House Redoran Registry

Author: Anonymous
Released In:

— Commendation: Sergeant Irileth, for actions beyond the call of duty during the recent Daedra intrusion at Kwama Mine B-37.

— Important Note: The Nords have sent a representative from their Cultural Exchange to facilitate fellowship and understanding between our people. Please provide Ambassador Rigurt every possible courtesy in this endeavor, no matter how odd his behavior may seem.

— The following members of the House Guard have completed officer training: Freya, Dorthasi, Rivame, and Baryon.

— Lena Dalvel, recent graduate of the Shad Astula Academy, has been assigned to the Redoran Investigation Commission. She’s bright and talented and will make a great addition to our intelligence-gathering organization. We should be wary of her wild tales of exploding shadow clucks, however, just as a precaution.

— Exile: For conduct unbecoming of a Redoran officer and noble, by order of the Redoran High Council, Captain Ulran Releth has been stripped of his rank and exiled from House Redoran and Tribunal territory.

— Brivan Malrom has been promoted to captain of our western forces in light of the recent dismissal of Ulran Releth.

— Ashlander Incidents: Incidents continue to mount concerning Ashlander unrest among the tribes occupying the wilderness beyond Balmora. Captain Brivan has hired the mercenary band known as Ferhara’s Warclaws to assist the Redoran military as necessary.

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