ESO Morrowind: Divine Disaster

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Canon Llevule

By the three, Lord Vivec looks terrible! Where’s Archcanon Tarvus? He always seems to know what to do in situations like this.


The Archcanon is really Barbas. He tricked us all and now Vivec’s energy is nearly depleted.

Canon Llevule

Barbas? The Daedric hound? Wait, wait, I don’t understand any of this. But if Lord Vivec’s energy has been depleted, then the moonlet… Red Mountain… My gods, all of Vvardenfell is in danger!


There must be something we can do.

Canon Llevule

If only there was a way to give Lord Vivec some energy – wait, that’s it! A Blessing Stone! Find the Overseer and retrieve another stone from the construction site. Oh please, hurry! I’ve never seen Lord Vivec in such a desperate state!


I’ll talk to the Overseer and get another Blessing Stone.

Canon Llevule

I expect the Overseer’s out near the unfinished cantons, watching out for looters. When people panic, they’re capable of anything. With all the chaos going on outside, the Overseer closed the construction site.

When the hero goes outside, they see the Red Mountain erupting and the moonlet, Baar Dau, starting to fall. People are in panic.

Varona Beloren

My wife decides to run out and chase some damned looters in the middle of a disaster! Who does that sort of thing? You’d think Lord Vivec’s Overseer would have a clearer head!


The Overseer? I need to find her for Lord Vivec!

Varona Beloren

She ran into the unfinished cantons. She’s been beating herself up over the fact that they’re behind schedule, but she won’t do anyone any good if she gets herself killed! My wife’s tough as nails, but she’s no warrior.


I’ll find the Overseer and make sure she’s all right.

Before finding the Overseer, the Vestige encounters some running workers. One of them, Thaleft, can be talked to.


We barely got out of there alive! I can’t believe the Overseer’s still in there. What’s she going to do when the canton sinks into the bay?


The Overseer’s still at the construction site?


Yes. The overseer ran in there when she saw the looters. We tried to follow, but then the moonlet began raining fire, ash, and chunks of rock. Last I saw, she was chasing the looters into the far canton.


Why would the looters risk their own livers?


Greed is a powerful motivator. We left tools and materials just sitting around, unprotected, when the priests ordered everyone to get off the streets. The looters happily risk their lives if there’s a profit to be made.

Overseer Shiralas

Another looter? You want a taste of my steel, too? No, wait – I remember you. You borrowed one of our Blessing Stones. Well, the Archcanon returned it after Lord Vivec was finished with it, so no need to fret about that.


Lord Vivec needs to borrow the Blessing Stone again.

Overseer Shiralas

That’s impossible. We installed the Blessing Stone back in its canton and finished construction on that section a short time ago. Wait a moment-does this have something to do with chunks of rock raining down on the city?


Let’s just say it’s vital that I get a Blessing Stone for Lord Vivec.

Overseer Shiralas

I suppose you’re in luck, then. We happen to have another Blessing Stone. It’s at the third canton. Here. This key will open the door to that portion of the construction site. Just watch out for looters – and the rocks falling out of the sky.


I met your wife. She’s worried about you.

Overseer Shiralas

Varona? Was she still angry with me? No, you don’t have to answer that. I know my wife. I’ll head back and let her know I’m all right. Tell Lord Vivec he can have our Blessing Stone-as long as he promises to do something about Baar Dau.

The Vestige retrieves a Blessing Stone and returns to Vivec’s palace.

Canon Llevule

Were you able to get another Blessing Stone? We need to restore some of Lord Vivec’s energy before the moonlet falls out of the sky!


I retrieved the Blessing Stone.

Canon Llevule

Perfect! I can feel Lord Vivec’s essence inside it! I hope I remember how to do this. You’d better stand back-just in case.

A beam of energy from the stone goes back to Vivec.

Canon Llevule

Oh, thank the Three! Lord Vivec looks better already. Of course, the Blessing Stone is only a temporary measure. We still need to determine what to do about Barbas and the stolen energy.


I’m ready to do whatever I can.

Canon Llevule

As Lord Vivec has written, “the bravest heart never falters.” You are truly Vivec’s champion. I didn’t know if the Blessing Stone was going to work, but I appreciate your help. Now go and talk to Lord Vivec. I’m sure he has a plan to share with us.

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