Stranger’s Final Instructions

Author: Anonymous
Released In:

Book added by Grey Cowl from the Creation Club. This book changes based upon the actions you take during the quest.

You’re good. You picked her pockets clean and made the switch.

Now you’ll need to put those skills to the test and more. In Silverdrift Lair is a tomb that houses an ancient Nord clan. Near a large chest is a corpse with a lantern, its candle still burning. It holds a key.

When you have the key, open the chest and you’ll find a sword that can raise the dead.

When you find it, bring it to the grave of the Gray Fox in Riften. It’s a small, unmarked headstone on the east side of the cemetery. Complete the task, and maybe you’ll even get to meet him.

— A Stranger

If you choose to not pick pocket:

You’re good. For whatever reason, picking her pocket was not an option, so you found another way.

Now you’ll need to put those skills to the test and more. In Silverdrift Lair is a tomb that houses an ancient Nord clan. Near a large chest is a corpse with a lantern, its candle still burning. It holds a key.

When you have the key, open the chest and you’ll find a sword that can raise the dead.

When you find it, bring it to the grave of the Gray Fox in Riften. It’s a small, unmarked headstone on the east side of the cemetery. Complete the task, and maybe you’ll even get to meet him.

— A Stranger

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