolen energy.


Do you know where the Clockwork City is located?


Such knowledge has been hidden even from me, Mortal. But I know someone who can provide you with the means to travel to Sotha Sil’s creation. Stand back and I shall summon the mage of cogs and gears.

Azura summons Barilzar.


Interesting. Summoned by a Daedric Prince and her mortal mouthpiece. I was right in the middle of a crucial experiment, but I suppose I can spare a few clicks of the cogs for Azura and my erstwhile assistant. So, did you break the tonal inverter?


No, the tonal inverter worked fine. Azura wants you to help me get to the Clockwork City.


No, not going to happen. No offense to the Lady of Twilight, but Sotha Sil was quite adamant about keeping the place hidden and warded against the Daedra. Oh, wait. Pistons fall into place. This concerns Sunna’rah and Lord Vivec, I presume?


Yes. Barbas tricked us into draining Lord Vivec’s divine energy.


Barbas? Another Daedra. Thinking… thinking… So Sotha Sil’s forgotten tool was modified to steal Vivec’s energy, which in turn energized the Clockwork City. Lit it up like the top of Red Mountain. Even Vile’s dog would be able to see that!


Can you get me to the Clockwork City or not?


What is Barbas after? Wait, gears click into place…the reservoir! You need to reach the reservoir that contains Vivec’s stolen energy before Barbas! I can get us to the entrance in Seht’s Vault, beneath the Mournhold temple. Ready to go?


You’re coming with me? All right, let’s go.

The two travel through a portal created by Barilzar. They enter Seht’s Vault, defeat a Clockwork Guardian and enter the Clockwork City.


Ah, my favorite dupe has finally arrived.

The hero notices that the way is blocked by a barrier. They have to find a way around and open it.


Look, Master! Vivec’s toy found a way through, just like you said! But Barbas has Sunna’rah! What does Vivec’s toy have?

After being taunted by Barbas and being helped by Barilzar opening the way, the Vestige fights and defeats Barbas. They retrieve Vivec’s power back to Sunna’rah. Next, the Vestige goes back to the portal. However, they end up in a shrine to Clavicus Vile instead of Vivec City.

Clavicus Vile

How dare you discipline my dog? He was only trying to appease his master. And I’d never harm a hair on whatever insignificant creature you hold dear. You, on the other hand, require a lesson in manners….


Barbas tried to kill Lord Vivec and destroy Vvardenfell.

Clavicus Vile

Indeed? What ambition! As you can see, Barbas isn’t a bad dog. He does get easily excited and overzealous. He embellished my plan somewhat, but it all worked out in the end. And we found the Clockwork City.


So you were trying to take control of Clockwork City?

Clavicus Vile

This little flea thinks it’s smart, but my plans are beyond its comprehension! Still, by delaying the inevitable, you caused my associates and I some trouble. You’ll stay here until you’re no longer a threat. How does a few decades sound to you?


No thanks, I think I’ll find my own way out of here.

Barilzar appears as a spectre.


I lost you somewhere between Clockwork City and Vivec, but it was simple enough to trace your energy signature to this Daedric shrine. Unfortunately, some power is interfering with my efforts to open a portal for you.


It’s Clavicus Vile. He wants to trap me here for a few decades.


Hmm. That would be unfortunate for you. Luckily, you have me to assist you. Well, me and Sunna’rah. Expend a small amount of Vivec’s energy at the statue and that should provide enough of a distraction for me to pull you out of there.

The hero uses Sunna’rah on Clavicus Vile’s statue. After a while, they are in Vivec’s private chambers again.


My time… draws to a close… Were you… successful? Can you restore… my energy?


I have the staff, but the last time it nearly killed you.


So you retrieved my… stolen energy. You… stopped Barbas… Now… return what is rightfully mine…


But how can we be certain the staff won’t harm you again?


To quote my… seventy-fifth exhortation… “certainty is the brother of fear.” Nothing is certain, but I have confidence… in you… in what you have done. Use the staff… return my energy. Or not. In a little while… it won’t matter.


All right, I’ll use the staff.

Using the staff successfully restores Vivec’s powers.

Canon Llevule

Praise Vivec, his energy is restored!


Remarkable! No ordinator or armiger could have done any better! You uncovered a Daedric spy in our midst, brought a Living God back from the brink of death, and saved all of Vvardenfell. Well done, my friend!


I did what I could.


As my next sermon shall proclaim, “Modesty is the false cloak off a flatterer or the sincere garment of the humble.” Again, you have my gratitude, and that of all my people. Indeed, even those who rail against the Tribunal owe you their lives.

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