Jel Language

Jel is the language of the Argonians. According to them and to scholars, it does not have a system of tense, referring only to something in the past or in the future if needed.

The vast majority of these words originate from the Elder Scrolls Online.

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ajum — (n.) a traditional woven tray with netted lid.
Source: A Culinary Adventure

Aojee-Sakka — (n.) a traditional Argonian dish consisting of a Aojee toad roast and soup, both of which are poisonous if not eaten in exactly the correct amount to counteract each other.
Source: A Culinary Adventure


beeko — (n.) friend.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

beek-ojel — (n.) outsider friend.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

bijum — (n.) a style of door-release, which, if pulled rather than pushed, colapses the floor around the door.
Source: Famia Mercius

bok — (n.) a bowl; deep, round dish; a rounded, cuplike hollow.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

buseek — ???
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei


Chukka-sei — (n.) a trial of maturation, at the successful completion of which young Argonians prove themselves worthy of being called adults and are given full tribal membership.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia


Daril — (n.) a poison which acts as a synesthetic drug for Argonians.
Source: The Infernal City

deek — (n.) sapling.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia (own translation)

deek-beeko — (n.) young friend.
Source: The Sharper Tongue (own translation)

deelith — (n.) one who passes wisdom to another, a teacher.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

delaw — ???
Source: Jekka-Wass, Shuxaltsei

dimik — (adj.) vivid.
Source: Xukas

dooka — (n.) mature, fully grown.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia (own translation)


eenu — ???
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn

ei — (n.) eyes.
Source: Hides His Eyes (own translation)


fek — (n.) plant.
Source: Waku-Mat


gah — (n.) basket.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia

Gee-Rusleel — (n.) Miredancers, a tribe in Murkmire.
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Miredancers

geel — ???
Source: Famia Mercius

greel — (n.) outsider, hostile creature, enemy.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

gulvo — ???
Source: Kassandra

gulweet — ???
Source :Beehuna


haj — (v., adj.) hides, hidden.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

haleel — (n.) throat
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Bright-Throats

Hee-Tepsleel — (n.) a tribe in Murkmire.
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Tribal Connections

hej — (adj.) vaporous.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

hejsetha thtitleel — (n.) wisp (literally: vaporous floating sphere)
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

hejsetha thtithik — (n.) wipsmother (literally: vaporous floating egg hatcher)
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

hewei — (adj.) odd.
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn

hosh — (n.) a traditional dark and viscous soup.
Source: A Culinary Adventure

hoto — ???
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn

huptal — ???
Source: Famia Mercius


iuheez — (n.) a butterfly wing folding technique in Argonian cooking.
Source: A Culinary Adventure

ixtaxh — (adj.) exact.
Source: Famia Mercius


jeke — (adj.) stinging.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

jekka-wass — (n.) the title of the keeper of the Argonian calendar monument.
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei


ka — (n.) war, battle.
Source: Elder Scrolls Online

kaal — (n.) war captain.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

kai — ???
Source: Dradeiva

kaj — (adj.) ample.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

kaj-jeke thota — (adj.) giant wasp (literally: ample stinging insect)
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

kajthux— (adj.) ample serpent.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

kaju— (n.) a beast chosen by the tribe leader that must be defeated by Naga youth as part of their coming of age ceremony.
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn

kaoc‘ — a swear and exclamation.
Source: The Infernal City

Keshu — a name meaning “stands apart”.
Source: Keshu: From Egg to Adolescence

kis — (n.) doll.
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Bright-Throats

kot — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

kota — (adj.) black
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Black-Tongues

krona — (adj.) big, colossal.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

krona-kaal — (n.) big war chief.
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn

kronkassa — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

kronka-thatith — (n.) everything-egg, an Argonain way of refering to Argonia.
Source: Jee-Lar

kuhupwo— (n.) a way for the Hist to communicate with Argonians using words, literally “mouth-talk”

ku — (n.) that which leads to but does not cause change.
Source: Ku-Vastei: The Needed Change

kuuda — (n.) an idiot.
Source: Nurhei

ku-vastei — (n.) catalyst or agent of needed change (literaly: “the catalyst of needed change,” “that which creates the needed pathway for change to occur” or “the spark which ignites the flame which must come into being.”)
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei, Ku-Vastei: The Needed Change


lukiul — (n., adj.) an Argonian assimilated into Imperial culture, or born away from the swamp.
Source: The Infernal City, The Sharper Tongue


malgai — ???
Source: Dradeiva

masu — (n.) Argonian grouping of animals meaning “big mouthed reptile” (ex. the crocodile or wamasu).
Source: Xukas

maxeem-urto — (n.) a type of river clam.
Source: Xukas

meht — (n.) cracker.
Source: Famia Mercius

mota — (n.) hunt.
Source: Bolu (own translation)


Nagahssee — (n.) snake roll, snake stocking; a traditional Argonian dish in which a snakeskin is stuffed with vegetables and a live mouse.
Source: A Culinary Adventure

naheesh — (n.) tribal elder.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

nalpa — (adj.) rotten, poorly made, vile of character, bad.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

nisswo— (n.) an Argonian priest of Sithis
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei

norg — (adj.) forbidden.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

norg-vos — (n.) a Naga warning stone.
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn

norgsa — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

nushmeeko — (n.) 1. lizard. 2. The ninth month of the Argonian calendar.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia


oj — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

ojel — (n.) outsider, not of a tribe (literally: not of Argonian tongue, non-speaker of Jel).
Source: The Sharper Tongue


pah — ???
Source: ESO dialog.

Pahnjee — (n.) a Naga fumer: a rack of spoiled meat whose fumes are meant to block scents.
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn


raj’beeko — (n.) elder friend.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

raj-deelith — (n.) elder teacher.
Source: Keshu: From Egg to Adolescence

raj-kaal — (n.) elder war chief. Likely ranking above the kaal.
Source: Letter to Bhoki

raj-nassa — (n.) elder leaders, those who lead the community.
Source: Keshu: The Rites of Maturity

rajpu — (n.) an insult.
Source: An Orc Weaponsmith In Murkmire, Part 3

reel-ka — (n.) warrior.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

reelsh — ???
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei

rormasu — (n.) crocodile (literally “big-mouthed reptile that blinks above the water)
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

ruheeva — ???
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei, Shuxaltsei, Meewulm


sa — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

Saxhleel— (n.) Argonian.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

seizo — an exclamation or interjection.
Source: Xukas

setha — (adj.) floating.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

shaja — (adj.) semi-humanoid.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia

shaja-nushmeeko — (n.) 1. semi-humanoid lizard. 2. The ninth month of the Argonian calendar.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia

shap — (n.) frog.
Source: Infernal City (own translation)

shu — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

shunatei — (n.) the pain caused by holding on too tightly to that which has come to pass (literally: regretful stomach)
Source: Talen-Jush

Shuxaltsei — (n.) a name meaning “devours-the-sun”.
Source: Nisswo Xode

sisei — (n.) 1. sprout, possibility. 2. The third month in the Argonian calendar.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia

stohu — ???
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn


tar-sakka — ???
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei

teeba-enoo — (n.) a traditional Argonian sport with two teams and at least one ball.
Source: Famia Mercius, Luzwug

teeba-hatsei — (n.) a traditional Argonian sport, also known as “hip and tail ball”.
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Miredancers

Theilul — (n.) an Argonian liquor made from distilled sugar cane.
Source: The Infernal City

thota — (n.) insect.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

Thtachalxan — (n.) drykillers.
Source: The Infernal City
Note: refers to the only non-Argonian guard regiment in Lilmoth.

thtithil — (n.) 1. egg. 2. The eighth month in the Argonian calendar.
Source: The Sharper Tongue, Seasons of Argonia

thtithil-gah — (n.) 1. egg basket. 2. The seventh month in the Argonian calendar.
Source: The Sharper Tongue, Seasons of Argonia

thtithatei — (n.) egg-stomach, mating.
Source: Jee-Lar

thtithik — (n.) egg hatcher, mother.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

thtitleel — (n.) sphere.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh
Note: May be an alternate spelling of thtithil.

thux — (n.) serpent.
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

thuxis — (n.) snake, a trickster or deceiver.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

toh — (n.) secret.
Source: Jee-Lar

topee-rajta — an expression similar to “older than dirt.”
Source: Xukas

toteik — (adj.) great, superlative.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

tsona — (v.) to swim.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

tsonashap — (n.) swimming frog.
Source: Infernal City

tumjum — (n.) house-weaving, wedding.
Source: Jee-Lar

Tum-Taleel (Tum-Tahleel) — (n.) the Root-House People, a tribe of Murkmire.
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Root-House People

tutan-wei — (n.) a style of puzzles featuring pulleys.
Source: Famia Mercius

tzel — (n.) place, location, territory.
Source: Norg-Tzel loading screen

tchee — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

tsoko — (n.) elder.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia (own translation)


u — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

uvastei — ???
Source: ESO dialog

Note: May be a misspelling of Kuvastei “the needed change”

uvastuxith — (n.) nest-becoming, wedding.
Source: Jee-Lar

ux — (n.) a sacred renewal ritual that involves mating.
Source: Ux-Deelith Mezatil (own translation)

ux-deelith — (n.) a tribal leader in charge of the renewal ritual
Source: Ux-Deelith Mezatil (own translation)

uxith — (n.) nest, home, bed.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

uxith-beeko — (n.) a home or bed friend.
Source: The Sharper Tongue


vahat — (adj.) taboo.
Source: Shuxaltsei, Jaxsik-Orrn

vastei — (n.) change.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

Vastei-Sei — (n.) The Ritual of Change, performed at the Xinchei-Konu to invoke a desired outcome.
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei

vakka — (n.) 1. sun. 2. The first month in the Argonian calendar.
Source: The Sharper Tongue, The Seasons of Argonia

vakka-lo — ???
Source: Kassandra

veeka — ???
Source: Dradeiva

Veeskhleel — (n.) Ghost People, a tribe in Murkmire.
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Ghost People

Veeskhleel-Tzel — see Veeskhleel.

vexu-vit — (adj.) persnickety.
Source: Xukas

vimleel — (n.) tongue (bodypart)
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Black-Tongues

voh-vastei — (n.) apprentice.
Source: Iskenaaz

vos — (n.) stone.
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn (own translation)

vossa-satl — (n.) an Argonian instrument consisting of different types of frogs inside pipes.
Source: Playing on the Frogs


wamasu — (n.) a large reptile native to Black Marsh whose name translates roughly to “the big-mouthed reptile of blood lightning”
Source: Kyne’s Challenge: Black Marsh

wasseek — (adj.) bright
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Bright-Throats

waxhuthi — a swear or exclamation.
Source: The Infernal City, Shuxaltsei

wazeithi — ???
Source: Famia Mercius

wih-jah — ???
Source: Dradeiva

wutulm — (adj.) a legendary person.
Source: Jaxsik-Orrn

wuxa — ???
Source: Jekka-Wass Vozei, Shuxaltsei


xal — (adj.) sacred.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

xal-thtithil — (n.) sacred egg, the Jel name for the artifact known as the Remnant of Argon
Source: Kassandra

xal-uxith — sacred nest.
Source: Keshu: From Egg to Adolescence

xeech — (n.) 1. nut, seed; beginning, birth, unreleased potential. 2. The second month in the Argonian calendar.
Source: The Sharper Tongue, The Seasons of Argonia

xeech’kis — (adj.) small, handmade dolls crafted by the Bright-Throat tribe of Murkmire.
Source: Tribes of Murkmire: Bright-Throats

xul — (n.) death, rebirth.
Source: The Sharper Tongue

xulneihavu — ???
Source: Shuxaltsei

xulomaht — (n.) dead, deceased. 2. The twelfth month of the Argonian calendar.
Source: The Seasons of Argonia

Xul-Mota — (n.) death hunt.
Source: Bolu

xul-vaat — An Argonian grave-stake, meant to keep the dead at rest by telling stories of the life of the desceased.
Source: Elder Scrolls Online

xuth — a swear or exclamation.
Source: The Infernal City

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