TES4 Oblivion: Bruma Gate

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The player finds Jauffre outside the temple.


I’ve just received word from the Countess of Bruma that an Oblivion Gate has opened outside the city. It seems that the Mythic Dawn are putting their plan to attack Bruma into motion. Since you’ve dealt with these Gates before, I’d like you to help the Countess’s guard close this gate. Once they’ve seen how it’s done, they should be able to handle any new gates on their own.


Where is this Gate?


Captain Burd is waiting for you outside the Bruma city gate. He’ll show you the Oblivion Gate. Although I doubt it will be hard to find.


You should rendezvous with Captain Burd immediately. The sooner that gate is closed the better.

Jauffre told me that an Oblivion Gate has opened near Bruma, and the Countess has asked for the Blades to help her guardsmen close it. I should find Captain Burd outside the city walls and help him close the Gate.


The player travels a short ways south to Bruma. They find Captain Burd with a squard of guards outside the city, behind barricades that oversee an Oblivion gate. Burd approchaes the player.


Thanks for coming. Since we had the Hero of Kvatch available, I didn’t think it made sense to try this on our own the first time. We’re ready when you are. Just say the word and we’ll follow you into that hell-spawned Gate.


Let’s go.


Alright. Give me a minute to talk to the men. Everyone’s a bit jumpy right now.


Alright, boys. Listen up. We’ve got to close that Gate over there. Nobody likes the idea of going into that thing, but it’s our job, and we’re going to do it. If we don’t, Bruma ends up a smoking pile of rubble like what happened at Kvatch. And that’s not going to happen here! Not while I’m Captain of the Guard! Bor, Soren, you’re with me. The rest of you, stay outside and kill anything that comes out of that Gate. Let’s show these bastards how we do things in Bruma!

The soldiers and the player rush forward, fighting off Daedra. When the invaders are defeated, they enter the gate together.

Captain Burd and his men are heading into the Oblivion Gate with me. I need to accompany Burd to the Sigil Stone chamber of the Oblivion Gate and show him how to close it.


This is no place I ever wanted to find myself. I don’t see how we can…No…no, we can do this. We have to do this. We have no choice. I’m glad you’re here. WE wouldn’t have a chance otherwise. What’s our next move?


Follow me.


We’ll follow your lead.


They proceed through the realm, clear the Sigil Keep, and kill the Sigil Keeper.

I’ve reached the Sigil Stone. Now I need to bring Captain Burd here and show him how to close an Oblivion Gate.

The player takes the stone and the realm collapses. When vision fades back up, the player and the guards are back outside of Bruma.


It was an honor to serve with you, ma’am. Now that I’ve seen how it’s done, I think my guardsmen and I can handle any new Gates that open near Bruma.

Bruma Guard

You did it, Captain! You closed the Oblivion Gate! We didn’t think we’d ever see you alive again!


Believe me, it was no picnic. But thanks to our friend here, I now know we can close these hell-gates. We can defend Bruma!

Bruma Guard

We really taught those bastards a lesson, didn’t we sir?


Facing the player.

It was an honor to serve with you, ma’am. Now that I’ve seen how it’s done, I think my guardsmen and I can handle any new Gates that open near Bruma.

Thanks for your help closing that Gate. Don’t worry, we can handle anything else they throw at us.

Captain Burd thanked me for my help, and said that he and his guardsmen will do their best to close any new Oblivion Gates that open near Bruma. I should report my success to Jauffre.


They return to Cloud Ruler Temple to report their progress.

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