TES4 Shivering Isles: New Sheoth

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(Find the way to New Sheoth and enter the city. Enter the Palace Courtyard. Talk to a Golden Saint Guard)

Golden Saint Guard

Speak quickly.


Ask about “Shivering Isles”

Golden Saint Guard

The domain of the Prince of Madness, Sheogorath. We Aureal are tasked with defending this realm against the lesser beings that would destroy it.


Ask about “Sheogorath”

Golden Saint Guard

Sheogorath rules the Shivering Isles. We, the Aureal, are His favored soldiers, the most perfect expression of His might.


Ask about “New Sheoth”

Golden Saint Guard

New Sheoth is the capital of the Shivering Isles. We Aureal guard Bliss, the Manic district of the city.


(Talk to a Dark Seducer Guard)

Dark Seducer Guard

Madgod’s blessings.


Ask about “Shivering Isles”

Dark Seducer Guard

The Shivering Isles are a reflection of our Lord Sheogorath. Divided, yet perfect.


Ask about “Sheogorath”

Dark Seducer Guard

Sheogorath is our Lord, ruler of the Shivering Isles. It is by his whim that the Mazken walk, and we serve our Master to the death.


Ask about “New Sheoth”

Dark Seducer Guard

The Mazken guard Crucible in New Sheoth. We ensure the Demented remain orderly and respectful of our Lord Sheogorath.


(Enter the Sheogorath’s Palace)


Well, look who’s here! You! How about that?

A new arrival! A shame about my Gatekeeper. I’m so happy, I could just tear out your intestines and strangle you with them. I suppose an introduction is in order. I’m Sheogorath, Prince of Madness. And other things. I’m not talking about them. You’ve probably figured that out by now. Let’s hope so. Or we’re in real trouble… and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them! But, perhaps now’s not the time. You’ve made it this far. Farther than anyone else. Well done! Take this trinket of mine. Perhaps it will serve you well. Or look lovely on your corpse.


(Receive Charity of Madness)

What do you want?


I’ve been waiting for you, or someone like you, or someone other than you, for some time. I need a champion, and you’ve got the job. Time to save the Realm! Rescue the damsel! Slay the beast! Or die trying. Your help is required. A change is coming. Everything changes. Even Daedric Princes. Especially Daedric Princes.




Daedra are the embodiment of change. Change and permanency. I’m no different, except in the ways that I am. The Greymarch is coming. And you’re going to stop it.




The details aren’t important. At least not right now. Eternity is on a rather tight deadline. We’ll get back to that later.


What now?


Now? You run an errand for me. An important one. Of course, anything I tell you to do is important. My Realm, my rules. You’re going to Xedilian, one of my favorite spots in the Isles. It’s a little place I use to take care of unwanted visitors. And some are more unwanted than others.


Why Xedilian?


The Gatekeeper takes care of most of the unwanted, but he’s dead. We’ll have to remedy that soon, as well…. Anyway… there are those that have other ways into my Realm, and they’re on the move. We don’t want them here. Trust me. So, you’re going to get Xedilian up and running. Here’s a little book to tell you how, and the Attenuator of Judgement. You’ll need that, too. Of course, you can always get more details from Haskill. He’s a detail-oriented type of person. A big help. And a snappy dresser. Now, get going. Before I change my mind. Or my mind changes me.


(Receive Manual of Xedilian and the Attenuator of Judgment)

Ask about “Greymarch”


Really, no need to trouble yourself with the details of that now. It would just cloud your little mind. What is important is getting to Xedilian. Quickly. Before I get bored. You wouldn’t like me when I’m bored.

I’ve been given the Manual of Xedilian and a strange device called an Attenuator of Judgment by Sheogorath. I’ve been directed to proceed to Xedilian, and to return the place to working order. I should either read the Manual or speak to Sheogorath’s Chamberlain, Haskill, to familiarize myself with the strange dungeon.


Ask about “New Sheoth”


Ah… New Sheoth. My home away from places that aren’t my home. The current location is much better than some of the prior ones. Don’t you think?


Ask about “Shivering Isles”


The Isles, the Isles. A wonderful place! Except when it’s horrible. Then it’s horribly wonderful. Good for a visit. Or for an eternity.


Ask about “Xedilian”


A little busy here! I’m trying to decide what to have for dinner. Oh, how I love eating. One of my favorite things to do. Talk to Haskill if you need more information. He’s got more brains than a brain pie. Oh… Brain pie! Perfect! Care to donate?

You can go now. Run along. Scoot!


(Talk to Haskill.)


The Madgod has given you a task. Surely, someone of your copious talent should be able to handle it.


Ask about “Xedilian”


Yes, quite an amazing place really. Wonderful for relieving one’s tension as you watch those troublesome adventurers suffer… no offence. I’d say your next move is to head to Xedilian and get it reactivated.




Yes? Ah… silly me. The book has no pictures. Can’t really expect you to read that, now can I? To reactivate Xedilian for my Lord’s pleasure, you’ll need to find three Focus Crystals and return them to their resting place. Each crystal has a matching receptacle called a Judgment Nexus. Even you can’t miss them. Without the crystals in place, the Resonator of Judgment, Xedilian’s power source, cannot be restored.

I’ve learned that in order to restore Xedilian, I must activate the Resonator of Judgment. To do so, I will need to find three Focus Crystals and place them each in a Judgment Nexus, which will prepare the Resonator for attunement. I should proceed to Xedilian now and begin my search.


(Go to Xedilian)

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