TES4 Oblivion: The Path of the Dawn

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Inside the grand hall, the player speaks to Martin.


Not much of a speech, was it? Didn’t seem to bother them, though. The Blades saluting me and hailing me as Martin Septim…I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I know I would be dead by now if it weren’t for you. Thank you. But everyone expects me to suddenly know what to do. How to behave. They want an Emperor to tell them what to do. And I haven’t the faintest idea…


We need to get the Amulet back.


Of course. The Amulet of Kings. So we…I…can take it to the Temple of the One and light the Dragonfires. And stop the Oblivion invasion.


And you will be the Emperor.


The Emperor…that’s an idea that will take some getting used to. In any case, we need the Amulet first. Maybe Jauffre will know where to start.


Can you tell me about the Amulet of Kings?


All practitioners of daedric magic are familiar with the almost impenetrable barrier between our world and Oblivion. What the Emperor told you implies that the Amulet is the key to the preservation of that barrier. What I saw at Kvatch…everything I know about daedric magic says that such stable portals are impossible. Yet those gates to Oblivion existed. The old rules no longer apply. Kvatch is only the beginning of what Mehrunes Dagon will do. If the Amulet is truly the key to restoring the barriers between our world and Oblivion, you must waster no time in recovering it.


Can you tell about the Daedric magic?


I haven’t always been a priest. In my youth, I followed a different path. I know more than I want to about the seductive power of daedric magic. Let’s just leave it at that.


Can you tell about the Oblivion Gate?


Something has changed to make these stable portals to Oblivion possible. Jauffre believes that the death of the Emperor and the darkening of the Dragonfires is the key.

Don’t worry about me, my friend. I know I’m in good hands here.

Martin leaves.

I should speak to Jauffre about how to recover the Amulet from the enemy.


You have proven yourself a loyal servant of the Empire, as worthy as any of the Blades to stand by Martin’s side during this crisis. As the Grandmaster of the Blades, I would be honored to accept you into our order. Will you join us?


What are my duties as a Blade?


The Blades are sworn to the service of the Emperor, as the mortal representative of the Dragon Blood of the divine Talos.


Yes, I will join the Blades.


It is my honor to welcome you into our ranks as a Knight Brother of the Blades.


Shouldn’t we try to find the Amulet of Kings?


You’re right. We must try to recover the Amulet before the enemy takes it out of our reach. You should go back to the Imperial City. Baurus may have learned something about the assassins. You’ll find Baurus at Luther Broad’s Boarding House in the Elven Gardens district of the Imperial City. The Amulet of Kings is the key to everything now. Once we have it back. Martin can use it to light the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One, and reseal the barriers between Oblivion and our world.

Jauffre wants me to contact Baurus at Luther Broad’s Boarding House in the Imperial City. The enemy has the Amulet of Kings, and Baurus may have the leads we need to get it back.


Can you tell me about the Cloud Ruler Temple?


This place was built by Reman Cyrodiil’s Akaviri Dragonguard, at the founding of the Second Empire. Since then, it has served the Blades as a headquarters, fortress, and sanctuary. We can protect Martin here until you recover the Amulet of Kings.


Can you tell me about the Blades?


This fortress is well-supplied with arms and armor. Use what you need from the armory in the east wing.

May Talos guide you, my friend.


The player takes a full set of arms and armor from the armory. As they are about to head out, they overhear a conversation between Martin and a blade named Baragon.


My lord… I would speak with you.


“My lord”? That isn’t necessary. I’m just a man. Just a citizen of the Empire, trying to do his duty. Just like you.


Of course, sire. I just wanted to let you know you’re safe here, sir. Cloud Ruler is secure, and the Blades stand ready.


Thank you for your kind words. I never knew my father, but he must have been proud to call the Blades his protectors. I know I am.


If I may be so bold… you are the true Dragonborn, sir, there’s no one here that doubts it. Any one of us would gladly die so that you may live.


Well, my friend, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, hmm? We’ll get through this together… as brothers.


My heart is lighter thanks to your words. You’ve given me kinship, and that is worth more than a thousand swords. Until later, friend.


The player heads south to the Imperial City to meet Baurus at Luther Broad’s Boarding House. They head inside and see Baurus sitting at the counter.


Sit down. Don’t say anything. Just do what I say.


They do as they’re told, and sit next to the Blade.


Listen. I’m going to get up in a minute and walk out of here. That guy in the corner behind me will follow me. You follow him.


I’m ready when you are.


Good. Remember, wait for him to follow me. I want to see what he’ll do.

Baurus gets up and goes into the basement. The other man follows.


The player follows Baurus and the mysterious stranger into the basement. Once they’re far enough inside, the man reveals himself to be a Mythic Dawn assassin. Baurus and the player defeat him together.


Search his body. I’ll keep an eye out, in case any of his friends are nearby.


On the assassin’s body is a copy of the Mythic Dawn Commentaries. The player pockets it.


Good work. I am glad to see you, by the way. You just caught me at a bad time.


What have you learned?


The assassins who killed the Emperor were part of a daedric cult known as the Mythic Dawn. Apparently worship the Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon. I’ve been tracking their agents in the Imperial City. I guess they noticed.


The enemy has the Amulet.


What? They took it from Jauffre? Things are worse than I had thought.


I found Uriel’s heir.


Thank Talos he lives! Martin Septim, you say…We will restore him to the throne! It is the sworn duty of all Blades.


What’s our next move?


There’s a scholar at the Arcane University. Tar-Meena’s her name. Supposed to be an expert on daedric cults. Why don’t you take that book to her, see what she makes of it. I’ll keep running down leads on the Mythic Dawn network. If you learn anything, you can find me at Luther Broad’s. May Talos guide you.


Can you tell me about Tar-Meena?


Like I said, she’s one of the brains over at the Arcane University. Supposed to know everything there is to know about daedric cults.


I hope you learn something from Tar-Meena about that book. This just might be the break we need.

Baurus has learned that the enemy is a secret cult of Mehrunes Dagon worshippers known as the Mythic Dawn. He will continue to track down agents in the Imperial City. I should talk to Tar-Meena at the Arcane University, an expert in daedric cults. She may be able to tell me more about how to find the Mythic Dawn.


The player arrives at the Arcane University and finds Tar-Meena in the main room with several other scholars.


Ah. You must be the one I got the message about. How can I help you?


Can you tell me about the Mythic Dawn?


You know of them? One of the most secretive of all the daedric cults. Not much is known about them. They follow the teachings of Mankar Camoran, whom they call the Master. A shadowy figure in his own right.


I found one of their books.


Ah yes. “Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes,” wonderful! You have a scholarly interest in daedric cults, then?


I need to find the Mythic Dawn.


Find them, eh? I won’t poke my nose any further. Official business and all that. I’m used to working with the Blades, don’t worry. Say no more. In any case, finding them won’t be easy. I’ve studied Mankar Camoran’s writings a bit myself, at least those that I could find. It is clear from the text that Mankar Camoran’s “Commentaries” come in four volumes, but I’ve only ever seen the first two books. I believe that his writings contain hidden clues to the location of the Mythic Dawn’s secret shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. Those who unlock this hidden path have proven themselves worthy to join the ranks of the Mythic Dawn cult. Finding the shrines is the first test. If you want to find them, you’ll need all four volumes of the “Commentaries.”

Tar-Meena told me that Mankar Camoran is the leader of the Mythic Dawn. Tar-Meena believes that the location of their secret shrine is hidden within Mankar Camoran’s books about the Mysterium Xarxes. If I want to locate the Mythic Dawn, I must find and decipher the clues in all four volumes.


Where can I find these books?


Here, you can have the library’s copy of Volume 2. Treat it gently, if you please! As I’ve said, I’ve never even seen the third and fourth volumes. You should try First Edition, over in the Market District. Phintias, the proprietor, caters to specialist collectors. He may have an idea of where to locate these books.

Tar-Meena gave me the second of Mankar Camoran’s books about the Mysterium Xarxes, but said that she has never seen Mankar Camoran’s third and fourth books on the Mysterium Xarxes. She suggested that I speak to Phintias, the prioprietor of the First Edition bookstore in the Market District.


Can you tell me about Mankar Camoran?


The supposed leader of the Mythic Dawn cult, He wrote the infamous “Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes.” The “Commentaries” are contemporary with Tiber Septim, over 400 years ago. So he is unlikely to still be alive, although you never know.


Can you tell me about the Mysterium Xarxes?


The holy book of the Mythic Dawn. Supposedly written by Mehrunes Dagon himself. If it exists, it would be an artifact of great – and evil – power.


Can you tell me about the Mythic Dawn?


They worship the daedra lord Mehrunes Dagon, according to the teachings of their leader, Mankar Camoran. No one knows how widespread the cult is, or where their shrine to Mehrunes Dagon is located.


It was so nice chatting we you. Be sure to let me know how your hunt for the Mythic Dawn turns out.


Head to the First Edition book shop in the Market District.


I’m Phintias, owner and proprietor of the First Edition. Look around. If I don’t have it, maybe I can get it.


Do you have any copies of the Mysterium Xarxes?


You must be referring to Mankar Camoran’s “Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes,” A common mistake. It comes in four volumes. The first two volumes are rare, but you may run across them from time to time. The third and fourth are impossible to find.


I need volumes three and four.


I happen to have a copy of Volume Three on hand, but I’m afraid it is a…special order. Already paid for by another customer. Sorry. Gwinas would be terribly disappointed if it was gone when he came to pick it up. So sorry I can’t help you.


Can you tell me about the Commentaries, Volume Four?


I wish I had one, but I’ve never even seen a copy.


Can you tell me about the Commentaries, Three?


I’m afraid I couldn’t sell it to you for any price. I’ve already promised it to someone else, and my word is my bond.


The player praises and bribes Phintias until his disposition is sufficiently raised.


I’d like to help you, but the cost…I would have to try to obtain another copy for Gwinas, not to mention his disappointment if he found out…


The player can raise Phintias’ disposition even futher, making him friendly enough to sell the player the book. Gwinas is upset if this happens, but the information the player receives remains the same.

Can you tell me about the Gwinas?


I don’t know him personally, but he was very eager to get his hands on Volume 3 of Camoran’s “Commentaries.” Came all the way from Valenwood! As a matter of fact, he’s already late for his appointment to pick up the book. Feel free to wait for him if you want to speak to him yourself.

Phintias, the bookseller at First Edition, has told me that he has a copy of Volume 3 of Mankar Camoran’s “Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes” locked away. He is holding it for a client named Gwinas who has already paid for it. I need to get that book, and find out why Gwinas wanted it.


The player waits a bit and Gwinas enters.

I’m here for my book, Mankar Camoran’s “Commentaries,” Volume Three.


Ah, of course. Here you go. Keep us in mind for any future needs!


Ah, thank you, thank you! I can’t tell you how long I’ve been looking for this book.


Approach Gwinas before he leaves.


What do you want?


I need your copy of the “Commentaries,” Volume Three.


Have you been following me? Leave me alone! That book is mine!


Tell me about the Mythic Dawn cult.


The Mythic Dawn? Are you…I mean, I don’t know what you’re talking about! I don’t know anything about any cult.


Don’t play stupid.


Very well. I can see you’re familiar with Mankar Camoran’s “Commentaries.” I know that daedric cults are not quite the thing socially, but that’s just foolish prejudice and superstition. For the adventurous, open-minded thinker, daedric worship holds many rewards.


They killed the Emperor, you fool!


What?! The Mythic Dawn were the ones…? You have to believe me! I truly had no idea. I mean, I knew they were a daedric cult. Mankar Camoran’s views on Mehrunes Dagon are fascinating, revolutionary even…But to murder the Emperor…Mara preserve us!


You’d better give me that book.


Yes. Of course! I don’t want anyone to think I had anything to do with their insane plots! Here. Volume 3 is yours. What you do with it is your business.


I need the fourth book as well.


You can only get Volume 4 directly from a member of the Mythic Dawn. I had set up a meeting with the Sponsor, as he called himself. Here, take this note they gave me. It tells you where to go. I don’t want anything else to do with the Mythic Dawn.


The Bosmer hands them the Mythic Dawn’s Note to Gwinas.

Gwinas told me that Volume 4, the last book I need, can only be given to you by a member of the Mythic Dawn. He had set up a meeting with one, whom he called “The Sponsor”. He was to go alone and sit at the table in the Sunken Sewer beneath the Imperial City. I will go and take that meeting instead, but should find Baurus first.


The player heads back to Luther Broad’s Boarding House to speak to Baurus.


You’re not easy to get a hold of. What have you found out?


Do you have anything else to tell me about the Mythic Dawn?


They’ll pay for the murder of the Emperor. Now that we know who they are, it’s only a matter of time.


I’m going to go meet with a Sponsor of the Mythic Dawn.


This just might be the break we’ve been looking for! Good work. We need to get that fourth book, then. If Tar-Meena is right, we can use these books to locate the Mythic Dawn’s hidden shrine. Let’s go. I know that part of the sewers well.


Can you tell me about the sewers?


The sewers run underneath the whole Imperial City. There are access points in every district. The Blades have occasion to use them in our undercover work, as well as a means to move around the city without attracting attention.


Follow me. I know how to get to the part of the sewers where we need to meet the Sponsor.

I must follow Baurus to the Sunken Sewer beneath the Elven Gardens District and obtain Volume 4 of Mankar Camoran’s “Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes”. One of us will need to meet “The Sponsor” alone to get the book.


They head a short way up the street, then jump down a manhole and into the sewers. After a long treck and many dead rats, mudcrabs, and goblins, they arrive at the meetingplace.


Alright. The room with the table is just through this door. I always wondered who put it there. I happen to know that if you go up the stairs there, you can get a vantage point on the meeting room. I think I’d better be the one to handle the meeting. You’ll be my backup. Keep watch from above in case of trouble.


Alright. I’ll cover you.


Good. Remember, we must not leave here without the book. It’s our best chance of finding the Amulet.


I’m ready when you are.


Listen. I may not survive this. But if I don’t, you must. You must recover the book and find the Amulet of Kings.


I understand. We’ll do it — together.


I’m glad to have you at my back. Okay. Let’s do this.


While Baurus enters through the main door, the player goes up the stairs and hides.


A short time later, Raven Camoran enters.

So. You want to become one of the Chosen of Mehrunes Dagon. The Path of Dawn is difficult. But the rewards are great. I have the book you seek. With it and the Master’s three other books you will possess the key to enlightenment. But do you have the wit and strength to use the key that you have been given? If so, I will see you next at Dagon’s Shrine. Yes, I think you may…

Two Mythic Dawn agents bearing torches aproach.

Mythic Dawn Agent

There is some else here!


I told you to come alone! Brothers, kill them!


Baurus and the player kill Raven Camoran and the other cultists.


That could have gone smoother. Can’t say I minded killing a few more of these bastards, though. Get the book and let’s get out of here.


Acquire volume four of Mankar Commentaries from Raven’s corpse.


Now that you have all four books, you should be able to handle things from here. I’m going to Cloud Ruler Temple. My place is at Martin’s side.


I’ll see you back at Cloud Ruler Temple.

I have the fourth and last volume of Mankar Camoran’s writings on the Mysterium Xarxes. I can now piece together the clues within them to find the Mythic Dawn’s secret shrine. Maybe Tar-Meena can help.


Books in hand, the player heads to the Imperial University.




Can you tell me anything else about the Mythic Dawn?


To find their secret shrine to Mehrunes Dagon, you’ll need to study the four volumes of Mankar Camoran’s “Commentaries.” It is a fairly common practice of these kinds of esoteric cults to put hidden messages within their sacred writings. In effect, simply by finding their way to the shrine, prospective members have already passed the first test on the road to “enlightenment.” You’ve piqued my curiosity about this puzzle. I will think on it myself and let you know if I have any ideas. Check back with me tomorrow after I’ve given this matter some thought.

Tar-Meena says that Mankar Camoran hid a message within his writings, so only the “enlightened ones” could join him and the Mythic Dawn. I should study these books some more.


Wait a day.


I turned up copies of the first two volumes from my colleagues, and I spent a little time rereading them. Mankar Camoran certainly is a fascinating writer. Undoubtedly insane, but fascinating. Ah, but more to the point, it appears to me that the first words of each paragraph may be significant. A message may be hidden there. I’ll continue to study the problem. Come by tomorrow if you like. I may think of something else.

Tar-Meena thinks using the first word of each paragraph in the books may reveal a message. I need to keep looking and see where this leads.


You wait another day.


Yes, I have them right here.


Excellent. Let’s see…yes! The first letter of each paragraph spells out a message! Write this down: “Green Emperor Way Where Tower Touches Midday Sun.” Are you familiar with Green Emperor Way? The gardens around the Imperial Palace. Something must be revealed there at noon! How exciting!

Tar-Meena has discovered the message in the books: “Green Emperor Way Where Tower Touches Midday Sun”. I should go to Green Emperor Way by the Imperial Tower and see what can be found.


I’ve half a mind to go down to Green Emperor Way myself and see what’s there … Well, good luck! I hope you find what you’re looking for.


The player visits the Green Emperor Way — a park and cemetery surrounding the While-Gold Tower. If exploring in the morning or the evening, they see nothing unusual. But if they visit at midday, a strange map appears on the mosaleum of Prince Camarril.

I have followed the clues hidden in the four volumes written by Mankar Camoran to a gravestone in Green Emperor Way. At noon, a map of Cyrodiil appeared on the gravestone, with the location of the Mythic Dawn’s shrine marked on it. I need to find my way into the shrine and locate the Amulet of Kings.

The player travels to the location marked on the map.

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