TES3 Morrowind: Kill Vivec (Alternative Path)

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Faern Sargtlin

(kill Vivec)
(retrieve Unique Dwemer Artifact from Vivec’s body)
(retrieve “Vivec’s Plan” and “Dagoth Ur’s Plans“)
(go talk with Yagrum Bagarn in Tel Fyr)


Yagrum Bagarn

“I have nothing. Go away. Leave me in peace… but… wait. What is that you have there? Is that what I think it is? That unique dwemer artifact you have?”

:unique dwemer artifact:
“Do you know what this is? This is Wraithguard, an enchanted device created ages ago by my former master, High Craftlord Kagrenac, a long-dead Dwemer mage-smith. I believe it is one of the tools he created to forge mythopoeic enchantments. I was one of Lord Kagrenac’s Master Crafters, and though I didn’t work on this project, I knew of it from my fellow mage-smiths.”

:mythopoeic enchantments:
“I’m not sure I can explain. In his search for the secrets of immortality, Kagrenac sought to control supernatural forces that you might call ‘divine’. This artifact — called ‘Wraithguard — was one of the tools that he created for this purpose. Some believed his tampering with such forces was profane, and terribly dangerous. You know the Dwemer disappeared? His use of these tools may have been responsible.”

Faern Sargtlin

“I don’t think this artifact is working. Can you restore the artifact?”

Yagrum Bagarn

:mythopoeic enchantments:
“I’m not sure. Let me see. [Examines the artifact.] No. I don’t think so. Not without Kagrenac’s Planbook and Kagrenac’s Journals. But, if the originals still exist, and I could study them, then, yes, perhaps I could restore the artifact. Whether I should or would, on the other hand, that is a different matter.”

Faern Sargtlin

Show him ‘Vivec’s Plan’ and ‘Dagoth Ur’s Plans’.

Yagrum Bagarn

:mythopoeic enchantments:
[Reads ‘Vivec’s Plan’ and ‘Dagoth Ur’s Plans’.] “I see. Dagoth Ur’s use of the enchantments on the Heart of Lorkhan presents a great danger. And you need this artifact — Wraithguard — to destroy those enchantments, and Dagoth Ur. This is a good cause. If you can find Kagrenac’s Planbook and Kagrenac’s Journals and bring them to me, I will do my best to restore Wraithguard to its proper functions.”

:Kagrenac’s Planbook:
“Kagrenac carefully planned all his projects in advance. His planbook will have all his original designs. I don’t know where the planbook might be. I am fairly sure it hasn’t been discovered, or Divayth Fyr would have heard, and would have told me. That suggests it remains to be discovered in some Dwemer ruin here on Vvardenfell.”

:Kagrenac’s Journals:
“Kagrenac recorded every step in his manufacture and testing of enchanted items. His journals will record any modifications or enhancements made to his original designs. I don’t know where the journals might be. I am fairly sure they haven’t been discovered, or Divayth Fyr would have heard, and would have told me. That suggests they remain to be discovered in some Dwemer ruin here on Vvardenfell.”

Faern Sargtlin


Faern Sargtlin

(loot his Amulet of Heartthrum and retrieve “Kagrenac’s Planbook“)
(go to Endusal inside the Ghostfence)


Dagoth Endus

“I greet you, Faern Sargtlin. Or Nerevar. Or whoever you are. I’m Dagoth Endus, brother of Dagoth Ur, and lord of Citadel Endusal. Would you like a little ancient Dagoth brandy?”

:Dagoth brandy:
“It is a rare nectar beyond compare, distilled ages before your ancestor’s ancestors. And a fitting toast to our challenge. Would you like to sample it?”

Faern Sargtlin

“Yes, give me some.”

Dagoth Endus

:Dagoth brandy:
“Then I drink to your health. Bottoms up….”

Faern Sargtlin
Dagoth Endus

:Dagoth brandy:
“Whenever you’re ready, then? You’re the challenger, and I am your host. So honor demands that you deliver the first blow.”

Faern Sargtlin

(loot his Amulet of Heartrime and retrieve “Kagrenac’s Journal“)
(go back to Tel Fyr)


Yagrum Bagarn

“If you have really brought me Kagrenac’s Planbook and Kagrenac’s Journals, I can at least try to restore the mythopoeic enchantments on Wraithguard.”

:mythopoeic enchantments:
“You’ve found Kagrenac’s Journals and Kagrenac’s Planbook! Good. I’ll take them and study them. It shouldn’t take long. Give me a day, then come back, and I think I can restore Wraithguard’s mythopoeic enchantments.”

Faern Sargtlin
Yagrum Bagarn

“I have learned all I can from Kagrenac’s Planbook and Kagrenac’s Journals. Now, if you’re still willing, I’ll try to restore the mythopoeic enchantments on Wraithguard.”

:mythopoeic enchantments:
“I’ve studied Kagrenac’s Planbook and Journals. I know what to do. The artifact simply must be harmonized with your personal magicka signature. However, the process is dangerous. You will certainly be injured. I am not sure you will survive the process. There is no risk now, while I harmonize the artifact with your magicka, but when you first equip Wraithguard, you should fortify your health as much as possible. Are you ready for me to activate Wraithguard and harmonize it to your magicka signature?”

Faern Sargtlin

“Please activate Wraithguard.”

Yagrum Bagarn

:mythopoeic enchantments:
“Very well.” [Yagrum Bagarn takes the unique Dwemer artifact, and performs a series of manipulations. He then returns it.] “Now, the first time you equip Wraithguard, you will experience a terrible shock. If you are in perfect health, and you have fortified your health as much as possible, I believe you will survive. But you MUST fortify your health as much as possible beforehand. Afterwards, Wraithguard should be working as designed, and everything will be fine.”

“If you are in perfect health, and you have fortified your health as much as possible, there is a very good chance you will survive the first time you equip Wraithguard. And thereafter, Wraithguard will work as designed.”

Faern Sargtlin

(equip it, and lose a great deal of health, permanently)

Yagrum Bagarn

“I see you have equipped Wraithguard. I wish you luck with it.”

:mythopoeic enchantments:
“You have equipped Wraithguard and lived to tell about it. Congratulations.”

Faern Sargtlin


Dagoth Odros

“Well, Faern Sargtlin. Have you come to serve? Or to challenge my station? Or to try to win Keening?”

:to serve:
“Many mortals serve their gods. Few are so fortunate to be invited to share their divine power with them. Lord Dagoth makes you a generous offer, Faern Sargtlin. Join him, and you can share the divine, eternal power of Lorkhan’s heart. So far, all your struggles, your battling, your destructiveness… all these things might be understood as improving your bargaining position. Come now, we hold you no bitterness. You cannot truly harm us. We can afford to forgive.”

:challenge my station:
“You think to climb higher in Brother Dagoth’s eyes by defeating me? Well, then, you might rise at that. None of us Heartwights can die. The power of the Heart will bring us all back in time. But, yes, you might win Lord Dagoth’s favor by defeating his lieutenants. No hard feelings, Faern Sargtlin. I lose, I lose my rank. You lose, you lose all. You’re playing for high stakes, Faern Sargtlin. Are you sure you want to play? Surely, there is no dishonor for a mortal to serve a god?”

“It is well hidden. Faern Sargtlin. Even if I should fall, you’ll never find it. But if you choose to serve, perhaps Lord Dagoth might even consent to grant you the use of it. Surely, by coming so far, you have drawn his discerning eye, and earned his favor. Be reasonable, Faern Sargtlin. Why risk blood and life for that which might be won by words and service?”

Faern Sargtlin

(loot his Amulet of Heartfire and retrieve Keening)
(go to Vemynal inside the Ghostfence)


Dagoth Vemyn

“What? You want to talk? You want to surrender? To boast? To talk me to death?”

“Don’t bother. You surrender, I’ll kill you. You want to go home, fine. I won’t touch you. But you lay a hand on me, and we fight until you’re dead.”

“Don’t bother. You’re not scaring anyone, you know. Just makes you look nervous. Come on. I’m waiting for you to make the first move. You’re the challenger.”

:talk me to death:
“I’m one of the oldest things to ever have slipped from a womb, Faern Sargtlin, but I’ve never heard of anyone talked to death. Of course, there’s always a first time. And I was brought up properly. I know it’s not polite to interrupt. So you just go ahead. Talk all you want. And when you’re done, go home. Or take your best shot. It’s all the same to me.”

Faern Sargtlin

(loot his Amulet of Heartheal and retrieve Sunder)
(go to kill Dagoth Ur)

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