TES4 Knights of the Nine: The Blessing of Talos

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Sir Thedret

Lord Crusader! The Prophet is here — he’s just arrived! He seemed to know you were coming… told me to wait for you. And here you are! Come. He is preaching to the assembled Knights in the chapel. You should speak to him at once.

The Prophet has arrived at the Priory to see me. My knights have gathered in the Chapel to listen to him preach. I should speak to him immediately.


(Listen to the Prophet’s Sermon )

The Prophet

… and so, nine knights, as the embodiment of the might of the Nine Divines, shall go forth together to face The Unfeathered. And he shall be cast down from on high, his wickedness scattered to the wind. He shall end his days as dust in the void. Go now, knights. Face the beast. Fear not death, for the Nine shall be your shield, and they shall bring you to rest should you fall.


(Talk to Prophet)

The Prophet

You have stepped from the humble shadows of obscurity and into legend. No feat you have accomplished in your life compares to what you have become. You are an embodiment of Pelinal Whitestrake, the bane of Umaril the Unfeathered. The time has come for you to fulfill your destiny. Umaril lies hid in the ancient fane of Garlas Malatar. You must go there and destroy him.


I am ready then?

The Prophet

No. Should you face Umaril, you would suffer the same fate as Pelinal. But times change and even the shape of the divine itself must change with it. Where once there were Eight, now One more stands with them, and they have become Nine.


You mean Talos?

The Prophet

Aye. With the apotheosis of Tiber Septim, the face of the divine was transformed. Talos ascended and the Eight became Nine. So, although you wear the armor of the gods, it is incomplete — a relic of the old ways and the old gods.


How do I destroy Umaril, then?

The Prophet

As a proven guardian of this realm and a warrior the likes of which have not been seen in millenia, Talos grants you his sacred Blessing. With the ancient gifts of the Eight, and the new gift of the One, you are ready to face Umaril.


What does the Blessing do?

The Prophet

It will allow you to follow Umaril into the spirit realm upon his death. It will allow you to destroy him, body and soul, utterly and for all time. You must first kill his living body. While beyond the power of most mortals, this is only the lesser of your two tasks. His Daedric nature allows his spirit to escape into Oblivion after death. This is what Pelinal learned upon defeating Umaril the first time. But you can do what Pelinal could not. The Blessing of Talos will allow you to follow Umaril’s spirit when it leaves his body. This you must do, and you must not fail. You will not, because the Nine fight with you.

Go now and fulfill your destiny. You are ready, and the Nine walk with you.


Sir Knight, allow me to introduce myself. I am Brellin of Silvenar, at your service. I come to offer myself as a knight in service of Auri-El, or Akatosh as he is known in Cyrodiil. I bring nothing but my skill with the blade, which is not inconsiderable, and my devotion to the Lord Auri-El. Will you accept me, as unworthy as I am?


I accept. Welcome to the Order.


I am honored to join the Order under your illustrious command.

I’ve been granted the Blessing of Talos by the Prophet. I am now ready to destroy Umaril. My knights are on their way to Garlas Malatar to prepare for our final assault on his fortress.


(Travel to Garlas Malatar)

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