TES4 Oblivion: Blood of the Divines

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The player speaks with Martin in the great hall. He’s surrounded himself with even more books.


I’ve figured out another item needed for the ritual to open the portal to Camoran’s Paradise. The second item is the counterpart to the first: the blood of a Divine. This was a terrible puzzle to me. Unlike the Daedra Lords, the gods have no artifacts, and do not physically manifest themselves in our world. How then to obtain the blood of a god? But Jauffre solved it. The blood of Tiber Septim himself who became one of the Divines. This is a secret remembered only by the Blades, passed down from one Grandmaster to the next. Jauffre should tell it to you himself.

Martin has deciphered a second item needed for the ritual: the ‘blood of a Divine’. He could not imagine a way to obtain such a thing, until Jauffre suggested a solution: the blood of Tiber Septim, who was once mortal but became a god. I should ask Jauffre how to obtain this blood.


Be sure to speak to Jauffre about the Armor of Tiber Septim. I’ll continue my study of the Mysterium Xarxes.


As instructed, the player goes to talk to Jauffre.


So, Martin wants you to recover the Armor of Tiber Septim? I wish there was another way. The Armor is in the Shrine of Tiber Septim, in the catacombs beneath the ruin of Sancre Tor. A holy place, once. But Sancre Tor became evil long ago. No one has returned from the Shrine of Tiber Septim for many lifetimes.

Jauffre told me that the Armor of Tiber Septim, a holy relic of the Blades, is contained in a shrine in the catacombs of Sancre Tor. It is said to be splashed with Tiber Septim’s blood. Jauffre warned me that the catacombs have become very dangerous, but neither he nor Martin can think of any other way to obtain the blood of a divine.


What evil lurks in Sancre Tor?


I do not know. The catacombs of Sancre Tor were sealed by the first Grandmaster of the Blades. The four mightiest Blades of Tiber Septim’s day. Alain, Valdemar, Rielus, and Casnar, went to Sancre Tor and never returned. Here, this is the key to Sancre Tor’s outer door. I fear I am sending you to your death, but we have no other choice. You must proceed.


Can you tell me about the Armor of Tiber Septim?


An ancient relic of the first Emperor, who became the divine Talos, the patron of our Order. After the Battle of Sancre Tor, Tiber Septim gave his armor to the Blades in honor of our role in his victory. The Blades built a shrine in the catacombs of Sancre Tor, on the spot where Tiber Septim received the blessing of Akatosh. The Armor has been there ever since. Before evil came to Sancre Tor, this shrine was a place of pilgrimage for all Blades. But no one has visited the shrine and lived to tell the tale in centuries.


Stay safe.


The player travels to Sancre Tor. Inside the ruins, they fight a whole lot of skeletons and ghosts until they find a skeleton dressed in the armor of the ancient Blades. They kill it. In its place the Ghost of Rielus appears.

Ghost of Rielus

At long last … you have freed me. Now I can finally complete my lord’s last request.


Who are you?

Ghost of Rielus

I was Rielus, loyal Blade of Emperor Tiber Septim. I do not know how long I have been dead. It feels like an eternity.


What happened to you?

Ghost of Rielus

My three companions and I were sent here by the Emperor Tiber Septim to discover what evil had defiled the holy catacombs of Sancre Tor. We did not know that the Underking, who was Zurin Arctus, had arisen to take his first revenge upon his former lord. The Underking defeated and ensnared us in his evil enchantment, and bound us here to guard forever the defiled Shrine of Tiber Septim.


Is the Underking still here?

Ghost of Rielus

No. He departed long ago. But his evil will remains, preventing any from paying homage at the Shrine of Tiber Septim. Over the uncounted years of our slavery here, we have brooded over our defeat. I believe that we can undo the Underking’s evil magic.


Follow Rielus to the Tomb of the Reman Emperors.

Rielus kneels and waits.

I have destroyed an undead Blade in the catacombs of Sancre Tor. His released spirit told me that he had been bound here long ago with three companions by the Underking to guard the desecrated Shrine of Tiber Septim. He promised to attempt to dispel the curse that the Underking placed on the Shrine.

The player backtracks to find and destroy another undead blade. The Ghost of Casnar apears.

Ghost of Casnar

Have you seen Alain or Valdemar? Rielus fell in the lower chamber. We were separated … the fog blinded us … No … that was the dream. I am awake now. I must fulfill my oath to the Emperor before I can finally rest.

I have destroyed the second of the cursed Blades guarding Sancre Tor, freeing his spirit to help his companions lift the Underking’s enchantment from the Shrine of Tiber Septim. I should continue to search for the other two undead Blades.


Next, the player frees the Ghost of Alain.

Ghost of Alain

Stand aside in the name of Tiber Septim and the Blades! Hinder me at your peril!

I have destroyed the third of the cursed Blades guarding Sancre Tor. I need to find and destroy the last of the cursed Blades, so that his freed spirit can help the ghosts of his companions dispel the evil enchantment blocking the way to the Shrine of Tiber Septim.


Finally, the player locates and releases the Ghost of Valdemar.

Ghost of Valdemar

I know you. You freed me. Free my brothers, if they are still enslaved. Together we will cleanse the Shrine of the Underking’s foul magic.

All of the cursed Blades of Sancre Tor have been destroyed. Their freed spirits have gone to the Shrine of Tiber Septim to try to dispel the enchantment laid upon it by the Underking long ago. I should go to the Shrine at once to see if they succeed in their final quest.

The player follows Valdemar to the Tomb of the Reman Emperors.

The Ghost Blades kneel in unison and remove the curse from the tomb.

The ghosts of the four cursed Blades have dispelled the evil enchantment on the Shrine of Tiber Septim. The way to the Armor is now open.

Take the Armor of Tiber Septim.

Ghost of Valdemar

We have fulfilled our last duty. We go now to Aetherius without shame. Farewell.

The ghosts walk out and disapear. The player moves forward, and finds the Armor of Tiber Septim sitting on a plinth in the final chamber.

I have the Armor of Tiber Septim. Now to take it to Martin at Cloud Ruler Temple.


They return to Cloud Ruler Temple.

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