TES4 Shivering Isles: The Helpless Army

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This is a particularly exciting turn of events, is it not? A perfect job for you, my newest and only Noble in the realm! If Order has entered my army’s stronghold, things have taken a disturbing turn. It means Order has tried subterfuge… not its strong suit. Amazing! Perhaps things aren’t going as poorly as I’d imagined. You’ll want to get all the details from the messenger. Unless you already have. You haven’t, have you?


Why hasn’t Jyggalag attacked himself?


Aren’t you precious? Do you really not know? Haven’t you noodled it all through yet? Because He is Me! I’m Him! We’re a bit of each other, really. I won’t be here when He arrives, because I’ll be Him. Happens every time. The Greymarch starts, Order appears, and I become Jyggalag and wipe out My whole Realm.


When will it happen?


Soon. Too soon. I can already feel the change beginning. I feel like I’m not quite here. I’m not over there yet, but I’m not quite here. And I’ve been having moments of clarity that are quite unlike me. Like now.


Can we stop it?


Stop it? Oh, no. Can’t do it. Believe me, I’ve tried. It never ends well. But you’re still going to stop the Greymarch. Stop Jyggalag… Me… from destroying My Realm.


What do we do now?


Now? Nothing has changed! You deal with this messenger. Make sure my army is secure. You’ll need them.




Your job is still to stop it. And to stop Jyggalag. You’ve already forced Order’s hand. No stopping now. Some things can’t be stopped. Trust me. I’ve tried.




Cat’s out of the bag on that one, isn’t it? Who puts cats in bags, anyway? Cats hate bags. Soon, I’ll turn into Jyggalag. There’s no stopping it. That doesn’t excuse you from your duties, though. Get to it.


(Talk to the Dark Seducer Messenger)

Dark Seducer Messenger

Your Grace, there is trouble! You must come quickly!


Who are you?

Dark Seducer Messenger

Adeo sent me as a messenger to find you. Pinnacle Rock is under attack, and she needs your assistance at once! The forces of Order have overwhelmed us, and forced us from the stronghold. We must regain control!



Dark Seducer Messenger

She is leading what is left of our forces. She waits for you outside Pinnacle Rock. Please hurry to her before it is too late.


Pinnacle Rock

Dark Seducer Messenger

It is our home, our sanctuary in the Shivering Isles. If we were to lose it… my kind would be doomed.

I need to travel to Pinnacle Rock, and help the Dark Seducers retake their stronghold from the forces of Order.


(Depart from the Palace and head to Pinnacle Rock. Near the Mazken’s stronghold, meet some of them)


Thank you for coming. I apologize for summoning you. The blame is mine. We’ve lost control of Pinnacle Rock. Syl let them in… We had no idea she would turn on us. They captured our commander, Dylora, and have her imprisoned somewhere inside. Our first priority must be rescuing her.


Where is Dylora now?


Syl had called her aside, separating her from the group. She meant to divide our numbers when Order entered, making us easier targets. They imprisoned Dylora somewhere within Pinnacle Rock. If they killed her, she could return to us, so they keep her hostage. If we follow the waters of the Wellspring, we will surely find her.


What kind of opposition is there?


Syl let them in. More than I could count. It was all we could do to fall back and regroup out here. We must free Dylora as soon as possible. She will know what to do.


Right, let’s go.


Forgive me for saying so, Your Grace, but I find taking orders from the Duchess of Mania to be… unsettling. You are the only remaining Duchess, which is a situation quite unprecedented. Normally you would never be permitted to pass within Pinnacle Rock. Given the need for swift action, the normal customs shall need to be overlooked for now. We shall be right behind you, Your Grace.

(Note: If Liann were the Duchess of Dementia, she will meet the Golden Saint Issmi, and will be asked to help the Golden Saint leader, Staada. This is the same Staada who was sent to Morrowind to disturb the priestess of Azura, in order for Sheogorath to win his wager against Azura.)


(Enter Pinnacle Rock, accompanied by the Dark Seducers. Kill every Knights or Order and Priests of Order, eventually reach the cage of Dylora. Talk to her through some gap in the barrier)


You must set me free! The barrier can’t be broken by you. It’s too tough… use the chime! Ring the chime, and that may shatter it!


(Locate the four chimes and ring them. The barrier is shattered)


You have my thanks for freeing me, but… Just who are you?


I am the Duchess of Mania.


My Lady! I am sorry, I did not realize… Where is Syl? Have you seen her? That traitorous coward!


What happened here?


Syl… the snake. She showed up, asked for a contingent of guards. Said there was trouble at the palace, and that we were needed. We were so focused on organizing quickly that by the time we realized she’d let Order in herself, it was too late. We were split up and picked off. But it doesn’t matter anymore. The only thing that matters now is the Wellspring. We must reach it at once!


What Wellspring? What do you mean?


The Wellspring of the Mazken. It’s what links us to this Realm, where we return to the world from the Waters of Oblivion. If Syl helps Order sever that link… my kind will be annihilated. The realm will be lost to us. We must get to the Wellspring and stop them! I will follow your lead. The Wellspring is at the heart of Pinnacle Rock; follow the waters to reach it. I am yours to command, Your Grace.


Tell me more about Pinnacle Rock.


Pinnacle Rock was given to us by our Lord Sheogorath as a sanctuary and place of restoration. It is our home. It is where our numbers are strengthened, and where we return to the realm from the Waters of Oblivion. What else would you ask of me?


Tell me about these Chimes.


They are a key part of the ceremony for restoring fallen comrades. The ringing of the chimes is said to help call the souls back to Pinnacle Rock, guiding them to us, so they may return to our Lord’s service. What else would you ask of me?


Tell me about the Wellspring.


The Wellspring is a cynosure, a place where the Animus of lost Mazken can return to this realm from the Waters of Oblivion. The Darkness is a frightening place, even to us, and so our Lord has given us this beacon, a light to guide us back to Him. What else would you ask of me?




What reason could she have to turn on Lord Sheogorath Himself? She must know that He will find and punish her. We will catch her, and will turn her over ourselves. Her treachery cannot be allowed to stand.


(Go deeper into the heart of Pinnacle Rock, but suddenly the Dark Seducers fall unconscious. Dylora shouts)


No! The Wellspring!… They’ve stopped it up. You… you must make it to the Wellspring, and let the waters flow…

(She falls)

Something has happened to the Wellspring of the Mazken in Pinnacle Rock. I need to proceed on my own to restore it.


(Follow the corridor and arrive at the big area and in the middle a pyramid is formed by the material of Order, blocking the Wellspring of the Mazken)

I’ve located the Wellspring of the Mazken. It’s been covered in Order crystals; I’ll need to destroy them to restore the Wellspring.

(The Knights of Order attack! Slay them all and hit the chimes. The pyramid is shattered, and the Wellspring is restored. Dylora comes with her companions)


The Wellspring is restored! You have saved us. We are forever grateful, your Grace. Please, allow me to teach you this spell, so that you may summon our kind to you in times of need. Also accept this gift of armor. It is the least I can do to show thanks for your help.

Dylora thanked me for helping the Dark Seducers secure their stronghold, and has given me the ability to summon her kind. She has also given me a set of matching armor.


(Learn how to summon Dark Seducer and retrieve a set of Dark Seducer armor)

What about Syl?


No sign of her yet. We’ll do our best to track her down, and deliver her to Lord Sheogorath for a fitting punishment. The traitor must be brought to justice!


What happens now?


Our warriors will scour the halls of Pinnacle Rock, removing any last elements of opposition. Then, we will immediately return to our duties.


Then I shall take my leave.


Indeed. Lord Sheogorath will be anxious to hear of your victory, I am sure.


(Go back to the Sheogorath’s Palace)

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