TES3 Bloodmoon: Weapon Smuggling

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Captain Falx Carius

:Fort business:
“As I’ve told you, not all of my soldiers here are trustworthy. Many were sent to this Fort in lieu of Ebonheart’s dungeons. Now, I fear that a criminal element has shown itself at Fort Frostmoth. I believe that there are weapons being smuggled out of here and sold on Vvardenfell.”

:weapons being smuggled:
“I’ve noticed the store of weapons in the armory has been decreasing, and I know there is no official reason for it. My only guess is that someone is smuggling them off Solstheim to be sold on Vvardenfell. I want you to uncover this smuggling ring, and I will provide you with a bit of help.”

:bit of help:
“I would like you to work with one of my soldiers on this case. There are two available to you, and they are two of the best here at Fort Frostmoth: Saenus Lusius and Gaea Artoria. You’ll find Lusius in the General Quarters, and Artoria in the General Quarters, Upper Level. Speak with them and decide which will be your companion. When you have unearthed the smuggling ring, report to me. I leave how you deal with the smugglers to your discretion.”

:Gaea Artoria:
“She is one of my most loyal soldiers, and one of my most powerful. I have never seen her bested in combat, and her skill with weapons is legendary here at the fort. Should you encounter any resistance with these smugglers, Artoria would be a valuable ally to have.”

:Saenus Lusius:
“Lusius knows more about the daily activities here at the Fort than any other soldier in my command. While not our strongest fighter, he more than makes up for it with his savvy. He may be the best suited to ferret out the smuggling ring.”

Faern Sargtlin

(decide that companion would be Saenus Lusius)
(find Saenus Lusius)

Saenus Lusius

“Captain Carius mentioned that you might come to speak with me. How may I assist you?”

:assist you:
“Ah yes, this smuggling ring. Captain Carius mentioned something about that. I would be glad to help. Though I’m admittedly not the most handy with my blade, I believe I can help guide you through this conundrum.”

Faern Sargtlin

“I would like you to work with me.”

Saenus Lusius

:assist you:
“Excellent. Gaea Artoria will have to perform the other tasks that Captain Carius had for me today, but no matter. Let us find these scoundrels!”

:weapons being smuggled:
“I suggest we speak with some of the soldiers here at the fort. A motley bunch, to be sure, but some of them are fair soldiers. I’ve developed quite a rapport with a few, in fact. Why don’t we begin by speaking with Zeno Faustus. He’s an interesting character. We’ll find him in the Armory.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go with Saenus Lusius to the Armory)

Zeno Faustus

“Terrible stuff happening here. But…I’ve got business to attend to. What do you need?”

:weapons being smuggled:
“Smuggling? Well, if you’re with Lusius, I guess I can tell you what I’ve heard. Check out the Gandrung Caverns, a bit northeast of the fort. I’ve heard a couple of the soldiers talk about the place. They mentioned weapons that were stashed there. Look, you didn’t hear it from me, though. I’ll deny it.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go out of the fort and manage to find Gandrung Caverns)
(enter the caverns)


Faern Sargtlin

(manage the way in to the end of the caverns and meet Gualtierus Spurius)

Gualtierus Spurius

“Wait! Look, I don’t want any trouble. I heard you were working with Saenus Lusius, and everyone at the fort knows that Lusius is a reasonable man, so maybe we can make a deal.”

:make a deal:
“I’ll get off the island. Leave the weapons behind. You just let me go peacefully and don’t cause any trouble with Carius, and I’m gone. And, look, I’ll give you this nice axe as a little bonus for keeping this quiet. Carius will never miss me, and I’ll just disappear. Ask Lusius about it. He’ll give you good advice.”

Saenus Lusius

“He wants to make a deal with you, does he?”

:make a deal:
“Interesting. Well, I suppose you could let him go. I know Spurius, and while he wasn’t the best soldier, he wasn’t the worst, either. And I know he has a family to feed back home. Still, he has stolen from the Legion, and his crimes are punishable by death. I’m afraid the decision is yours, my friend. Whatever you decide, I will support it.”

Gualtierus Spurius

:make a deal:
“As I said, you let me walk, and no one ever sees me again. The weapons stay here. And, I’ll give you this axe. I think it’s pretty valuable. What do you say, Faern Sargtlin?”

Faern Sargtlin

“You can go. Don’t come back.”

Gualtierus Spurius

:make a deal:
“Sounds good. You won’t regret this. I’ll be gone as soon as possible. Here, take this. I found it while doing a bit of traveling here on the island. Had a friend of mine throw a little enchantment on it as well. And, hey, take whatever you want from this stash. I’m sure nothing will be missed. Our secret…just between us.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive Nordic Axe of Paralysis)
(get out of Gandrung Caverns and go back to Fort Frostmoth)


Faern Sargtlin

(arrive and find that Fort Frostmoth has been attacked)
(some parts of the fort are destroyed)

Saenus Lusius

“Wait! Something here is amiss. The fort has been attacked while we were gone. We must find Captain Carius immediately!”

Imperial Guard

“The fort…the creatures. It’s horrible. And, the Captain, I haven’t seen him…. Find Artoria…she may know what to do.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Captain’s chamber and find that the Captain is not in the room)
(find Gaea Artoria)

Gaea Artoria

“He’s gone! Those creatures took him during the battle. Someone has got to find the Captain!”

:find the Captain:
“There was an attack…some kind of wolf creatures. I don’t know exactly how it all happened. We were outmanned, but the soldiers fought valiantly, especially the Cap’n. When it was over, he was gone. I didn’t see him go down, so I assume he was alive. My guess is that those savages from the Nord village have something to do with this. You need to find him, Faern Sargtlin.”

Saenus Lusius

“From what Artoria has told us, the course is clear. You must travel to the Nord village and see what they know about the attack.”

:find the Captain:
“You must find Carius. And the Nord village would be a good place to begin looking.”

:Nord village:
“It is on the northeastern tip of Solstheim. These Skaal are nature-worshippers, and they seem to have a special commune with the creatures of this island. If anyone knows what attacked the fort, it will be these Nords. I will mark their location on your map. I would like you to earn their trust and find out what you can. You may have to remain with them for many days, but I believe you are up to the task. Here, take this–it was found in one of their tombs. Perhaps they will take it as a sign of good faith.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive Skull of a Skaal Warrior)

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