TES4 Oblivion: Allies for Bruma (Optional)

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Good work. Captain Burd and his guardsmen should be able to handle any additional Gates, at least for now. But the Bruma Guard cannot defend the city indefinitely. The daedra of Oblivion are innumerable: the guardsmen of Bruma are not. We need to gather what allies we can before Bruma is hopelessly besieged. If the Mythic Dawn manages to open a Great Gate here, the city will need a stronger garrison for there to be any hope of defending it. You should speak to the rulers of the other cities of Cyrodiil, as well ass the Elder Council. Ask them to send aid to Bruma before it is too late.

Jauffre is worried that the Bruma Guard will not be able to defend Bruma from a full-scale attack by the Mythic Dawn and their daedric allies. He suggested that I try to obtain support from the other cities of Cyrodiil. Perhaps I can persuade the Elder Council in the Imperial City or the guilds to help as well.


What else can I do to help?


Martin made some progress on the Mysterium Xarxes while you were gone. You should speak to him about it.


Travel to the Imperial City.

Palace Guard

All citizens are welcome in the Imperial Palace, at least on the first two floors. Remember, trespassing in the Imperial Palace is a serious crime. Do not venture beyond the first and second floors.

All visitors to the Imperial Palace are asked to keep their voices down, especially if the Council is in session.

Chancellor Ocato

From the Blades, did you say? Jauffre sent you? What’s this about? Quickly, now.


I’ve come to ask aid for Bruma.

Chancellor Ocato

This is terrible news. Under normal circumstances, I would dispatch a legion or two to Bruma immediately. But the circumstances are not normal, are they? I’ve been pleading for troops for Cyrodiil for weeks, but the generals assure me that the entire Imperial Army is already fully committed. Besides… I’d have a full-scale political crisis on my hands if I tried to pull any troops out of the provinces. I’m sorry, but the cities of Cyrodiil will have to fend for themselves for the time being.

I spoke to Chancellor Ocato, the head of the Elder Council. He was unable to promise any soldiers from the Imperial Legions, since they are all tied down in the provinces fighting the daedric invasion. He suggested I ask the Counts and Countesses of Cyrodiil for help.


What about the Elder Council?

Chancellor Ocato

Don’t worry. The Elder Council can govern the Empire perfectly well until a new heir can be found. Truth be told, most of the Council has returned to the provinces to deal with urgent local matters, but we are in regular communication. But the Inner Council still holds regular meetings. We have the situation well in hand, I assure you.

Ocato sounds skeptical.


Travel to Anvil.

Countess Millona Umbranox

I am Millona Umbranox, Countess of Anvil. I hope you enjoy your visit. I trust you will give us no cause to regret our hospitality to strangers.


I’ve come to ask aid for Bruma.

Countess Millona Umbranox

I would like to send help to Bruma, but I cannot risk weakening Anvil’s defenses with that Oblivion Gate open outside the city.

I spoke to the Countess of Anvil. She said she would be glad to send help, if only her own city wasn’t threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Anvil and then talk to the Countess again.


Close the Oblivion Gate outside of Bravil.

I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Anvil. I should speak to the Countess about sending aid to Bruma now that Anvil is no longer directly threatened.

Return to the Countess.

Countess Millona Umbranox

I’ve heard that you closed the Oblivion Gate outside Anvil. You sure gave those damned daedra what for! It makes us all feel better to have someone like you around. I honor you for your bravery and service to my city. With Anvil safe for the moment, I will send some of my best soldiers to bolster the Bruma garrison.

I spoke to the Countess of Anvil. She promised to send some of her best soldiers to help defend Bruma.


Travel to Bravil.

Count Regulus Terentius

Regulus Terentius, Count Bravil. I’m really rather busy, and I doubt that you have anything to say that I need to hear.


I’ve come to ask aid for Bruma.

Count Regulus Terentius

I wish I could help. I understand the need to help defend the heir to the throne. It is a duty we all share. But with an Oblivion Gate threatening Bravil, I need all my soldiers here.

I spoke to the Count of Bravil. He said he would be glad to send help, if only his own city wasn’t threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Bravil and then talk to the Count again.


Close the Oblivion Gate outside of Bravil.

I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Bravil. I should speak to the Count about sending aid to Bruma now that Bravil is no longer directly threatened.

Return to the Count.

Count Regulus Terentius

Thank you for closing the Oblivion Gate that was threatening Bravil. I will send my guard captain, Viera Lerus, to Bruma’s aid.

I spoke to the Count of Bravil. He promised to send some of his best soldiers to help defend Bruma.


Travel to Cheydinhal.

I’ve come upon an Oblivion Gate dominating the landscape outside the walls of Cheydinhal. A few Cheydinhal guards seem to be patrolling its perimeter. I should approach one of them and see if I can render any assistance.

Lamminus Gregori

I’d advise you to keep your distance from that accursed portal. Count Indarys has ordered us to hold our positions until Farwil returns from inside that accursed Oblivion Gate. Haven’t you heard about these gates to Oblivion opening up all over Tamriel?


Yes, I have.

Lamminus Gregori

Well then, you know what they’re capable of producing. Although, nothing has come through ever since Farwil entered.



Lamminus Gregori

About two days ago, Count Indarys’s son, Farwil, entered the Oblivion Gate with six other men. We haven’t heard from them since then. The Count fears the worst, and has posted guards here so we can watch and see if anyone comes back out. So far, nothing. At this point, Count Indarys is offering a reward for the recovery of his son from inside the gate… or confirmed news of his demise. If you find him or the rest of the Knights of the Thorn, get them out of there. I’m sure that the Count would also be pleased if the gate was closed.

I’ve met Amminus Gregori at an Oblivion Gate that has appeared outside of Cheydinhal. He said that a group of Knights led by the Count of Cheydinhal’s son, Farwil Indarys, went inside to close the Gate. That was almost two days ago. The Count has posted a generous reward for the closing of the Oblivion Gate and information on Farwil’s whereabouts. I should question him to learn more.

Lamminus Gregori

New to these parts, eh? The Knights of the Thorn are a bunch of rabble who fancy themselves true knights. Farwil formed the group around two years ago. They make grand boasts, and talk a good talk, but that’s all they are. The real work goes to us, the City Guard. I hate to speak ill of them, as something horrible may have happened, but their own bravado got them into this mess.


Why is this behavior tolerated?

Lamminus Gregori

It’s tolerated because Farwil is the Count’s son. Plain and simple. He has the power and the coin to put it all together. Most of the time, they lounge around the tavern drinking and making up stories of epic battles with impossible odds that they won. It’s all garbage. They never patrol, they never help fight off the ocassional bandit that slips into the city. Ah well. I’ve said too much already.


What does Farwil look like?

Lamminus Gregori

Farwil is a Dunmer, and he’s wearing steel plate armor. His shield should bear the crest of the Knights. Nothing but the best for the Count’s son.


How many Knights of the Torn are there?

Lamminus Gregori

There are seven of them including Farwil. Even though they’re a nuisance, I still hope they haven’t been hurt… or worse.

Amminus told me that Farwil heads up a group of soldiers calling themselves “The Knights of the Thorn”. This group seems to be a splinter faction of the town guard that maintains a lodge just outside the city. From the Amminus’s snide comments, it doesn’t sound like they’re appreciated.


I’ll go into the Oblivion Gate

Lamminus Gregori

There’s only one way to remove that gate. Venture inside, find the gate’s sigil stone and take it. Once you have it, the gate should be closed. From what I hear, you’ll appear back where you entered, safe and sound. We will remain out here until the gate is either closed, or something emerges from inside. We need to warn Cheydinhal of impending attacks.

Tread carefully; I don’t know what evil lurks within that gate.


Enter the Oblivion gate.

Find Farwil and Bremman.

Bremman Senyan

Ahh… help at last.

Farwil Indarys

It’s about time someone got here. What took you so long?


What happened?

Farwil Indarys

I set out with the rest of the Knights to dispatch this blemish on the face of our fine world. When we arrived, we were overwhelmed. I myself was able to kill perhaps two score of them, but they just kept coming. Only Bremman and I remain alive. However, with you here now, we can take the sigil stone from that citadel and complete our quest for the good of all Cheydinhal! Huzzah!


Let’s get you of here.

Farwil Indarys

Are you mad? A Knight of the Thorn never returns home until the mission is done. It’s our way. Now, in my father’s name as Count Indarys of Cheydinhal, I order you to lead me to that sigil stone! I suggest we use the Reman Sweep Formation. You’ll assault and we’ll guard the rear flank. Onward and upward! Huzzah!

Farwil told me that all of the Knights of the Thorn have been killed except himself and Bremman Senyan. They died trying to get inside the citadel to obtain the Sigil Stone. He’s now ordered me to go into the Citadel and recover the Sigil Stone, and says he’ll not leave this place until that task is done.


You are the Knights of the Thorn?

Farwil Indarys

We are Knights sworn to uphold the laws of Cheydinhal. We fear no being, and we strike fast and true as lightning. Many wish to join our ranks, as we are of the highest echelon. Only a select few may join the finest force ever to grace the lands of Cyrodiil. Until now, we numbered only seven, but attacked like a regiment. Our enemies quake at our approach, and falter at our charge. Huzzah!

Bremman Senyan

Even if Farwil doesn’t say it, we appreciate that you’re here.


He doesn’t seem to be verry gratefull.

Bremman Senyan

Don’t judge Farwil too harshly. Most of what he says is… fabricated. But he’s young, and therefore quite brash and inexperienced. All he wants to do is please his father. I’ve known him since he was a lad, and fighting to defend Cheydinhal is in his heart. I just wish his heart was bigger than his hubris.


What happened?

Bremman Senyan

I’m sure you wish to hear the real story rather than Farwil’s version. Not long after the gate opened, Farwil decided an assault was in order. We charged inside, and promptly met resistance. Three of us were cut down in the first wave. We pressed on, at Farwil’s behest. At the base of the citadel, we met a larger second wave of foes. We lost two more in that skirmish, as well as Farwil and I being wounded badly. It was at this point we considered retreat. We found the way back blocked by more daedra. So we were stuck here until rescued by you. It’s just like Farwil to leap before he looks. Had we brought a City Watch contingent, we might have taken the sigil stone with minimal losses. Instead, Farwil wanted to prove his point. The City Watch and the Knights of the Thorn are always at odds. They think we don’t have what it takes, and Farwil wanted to show them. Perhaps we’re all to blame. But that’s not important right now. We must complete our journey and get that stone. Please help us.


Clear the Sigil Keep.

Bremman Senyan

Strange… with all the lava, you’d think I’d be warm, but all I feel is a bone-chilling cold. Perhaps it’s fear…


Take the Sigil Stone. The world collapses.

Farwil Indarys

We made it!… errr, I mean… victory is ours once again! Huzzah! You’ve done well. I wouldn’t have expected such bravery from someone who isn’t a Knight of the Thorn. Now that this battle between good and evil has been won, and the day is ours, you should go speak with my father. He will reward you greatly for escorting me home and closing the Oblivion Gate. Since you have led us to victory, I am hereby giving you the honorary title of a Knight of the Thorn. Your name shall be revered and your deeds placed into song to be performed by the greatest bards for generations to come. Congratulations!


What is expected of a Knight of the Thorn?

Farwil Indarys

As a Knight of the Thorn, you are now expected to carry this symbol of your knighthood. Carry it proudly and wear it well.

Farwil thanked me in his odd way, and told me to go speak to his father, the Count of Cheydinhal. I should do so. Also, he’s bestowed upon me the “honor” of being a Knight of the Thorn. To humor him, I courteously accepted.


Receive the Knight of the Thorn Medalion.

Bremman Senyan

Thank you for getting me out of that cursed place. The gate has been closed. Finally, thanks to you, the Knights have a real victory on their hands.


Speak with Count Andel Indarys.

Count Andel Indarys

I’m pleased to finally meet the savior of Cheydinhal. I’m also overjoyed that you saved my son’s life. I realize he’s trying at times, and he speaks before he thinks, but he’s still my son, and I adore him greatly. I’m sure he was difficult to travel with, and I respect your patience. Most would have given him up for dead rather than deal with his ego. Anyway, I digress. I’m sure you wish to hear of your reward. I’m in possession of two fine weapons. They’re both heirlooms of the Indarys family, held in the Castle for several generations. I’d take great pleasure in bestowing one of them upon you. Please, choose the Thornblade or the Staff of Indarys.


The Thornblade, please.

Count Andel Indarys

The Thornblade it is. Again, I thank you on behalf of all the citizens of Cheydinhal, and I especially thank you as an elated father. Farewell, and may Arkay guide you.

I’ve spoken to Count Indarys. He was pleased that the Oblivion Gate outside his city was closed, and ecstatic that his son was still alive. To reward my actions, he presented me with a fine sword named Thornblade.


Receive the Thorn Blade

What about the fallen Knights of the Thorn?

Count Andel Indarys

I think if you’d had the chance to speak to any of the knights, they were happy to follow Farwil into battle. I’ll be having a very long talk with my impetuous son. I don’t blame him directly for their deaths, but he must learn to do things the proper way. He must realize he’ll be ruling Cheydinhal one day. That’s a responsibility I aim to make him ready for.


Will you send aid to Bruma?

Count Andel Indarys

I will not forget your service to me and to Cheydinhal. Rescuing my son from the Oblivion Gate was a daring feat. With the Oblivion Gate closed, I can now gladly send aid to Bruma.

I spoke to the Count of Cheydinhal. He promised to send some of his best soldiers to help defend Bruma.


Travel to Chorrol.

Countess Arriana Valga

It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Countess Valga of Chorrol. I wish I had time to chat, but I’m afraid I am in the middle of an investigation.


I’ve come to ask aid for Bruma.

Countess Arriana Valga

While I understand Bruma’s need, Chorrol’s own defense must come first. I cannot spare any soldiers as long as Chorrol remains under threat from the Oblivion Gate outside our walls.

I spoke to the Countess of Chorrol. She said she would be glad to send help, if only her own city wasn’t threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Chorrol and then talk to the Countess again.


Close the Oblivion Gate outside of Chorrol.

I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Chorrol. I should speak to the Countess about sending aid to Bruma now that Chorrol is no longer directly threatened.

Return to the Countess.

Countess Arriana Valga

Your reputation precedes you, Hero of Kvatch! You have done my city a great service by closing the Oblivion Gate. I will now gladly send soldiers to aid in the defense of Bruma. Consider it done.

I spoke to the Countess of Chorrol. She promised to send some of her best soldiers to help defend Bruma.


Travel to Kvatch.

Savlian Matius

A pleasure to speak with you.


I’ve come to ask aid for Bruma.

Savlian Matius

I have few enough men to spare, but you have more than earned our help. I will send what aid I can. Bruma must not share the fate of our city!

Savlian Matius thanked me again for my help in retaking Kvatch, and promised to send whatever troops he could spare to help defend Bruma.


Travel to Leyawiin.

Count Marius Caro

Marius Caro, by grace of the Nine, Count Leyawiin. You are a stranger to me, but well-met. Perhaps you would like to do a service for County Leyawiin?


I’ve come to ask aid for Bruma.

Count Marius Caro

Leyawiin is beset by enemies. The Empire does nothing to help us. Even before this crisis, I did not have enough men to patrol my borders.Now, daedra are pouring out of an Oblivion Gate on our very doorstep! No, I don’t have any men to spare. Bruma will have to look to its own defense.

I spoke to the Count of Leyawiin. He said cannot send aid to Bruma with an Oblivion Gate threatening his own city. I should close the gate outside Leyawiin and then talk to the Count again.


Close the Oblivion Gate outside of Leyawiin.

I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Leyawiin. I should speak to the Count about sending aid to Bruma now that Leyawiin is no longer directly threatened.

Return to the Count.

Count Marius Caro

I hope you’ve been successful?


Yes. I have.

Count Marius Caro

Well, with the Oblivion Gate near Leyawiin closed, I suppose the immediate threat is lessened. I will do as you ask. Let no one say Leyawiin did not do its part to uphold the Empire.

I spoke to the Count of Leyawiin. He promised to send soldiers to help defend Bruma.


Travel to Skingrad.

Mercator Hosidus

The Count will not see you now. Not now, not ever. He sees no one. I’m Mercator Hosidus, his steward. I believe that’s all you need to know.


I’ve come to ask aid for Bruma.

Mercator Hosidus

I believe the Count may want to handle this matter personally. Wait here. I will tell the Count you are waiting to see him.



Count Janus Hassildor

I’m sorry. We’ve not met. I’m Janus Hassildor, Count Skingrad.


I’ve come to ask aid for Bruma.


While Skingrad is threatened by an Oblivion Gate, I cannot spare any soldiers for Bruma. Whatever you may think of me, I still protect my own. This is my city, and Mehrunes Dagon will not have it while I remain Count of Skingrad.

I spoke to the Count of Skingrad. He said he would be glad to send help, if only his own city wasn’t threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Skingrad and then talk to the Count again.


Close the Oblivion Gate outside of Skingrad.

I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Skingrad. I should speak to the Count about sending aid to Bruma now that Skingrad is no longer directly threatened.

Return to the Count.

Count Janus Hassildor

Mehrunes Dagon has no more love for my kind than for my mortal subjects. Less, perhaps, as we make poor slaves. You have helped me by closing the Oblivion Gate near Skingrad. I will likewise help you by sending aid to Bruma.

I spoke to the Count of Skingrad. He promised to send some of his best soldiers to help defend Bruma.


Return to Cloud Ruler Temple.

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