Shivering Isles: Rebuilding the Gatekeeper

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News of your success in the Fringe precedes you. To further cement the victory I have an important task for you to perform. You will seek the assistance of Relmyna Verenim in Xaselm to rebuild the Gatekeeper. You remember the creature you killed to get in here? With the Gatekeeper restored and Xedilian in operation, we won’t have to worry about anything getting in. Things already here are another matter. You’ll need to speak with Relmyna Verenim. She’ll help you with your task. Strange woman. Has some unusual tastes. With that done, the Fringe should be secure. For now. I can feel things start to get a little hairy. And, not in the good way, like on your head.


Ask about “Greymarch”


It’s all moving faster than I’d expect. And I’m good at expecting. Things are getting a bit thin. Get that Gatekeeper in place, and do it quickly. I’m not sure how much time I have left.


Ask about “Jyggalag”


He’s almost here. I can feel it. You won’t like Him as much as Me. He doesn’t even carry a cane! More the giant, bone-cleaving sword type of Prince. If he’s on his way, I’m on My way out. I already feel not quite Myself. Not quite someone else… but not quite Myself.


Ask about “Rebuild the Gatekeeper”


It’s essential. Simply essential! If only it were essentially simple… but it’s not. I want him there guarding those Gates. If any of Jyggalag’s forces show up, he should be ready for them. It wouldn’t do to just let them in if more show up. And more always show up. Still and all, I think things are going well, considering! Go talk to Relmyna in Xaselm. Tell her you’re working for me. She’d do anything for me, that little minx.


Ask about “Relmyna Verenim”


A powerful Sorceress. Maybe a genius. And a complete lunatic. All in all, my kind of person. I brought her to my Realm so she could continue to study her “sixth element.” Honestly, I didn’t know there were five already. She’s a bit obsessed with it. And with Me. Makes dealing with her difficult. You shouldn’t have any problems, though. No one likes you that much.

Send Relmina my love. That’ll get her going.

Sheogorath has tasked me with rebuilding the Gatekeeper. He has given me instructions to visit the powerful sorceress named Relmyna Verenim in Xaselm to petition her assistance.


(Talk to Haskill)


Ask about “Relmyna Verenim”


She is a powerful sorceress. She believes she has found a “sixth element,” the element of Flesh. She was expelled from the Mages Guild for this belief, and for the… extreme nature of her experiments. Our Lord took interest and brought her here, so Relmyna might continue her work, free of those provincial notions of decency and morality. You will find her in her Sanctum, hidden away in the dungeon of Xaselm.


(Locate Xaselm. Enter and fight Relmyna’s minions, eventually meet Relmyna herself. She is doing an experiment by inflicting pain to her captives)

Relmyna Verenim

You! I remember you. You’re the adventurer who slew my Gatekeeper, are you not?


Yes, I slew him. I needed to get in.

Relmyna Verenim

The ends justify the means, do they? You’ll pay for that, one day. Now, by all means, come right in, walk in here as if you own the place…. By what authority do you disturb me?!


By authority of your Lord Sheogorath!

Relmyna Verenim

I see. Sheogorath is too important to come on his own account? He sends his mortal lackey? Well, then. I trust my servants didn’t give you too hard a time getting in here. Haha! What is it Sheogorath’s lackey requires of me?


A new Gatekeeper is required, milady.

Relmyna Verenim

Ah, your tone is more in line with my station. Please, continue.


Will you lend us your powerful magic?

Relmyna Verenim

Yes, powerful magic indeed. It is proper that you bid me kindly, lest I show you the meaning of pain and suffering. Alas, I am still distraught over the destruction of my sweet child. I cannot return to his womb. You must do this. You will travel to the Gardens of Flesh and Bone. There you will gather mystical components needed for the ceremony. Go fetch me Blood Liqueur, Osseous Marrow, Dermis Membrane, and Essence of Breath. And take this key. It will allow entry into the Gardens and give you direct access to my Sanctum.


(Retrieve the key)

Ask about “Components”

Relmyna Verenim

You will travel to the Gardens of Flesh and Bone and collect for me these things: Blood Liqueur, Osseous Marrow, Dermis Membrane, and the Essence of Breath.


How do I collect these things?

Relmyna Verenim

Are you not the exalted Duchess? Slayer of the great Gatekeeper? Champion of our mighty Lord Sheogorath? I’m sure you’ll be able to find these things, if not, perhaps Sheogorath’s faith in you is misplaced. Go now. You try my patience.


Ask about “Gardens of Flesh and Bone”

Relmyna Verenim

For many years, I labored painstakingly in those Gardens, until my back bent and my soul became crooked. But the fruits born of that labor were the essential components of true Flesh. You will go there and gather the components needed to bring my new child into this world.

Relmyna has asked me to enter the depths of the Gardens of Flesh and Bone, and retrieve some mystical components needed for the ceremony to create the new Gatekeeper. I am to return with Blood Liqueur, Osseous Marrow, Dermis Membrane, and the Essence of Breath. She has given me a key that I can use to get into the Gardens and directly to her Sanctum when I return.


(Sick of watching her way of treating the captives, her objects of experiment. Try to talk to her about them)

Ask about “Victims”

Relmyna Verenim

Oh, you mean my research subjects? Don’t trouble yourself with their fates. They are volunteers, of one sort or another. Besides, they are furthering important research into the nature of pain and suffering, of life and death. Don’t be concerned. I always return the worthy ones to life. Besides, Lord Sheogorath has sanctioned my studies and my methods. Any loyal servant of the Madgod would respect His decision in this matter.


Set them free, stop torturing them!

Relmyna Verenim

I know your type. You believe yourself better than everyone else. You persecute genius when you find it, because we are able to see around the sharp corners of your simplified “morality.” I see the vast horizons of thought, while you cannot see past the tip of your own nose. I can grant the guilty the cleansing fire of retribution, so they may die purified of soul. And, I can grant the worthy everlasting life! And what can you offer the world, except the hot air escaping through that hole in your head?


I command you to stop!

Relmyna Verenim

Out of deference to my Lord Sheogorath, I will allow this outburst. In fact, I will acquiesce to your request. But only if you can prove to me the sincerity of your position, and the depth of your conviction. Are you willing to trade places with these souls, to bear the full weight of their pain and afflictions? Weigh this question carefully.


Yes, I will suffer in their stead.

Relmyna Verenim

Are you sure? You will not easily heal the damage done to you. This is a permanent sacrifice you are making. In fact, it is likely you will die. Perhaps you had better reconsider.


I’m determined to make the sacrifice.

Relmyna Verenim

Truly? Very well. I wasn’t quite finished with them, but as long as you remain in Sheogorath’s favor, I will not conduct experiments on THESE people.


I’m ready.

Relmyna Verenim

Very well. This might hurt a little.

(She casts a destruction spell and makes Liann falls unconscious for a while)


Ask about “Exalted Pain”

Relmyna Verenim

Did you like that? Pain can be pleasure. You enjoy being in pain, do you? Here, I’m sure you’ll enjoy these then.


(Retrieve Manacles of Pain)


(Get out of Xaselm. Summon and talk to Haskill about the garden)


The Gardens of Flesh and Bone are where Sorceress Verenim lived and worked for many years. It is there she experimented with her “sixth element,” in order to create the original Gatekeeper. The Gardens are in the Fringe, near Passwall. Beware, Your Grace. Creatures of the sorceress’ doing and undoing haunt those tunnels.


(Go to the Gardens of Flesh and Bone. Collect the ingredients. First Blood Liqueur)

(Second Osseous Marrow)

(Third Dermis Membrane)

(The fourth and the last is the Essence of Breath)

(And go back to Xaselm)

Relmyna Verenim

You have returned with all the components? Excellent. All that remains is to choose the body parts.


Ask about “Body Parts”

Relmyna Verenim

Fearing one day someone might manage to kill my child, I have been preparing a new body. I’ve created versions of each appendage, with various enhancements. You must choose one of each. I am attached to them all. Artist’s prerogative. Select one pair of legs, one left arm, right arm, torso, head, and heart. See me when you have finished your selections.

Relmyna has instructed me to choose the body parts with which we will create the new Gatekeeper. I am to pick out a head, a torso, a heart, a right arm, a left arm, and legs. I should speak with her when I am finished.


(Select the body parts)

You’ve made your selection. Now, we travel to the statue of our Lord, in the Fringe. There we will perform the ceremony. Make haste!

I am to meet Relmyna Verenim at the statue of Lord Sheogorath in the Fringe where we will perform the ceremony to build the Gatekeeper.


(Go to the top of the hill with double doors of Mania and Dementia)

Relmyna Verenim

Shall we start the ceremony?


Ok, let’s get started.

Relmyna will perform the ceremonial magic, and I am to follow her instructions during the ceremony.

Relmyna Verenim

First, place the Gatekeeper’s body into the Cistern of Substantiation.


(Do as she said)

Relmyna Verenim

At the beginning of the worlds were five. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Light. Darkness turned into day, the void took form. Hidden away, by virtue of its own self-awareness, was the sixth, containing within it the five which birthed it. Flesh! Meat with the desire to consume like Fire…. Place the Dermis Membrane into the cistern.


(Do as she said)

Relmyna Verenim

Blood, liquid nutrient, that ocean which casts pearls of life upon the shores of existence…. Place the Blood Liqueur into the Cistern of Substantiation.


(Do as she said)

Relmyna Verenim

Bone, branch and stone of the body, giving shape and structure…. Place the Osseous Marrow into the cistern.


(Do as she said)

Relmyna Verenim

Breath, child of air, bestowing movement, the stirring of spirit…. Place the Essence of Breath into the Cistern of Substantiation.


(Do as she said)

Relmyna Verenim

And last, the light of Flesh, the illumination of Soul — perception, thought, memory, imagination…. I summon thee, walker in Flesh! Flesh of true Flesh! From those waters of Oblivion which sire thy kind. Come to this altar. Join with this body. Quintessence of Flesh joined with the Essence of Flesh. Absolute in mortal. Immortal bound to contingent.

(A Flesh Atronach is summoned and walks into the Cistern of Substantiation. Learn how to summon a Flesh Atronach)

Stand clear of the cistern. Over here by me.


(Move to a place next to her)

Relmyna Verenim

Honored Daedra, fear not thy abasement! Thou shalt be the Holy in this Temple. I bind thee Atronach to this body, henceforth Gatekeeper of the Shivering Isles.

(A powerful blast bursts out, the new Gatekeeper is formed)

My child. It is time to fulfill your destiny. Stand guard in this land against all those who seek entry not bearing the mark of Sheogorath’s favor. You shall know them by the coldness in their minds. A darkness of spirit.

(A group of Knights of Order arrive)

What’s this? My child, they are coming. Destroy them! Show them your true power! Watch my child destroy the interlopers, or run to Sheogorath. Either way, tell Him of our doings here. Send Him my tribute… and my affections.

Our child stands guard once again.

The Gatekeeper has been rebuilt. I should return to Sheogorath with news of my success.


(Watch the new Gatekeeper easily destroys of the Knights, and their leader, a Priest of Order. The Priest is Felas Sarandas, the Passwall citizen who betrayed Shelden. Go back to Sheogorath’s Palace and talk to him)


A new Gatekeeper! Excellent. We might be onto something with you, after all. That should keep out the stragglers. And I see you’ve learned to summon Flesh Atronachs! Relmyna must like you, little Duchess… but probably not in THAT way.

(Suddenly a Dark Seducer comes and reports)

Dark Seducer Messenger

Lord Sheogorath! I apologize for the intrusion, but you must help us! Order has attacked Pinnacle Rock and routed us!

(Xan’s note: If Liann were the Duchess of Dementia, the messenger is a Golden Saint and Brellach that got attacked.)


Well, well! What a turn of events this is! It’s new, and I like new, even if it’s bad. And this is bad, isn’t it? My, my.

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