Drolora’s Trap Summary

Author: Sister Drolora
Released In:

Huntmaster Cretia,

Here is the trap placement summary you requested. Again, I am not confident that these traps alone will be sufficient. Please consider purchasing additional snares, man traps, and pine tar when next you visit Orsinium.


On entry, mine doors are shut and sealed with reinforced cross-beam.
An array of twelve man-traps have been placed and concealed six paces from the door.
Pitch has been smeared on all surfaces to prevent swift movement.
Six razor wires and three net drops have been installed at twelve paces.

I’m installing a last-resort kindle-pitch drop-line. It may not be ready by the time you requested, though.

I would urge you to delay the ambush a few more days to allow time for additional preparations. We’ll only get one shot at this—let’s not miss the target.

Sister Drolora

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