TES4 Knights of the Nine: The Priory of the Nine – The Faithful Squire

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Sir knight! Thank Arkay you’re back. I have terrible news. Sir Roderic… I think he’s dead.


What happened?


At first things were going well. He prayed at all the shrines, and received a vision. A disturbing vision. “The shade of Sir Berich spoke to me, ” was all he said. “We must put him to rest.” We travelled back and forth across Colovia. He was always asking about an old noble family, the Vlindrels. Finally, he found what he was looking for. We went to Underpall Cave, and there… he fell.


I’m sure he died well.


He did. I owe him my life. He faced the evil wraith of Lord Vlindrel, and told me to run. And… I did. I know I should have stayed with him. Perhaps together we could have destroyed that evil thing.


What was Sir Roderic looking for?


He said that Sir Berich’s tomb was in Underpall Cave — which is no cave, but some kind of buried keep. He had learned that Sir Berich had once been a questing knight, like us. He had found the Greaves and Sword of the Crusader, but then turned to evil. Sir Roderic hoped to find the Relics within Sir Berich’s tomb. And he did. But we also found a terrible guardian — the wraith of Lord Vlindrel — Sir Berich.


You know where the Relics are?


Yes, my lady. And I brought you… Sir Roderic shouted for me to take them… the Greaves. The holy Relic. They’re yours.

(Accept the Greaves of the Crusader)


And the Sword? What happened to it?


The wraith. It used it against Sir Roderic. I don’t know how that evil thing could use the holy weapon, but it did. It screamed as it struck…


Take it easy. You’re safe now.


I’m sorry. I’ve already failed Sir Roderic once. I don’t want to fail him again. I remember he said something about the Sword, before we… trying to get a grip on himself. He was worried that the Sword may have been turned to evil. That it may have to be reconsecrated on the altar of its creator, the divine Arkay. That’s all I remember. I hope it may help you.


You did well, Lathon.


Thank you, sir knight. I would ask a boon, if I could, although I know I do not deserve it.


Rise, Sir Lathon.


Thank you! I mean, thank you, Sir Knight. I will not fail you. Give me a moment to arm myself and I will accompany you to Underpall Cave to destroy the foul wraith.

Lathon, the young squire of Sir Roderic, arrived at the Priory with a tragic tale. It seems that his master perished while attempting to defeat the dreadful undead guardian of the Sword of the Crusader. Lathon was able to escape with the Greaves of the Crusader, which he surrendered to me. I have made him a Knight, and asked him to accompany me to Underpall Cave where Sir Roderic fell. We will avenge his former master and reclaim the Sword of the Crusader for the Nine.


(Go to the Chapel Undercroft)

Sir Amiel

It seems that he fell further into evil than even I had feared. I have no doubt that it all began on the day that he left the Order with the Sword and Greaves. Sir Caius tried to stop him. They fought, and Sir Berich slew Sir Caius with the holy Sword, on the Priory steps. That was the end of the old Order. Many of Sir Berich’s friends left with him. I tried to hold the rest together, but it was no use. If you destroy the wraith that Sir Berich has become, you will be doing him a service. You must free him from the evil that has ensnared him.

Sir Caius

Alas that the evil begun on the day of my death should have struck so deep! When Sir Berich said he would take his Relics with him to war, and would not listen to Sir Amiel’s pleas, I allowed my anger to get the best of me. Know that I was the one who drew weapon first against Sir Berich. He merely defended himself, and proved the better swordsman. And now, because of me… evil has claimed his very soul.

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