TES4 Oblivion: Spies

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The player goes to talk to Jauffre.


I hope Martin knows what he’s doing with that evil book. I fear for what I could do to him if he’s not careful.


I heard something about spies.


Ah, yes. I hope you can help. The gate guards have reported seeing strangers on the road for the past several nights. I cannot leave Cloud Ruler undefended while my men search the whole mountainside, but these spies must be eliminated.


I will find these spies.


Thank you. Talk to Steffan. He can tell you where he has seen them. Captain Burd in Bruma may also be able to help I’ve asked the Countess to have the guard keep an eye out for strangers. Track down the spies and kill them. Find out what they know, and what they’re planning, if possible.


I’m counting on you to eliminate those spies. We can’t afford to let the Mythic Dawn operate out of Bruma with impunity.

Jauffre told me that strangers have been sighted near Cloud Ruler Temple. He suspects they are Mythic Dawn spies based out of Bruma. He suggested that Captain Burd of the Bruma Guard might know of any strangers in town. Steffan of the Blades can tell me where he has seen the suspected spies.


What can I do for you, sir?


What can you tell me about the spies?


We always see them near the runestone at dusk. They aren’t too woodcrafty, but Grandmaster Jauffre has forbidden us to range too far from the walls. But it seems that you have been given the freedom to attack the enemy that we all crave! Good luck. We will keep the Emperor safe here, don’t worry.

Steffan told me that the suspicious strangers have been seen on the road to Cloud Ruler Temple, usually near the runestone at dusk.


They go to the Hestra Rune Stone and wait. As the sun is setting, they notice a bright flash of light and two cultists attack. The player kills them. One of them, a wood elf named Jearl, carries a set of keys.


I’m Captain Burd, commander of the Bruma Guard.


What can you tell me about the spies?


Except for Jearl coming back from a trip down south, things are pretty quiet. Not much travel right now with the Oblivion Crisis. I’ve told my men to keep a sharp eye out, but I’ve had no reports of any strangers in town. What about you? Turned up anything suspicious?


Jearl was a Mythic Dawn agent.


God’s blood! So she was the spy? It seems there’s no one you can trust these days. Since you’re working with Cloud Ruler Temple, I’m going to authorize you to search Jearl’s house. I’ll pass the word to my men. We won’t interfere.


I trust that you’ll handle things… appropriately. The less I know about it, the better.


Take care.


They head to Jearl’s house. Inside, they find a trap door to the basement. Downstairs is a note with the Mythic Dawn plans.

I found a document in Jearl’s basement that reveals the enemy’s plans. I should show this document to Jauffre immediately.

The player returns to Cloud Ruler Temple.


What have you learned about the spies?


They show Jauffre Jearl’s orders.


Excellent work. I knew I could count on you. The gods did not idly choose you as their agent, whatever you may think. But it is clear that Mankar Camoran will soon bring all his power to bear against Bruma. I will warn the Countess of the danger. You should speak to Martin. I believe he has made some progress with the Mysterium Xarxes.

Jauffre was pleased that I eliminated the spies in Bruma, but is worried that the Mythic Dawn have already learned that Martin is at Cloud Ruler Temple. He promised to warn the Countess that Bruma is in grave danger.

They go see Martin.


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