TES4 Knights of the Nine: The Priory of the Nine – Run the Gauntlet

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Sir Amiel’s Journal – Excerpt

Now it is time for me to depart on my quest for the Helm. If you would follow in my footsteps, Sir Knight, know that the Priory basement, at least, will remain inviolate. I have sealed the stairs and only my ring will now open it. My brother knights will sleep in peace, in company with the Cuirass, the only Relic that remains in the Order’s keeping. I say that, although the Order is officially dissolved, hoping and believing that the Knights of the Nine will one day be reborn. Perhaps you are the one to restore the Order. If so, go to the Priory in the West Weald. Use my ring to enter the vaults beneath the Priory House. There you will find the Cuirass, and claim it for your own if you are a true knight.

May the Nine guard and guide you. Farewell.


(Travel to the Priory of the Nine)

Sir Amiel

By the strength and guidance of the Nine, who comes before us upon this sacred ground seeking the Cuirass of the Divine Crusader? Step forward, adventurer, and face us each in honorable combat. For the vows we failed to revere in life, we shall uphold in death. No unworthy soul shall lay hands upon this sacred artifact without the leave of the Knights of the Nine.

The ghosts of the former Knights of the Nine have appeared and blocked my path to the Cuirass of the Crusader. They will not let me pass until I best each of them in single combat.


(Face Sir Casimir)

Sir Amiel

Impressive. You have bested Sir Casimir. Now, face Sir Ralvas.


(Face Sir Ralvas)

Sir Amiel

Sir Ralvas, you have fallen. Step back and let the challenge continue. Sir Henrik, come forward and prove yourself.


(Face Sir Henrik)

Sir Amiel

You have overcome half of us and yet you remain standing. Perhaps Sir Caius shall test your true mettle.


(Face Sir Caius)

Sir Amiel

You show a fury of faith that I have not seen in centuries. But now you face Sir Juncan.


(Face Sir Juncan)

Sir Amiel

You have lost, Sir Juncan. Sir Torolf, show the challenger the ferocity of the North.


(Face Sir Torolf)

Sir Amiel

You have stood against the Knights of the Nine and lived. However, the final test is upon you. Ready yourself, Sir Knight, and face me.


(Face Sir Amiel)

Sir Amiel

Sir Knight, in three hundred years none have stood against us and lived. Step forward and claim what is yours by right. May your faith be true.


(Take the Cuirass of the Crusader)

I’ve recovered the Cuirass of the Crusader. I should talk to the ghosts of the former Knights of the Nine to see if they can aid me in my quest for the remaining Crusader’s Relics.

Sir Amiel

By the Nine, I’ve not seen such strength. Could you be… no. You cannot. You are simply a noble knight.


I have found the Helmet of the Crusader.

Sir Amiel

You completed the quest that I could not. I am glad that my death at least served to lead you here, as I had hoped.


Who are the Knights of the Nine?

Sir Amiel

The original order of the Nine was founded with the intention of safekeeping the Crusader’s Relics. In life, we failed at this task. In death, we seek to preserve what little we accomplished while we wait for one to come and finish what we began.


What happened to Sir Berich?

Sir Amiel

One of the mightiest knights of my day. It was a great boost to the Order’s prestige when he joined. Unfortunately, he and I did not see eye to eye on certain matters. He left the Order during the War of the Red Diamond, and never returned.


(Talk to the other knights)

Sir Caius

How may this humbled shade serve you?


Can you tell me what happend to Sir Berich?

Sir Caius

Alas that my old comrade is not among us here. We do not know why his spirit did not join us here to guard our last Relic. We were estranged in life, but I had hoped that in death we could be reconciled. For my part, I now know that I am largely to blame for the ruin of the old Order. Sir Amiel takes too much upon himself. I will say no more.

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