ESO Morrowind: Divine Blessings

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You have done much for me and for Vvardenfell. But as the warrior says, “Do not think the battle is over when the enemy is dead. The hearts and minds of the people must also be won.” I must ask you for one more service.


What do you need me to do?


“Gratitude is its own reward,” I once told the crowds in Ebonheart. But I’ve found that some of my followers appreciate something more tangible. Help me reward those who aided in the saving of Vvardenfell so we can reassure my people.


How can I help you reward people?


To start, retrieve the Archcanon’s Signet from the Hall of Wisdom. It is time to appoint a new head priest. I shall gather my people and meet you at my statue on the central canton. It shall be a glorious ceremony, my friend!

The Vestige leaves and goes to the Archcanon’s Office. Then, after finding Archcanon’s Signet, they go to meet Vivec at the other end of the canton.


Rejoice! You cursed the darkness, with good reason. Now Praise the return of the light! The eyes and ears of the Warrior-Poet returns! And just in time for the gathering crowd! Were you able to locate the Archcanon’s Signet?


Yes, I have the signet right here.


Continue to guard it, for it represents not only my loyal servant Tarvus but also the past and future of my priesthood. And take this as well. To aid you in your next task.


What’s in this bag?


You have been my eyes and ears in the world. Now be my hands. Within that modest sack resides gifts for my faithful servants. Blessings from me, though I would have you deliver them. You served me in adversity. Now join me in celebration!


What do you want me to do?


As I call forth my faithful, reach into the sack and give them the first thing you find. They shall hear my words of praise and gratitude, while it shall be your hand that rewards them. Are you ready, friend of Vivec?


I’m ready.

Vivec rewards Overseer Shiralas with blessing stones, Barilzar with gemstones with divine energy, Canon Llevule with the Archcanon’s title and the Vestige with a title of a Champion of Vivec.


Overseer Shiralas, you sacrificed your Blessing Stones to aid the Warrior-Poet. Well done! Take these recharged stones and finish building my city – after relaxing with your patient wife. Your knowledge of the mysteries of my brother Sotha Sil and the intricate twists and turns of portal magic were invaluable. Take this and use it well to further your experiments. Archcanon Tarvus served us well until his death. But when I was most in need of assistance, Canon Llevule rose to the occasion. Now rise once more – as Archcanon Llevule! In every poem, it’s the last stanza that holds the most meaning. Once a stranger in our land, now a friend forever – step forward! You come before me with an empty sack, but have no fear. As I have written, “treat your enemies well and your friends even better.” Know that I consider you to be a very good friend. Will you accept the honor I am about to bestow upon you?


I accept, Lord Vivec.


Then let it be known that from this moment forth, you shall be called Champion of Vivec! And along with my thanks, take this modest reward. I foresee even greater achievements in your future, but for now be content to be the hero of Morrowind!

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