TES4 Knights of the Nine: The Priory of the Nine – Nature’s Fury

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Sir Juncan

I wish to see you succeed where I failed. I was on the path to the Boots of the Crusader, but died before I reached them.


Please, tell me more.

Sir Juncan

I cannot tell you exactly how to find the Boots, for that will be up to Kynareth. I can tell you to seek out her Priests, though. West of the Imperial City, on the edge of the Great Forest, is a shrine. You will find them there, and they will tell you what you need to know.

I have been instructed to find the Shrine to Kynareth in Cyrodiil’s Great Forest, and speak with the Priests there about the Boots of the Crusader.


(Travel to the Shrine of Kynareth)

Avita Vesnia

What brings you to the Altar of Kynareth, my child?


This is the Altar of Kynareth?

Avita Vesnia

You have been in the Chapel of Kynareth from the moment you stepped outdoors. Have you not felt her presence? We gather here to pay tribute to all of the blessings she bestows upon us.


Tell me of the Boots of the Crusader.

Avita Vesnia

You would seek the holy relic Kynareth has bestowed upon the world? Then you must prove yourself worthy.


Test? What test?

Avita Vesnia

I cannot say what it will be, for I do not know. Kynareth herself will decide in what manner you shall be tested. All I can do is direct you to the Grove of Trials, and remind you to heed Kynareth’s teachings: fear and respect Nature and all Her Creations.

In order to be granted the Boots of the Crusader, I must travel to a sacred grove in the Great Forest and be tested by Kynareth.


So I should respect Nature?

Avita Vesnia

Indeed. Nature itself is Kynareth’s domain, all its creatures are her wards. You would do well to remember this when it comes time for your test.


Very well. I shall take this test.

Avita Vesnia

Then proceed directly to the Grove, as your test has begun. Kynareth may choose to guard you along the way; that is up to her. Good luck.


(Travel to the Grove)

(Endure attack by bear)

(Grotto opens)

A bear attacked me in the sacred grove, but I made no attempts to fight back. A cave has been revealed, and it would seem the Boots of the Crusader are waiting inside.


(Take the Boots of the Crusader)

I’ve completed Sir Juncan’s quest by recovering the Boots of the Crusader. I should talk to the other ghost Knights for help in recovering the remaining Relics.

(Travel to the Priory of the Nine)

Avita Vesnia

We meet again. I am here to join your Order, having received a divine vision from Kynareth herself. I have been shown that to protect all Kynareth’s creations, I must take up your cause and be willing to lay down my life for you.


I accept. Welcome to the Order.

Avita Vesnia

Thank you. I shall serve the Order to the best of my ability. I must change into something that suits a knight. Please, excuse me.


I have found the Boots of the Crusader.

Avita Vesnia

You have passed Kynareth’s test. I am pleased to see that you have them. It is said that the wearer has the blessing of Kynareth upon him, and will not come to harm from creatures of the forest.

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