TES5 Skyrim: Dragonslayer

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Felldir the Old

Alduin escaped us long ago. Today we take our well-tempered revenge.

Hakon One-Eye

For a hundred lifetimes my heart has burned for revenge on Alduin too long delayed.

Gormlaith Golden-Hilt

The endless wait gives way to battle! Alduin’s doom, his death or ours!

(to me, as I pass his station at the helm of the Whalebone Bridge)


The eyes of Shor are upon you this day. Defeat Alduin, and destroy his soul-snare.

(I join the heroes at the edge of Alduin’s mist)

Felldir the Old

We cannot fight the foe in this mist!

Gormlaith Golden-Hilt

Clear Skies – combine our Shouts!

All of us, together


(the fog dissipates. But Alduin’s Shout echoes through the valley in response)


Ven Mul Riik!

(the fog oppresses us once more)

Gormlaith Golden-Hilt



We can shatter his power if we Shout together!

All of us, together


(we blast the fog away)


Ven Mul Riik!

(again, the fog returns)

Hakon One-Eye

Does his strength have no end? Is our struggle in vain?

Gormlaith Golden-Hilt

Stand fast! His strength is failing! Once more, and his might will be broken!

Felldir the Old

His power crumbles – do not pause for breath!

All of us, together


(the fog dissipates for the final time. Alduin, enraged, appears. We bring battle against the World-Eater for the final time)

Gormlaith Golden-Hilt

The endless wait gives way to battle! Alduin’s doom, his death or ours!

Felldir the Old

Use Dragonrend, to drag him down!

Hakon One-Eye

Stand fast! The fell worm’s death is ours at last, the light returns!

Gormlaith Golden-Hilt

(I use Dragonrend on Alduin, bringing him down from the sky)


Pahlok joorre! Hin kah fen kos bonaar.

Stormcloak Soldier

For Skyrim! For Shor! For Sovngarde’s freedom!

Felldir the Old

Die, World-Eater, in despair and fear!


Dovahkiin, hin kah fen kos bonaar.

Felldir the Old

Today you die, your doom has come!

(I bring Alduin down from the skies again with Dragonrend)


Dovahkiin, you should not have come here. Nu hin sil dii.

Hakon One-Eye

Nowhere to hide! Hunter becomes our prey!

Down with you, damned worm!


Zu’u Alduin, zok sahrot do naan ko Lein.

Hakon One-Eye

Your doom has come, damned worm!

Down with you, damned worm!

(I use Dragonrend once more on Alduin. It’s all he can take. Tethers of blue and orange light begin to tug at Alduin from the sky. He cries out)


Zu’u unslaad! Zu’u nis oblaan!

(Alduin’s scales begins to crack with fissures all about his body. Then, they shatter, scattering golden scales everywhere. His exposed spirit is black as oil, but it too falls away, leaving Alduin a pure golden dragon. He rears back, roaring, but the now golden light from the sky pulls him ever upward. In mere moments, he is gone completely: neither bone nor scale remains. We have beaten him!)


This was a mighty deed! The doom of Alduin encompassed at last, and cleansed is Sovngarde of his evil snare.

They will sing of this battle in Shor’s hall forever. But your fate lies elsewhere.

When you have completed your count of days, I may welcome you again, with glad friendship, and bid you join the blessed feasting.

(The Nord heroes are hailing me. I speak to each in turn for my farewell)

The ancient Nord heroes, together

All hail the Dragonborn! Hail him with great praise!

Hakon One-Eye

I’ll look for you, friend, when at last you return to Shor’s hall. The honor will be ours when you rejoin the ranks of Sovngarde.

Felldir the Old

Our ancient debt for Alduin’s reprieve is now repaid – the long night is ended!

Gormlaith Golden-Hilt

Even here, where heroes throng, few can match this mighty deed. What glory! The gods themselves must envy us this well-earned honor!

(I return to Tsun)

When you are ready to rejoin the living, just bid me so, and I will send you back.


I’m ready to return to Tamriel.


Return now to Nirn, with this rich boon from Shor, my lord: a Shout to bring a hero from Sovngarde in your hour of need.

(I learn the Call of Valor Shout from Tsun. Then, he sends me back to the mortal realm with a tremendous Shout)



(with a flash of light, I find myself back at the peak of the Throat of the World. Paarthurnax is there, but so is an entire host of dragons. They all seem to have been waiting for me. As each cries out, they take to the skies, roaring and circling the great mountain)

Dragon 1

Alduin mahlaan!

Dragon 2

Sahrot thur qahnaraan.

Dragon 3

Dovahkiin los ok dovahkriid.

Dragon 4

Thu’umii los nahlot.

Dragon 5

Mu los vomir.

(As the dragons fly off, Paarthurnax turns to me)


So, it is done. Alduin dilon. The Eldest is no more, he who came before all others, and has always been.


You don’t sound very happy about it.


Happy? No, I am not happy. Zeymahi lost ont du’ul Bormahu. Alduin was once the crown of our father Akatosh’s creation.

You did what was necessary. Alduin had flown far from the path of right action in his pahlok – the arrogance of his power.

But I cannot celebrate his fall. Zu’u tiiraaz ahst ok mah. He was my brother once. This world will never be the same.


The world is a better place without Alduin.


Perhaps. At least it will continue to exist. Grik los lein.

And, as you told me once, the next world will have to take care of itself. Ful nii los. Even I cannot see past Time’s ending.

But I forget myself. So los mid fahdon. Melancholy is an easy trap for a dovah to fall into.

You have won a mighty victory. Sahrot krongrah – one that will echo through all the ages of this world for those who have eyes to see.

Savor your triumph, Dovahkiin. This is not the last of what you will write upon the currents of Time.

Goraan! I feel younger than I have in many an age.

(Paarthurnax joins his brethren in the sky)

Many of the dovahhe are now scattered across Keizaal. Without Alduin’s lordship, they may yet bow to the vahzen… rightness of my Thu’um.

But willing or no, they will hear it! Fare thee well, Dovahkiin!

(and with that final word, Paarthurnax leaves me to fly the skies above Tamriel. But another dragon approaches and lands in front of me)


Pruzah wundunne wah Wuth Gein. I wish the old one luck in his… quest.

But I doubt many will wish to exchange Alduin’s lorship for the tyranny of Paarthurnax’s “Way of the Voice”.

As for myself, you’ve proven your mastery twice over. Thuri, Dovahkiin. I gladly acknowledge the power of your Thu’um.

Zu’u Odahviing. Call me when you have need, and I will come if I can.


(Odahviing takes off, leaving me alone at the peak of the Throat of the World. I step out on a ledge, looking down over the rest of Skyrim far below. I’ve come a long way since I first set foot in Skyrim. It is a province beset by misfortune and trials beyond the wherewithal of your average mortal. Alduin is gone, and the world is saved, but Skyrim still needs me. I return to High Hrothgar, where I find Arngeir in the council room with the other Greybeards)


I can see it in your eyes – you’ve seen the land of the gods and returned.

Does this mean… it is done? Is Alduin truly defeated?


I hope so. But I don’t know if Alduin can ever be completely destroyed.


Perhaps, perhaps not. Dragons are not like normal mortal creatures, and Alduin is unique even among dragonkind.

He may be permitted to return at the end of time to fulfill his destiny as the World-Eater.

But that is for the gods to decide. You have done your part.

You’ve shown yourself mighty, both in Voice and deed. In order to defeat Alduin, you’ve gained a mastery of dreadful weapons.

Now it is up to you to decide what to do with your power and skill.

Will you be a hero whose name is remembered in song throughout the ages?

Or will your name be a curse to future generations?

Or will you merely fade from history, unremembered?

Let the Way of the Voice be your guide, and the path of wisdom will be clear to you. Breath and focus, Dragonborn. Your future lies before you.


(bidding farewell to Arngeir and the Greybeards, I leave High Hrothgar and begin heading down its legendary Seven Thousand Steps to Skyrim below. I’ve seen my fate and lived to tell the tale. Now, the rest is up to me. There is still so much to do!)

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