TES4 Shivering Isles: A Door in Niben Bay

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(Arrive at the strange doorway and meet a Bravil guard and a confused Khajiit)

Gaius Prentus

Stay back. Isn’t safe here. I’d stay back from that door if I were you. Nothing that’s gone in has come out right.


What happened to them?

Gaius Prentus

Look for yourself! Their brains are addled. Got no sense! Perfectly normal people went in there. And this is what’s come out.

A guard, Gaius Prentus, has approached me. He tells me that the people here have all returned from inside this strange gate, and all are now mad.


I’m going in.

Gaius Prentus

Ha! It’s your funeral. I’m just here to warn people, not keep them out. Go ahead in. I’ll be here to clean up the mess when you come out.


(See a confused dunmer walks out of the doorway)

Gaius Prentus

Another loony from that door!

Belmyne Dreleth

I won’t go back. I won’t go back! You can’t make me go back! I’ll kill you all! You’re all going to die!

(He attacks)

Gaius Prentus

Stay back! This one’s violent!

(Gaius Prentus confronts him, and kills him)

Strange Voice

Unworthy, unworthy, unworthy! Useless mortal meat. Walking bag of dung!

Gaius Prentus

Did you hear that? Did you? Voices from nowhere, madmen… where does it end? How did I get this posting?

Strange Voice

A nice effort, though. A shame he’s dead. These things happen.

Gaius Prentus

Voices from nowhere. I don’t get paid enough.

Strange Voice

Bring me a champion! Rend the flesh of my foes! A mortal champion to wade through the entrails of my enemies!

Really, do come in. It’s lovely in the Isles right now. Perfect time for a visit.


(Enter the door. It leads to a strange closed room with a man, sitting and waiting for something)


Yes. What can I do for you? I imagine you’re here about the door?


Ask about “Strange Door”


Yes. You have entered and now you are here. Amazing. Truly.


Who are you?


I am Haskill, Chamberlain to the Lord Sheogorath.

I have entered the gate and been greeted by a man named Haskill. He tells me that he is the Chamberlain of Sheogorath.


What is this place?


You approach the Shivering Isles. Through the door behind me lies the realm of Sheogorath, Prince of Madness, Lord of the Never-There.


Why did that door appear in Cyrodiil?


Because my Lord wills it to be so. It poses no danger to Mundus; no compact has been violated. It is a doorway, an invitation. Perhaps you will accept it for what it is.


What do you want with me?


For you? I do not know. My Lord seeks a mortal to act as His Champion. As for His intent… to attempt to fathom it is a foolish endeavor. His will is His own; His reality follows suit. You are here because you chose to enter; you were not summoned.


And the people outside?


They entered this Realm, and were ill prepared. Their minds are now the property of my Lord.


How can they be cured?


Cured? You speak as if they are diseased. They live now in another state of being. Perhaps it is you who needs a cure.


What happens now?


You do as you will. You may leave the way you entered. Your life will be none the worse for your time spent here. Or, you may continue onward, through the door behind me. If you can pass the Gates of Madness, perhaps the Lord Sheogorath will find a use for you.


And if I go through the door?


Who is to say? There are always choices to be made. The Realm of Madness is no different in that regard. Your choices are your own. Enter or do not, but make your decision. I’ve other duties to which I must attend. Speak with me again when you have made up your mind. The anticipation is almost too much to bear.

Haskill has told me that his Lord Sheogorath is searching for a mortal to become his champion. I should speak again with Haskill when I have made my decision.


(Decided to enter the realm)

I have decided to attempt to become Sheogorath’s champion. In order to meet Sheogorath, I must first pass through the Gates of Madness, guarded by the Gatekeeper.


Well? Have you made up your mind? The tension is almost palpable.


I’ll do it.


Fine. I’m sure my Lord will be most pleased, assuming you ever manage to see Him. You’ll want to pass through the Gates of Madness. Oh, and mind the Gatekeeper. He dislikes strangers to the Realm. Enjoy your stay.

(He stands, and disappears. The room bursts into thousands of butterflies, the room is no more and Liann stands in the middle of a strange realm)

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