TES5 Skyrim: Alduin’s Bane

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(With the Elder Scroll in hand, I return to Paarthurnax at the Throat of the World)


You have it. The Kel – the Elder Scroll. Tiid kreh… qalos. Time shudders at its touch.

There is no question. You are doom-driven. Kogaan Akatosh. The very bones of the earth are at your disposal.

Go then. Fulfill your destiny. Take the Scroll to the Time Wound.

Do not delay. Alduin will be coming. He cannot miss the signs.

(I approach the Time Wound. Taking the Elder Scroll out of my bag, I unroll it in front of me. Its strange markings and star signs burn themselves onto my vision. A bright light overtakes me, and I am transported back to the moment the Time Wound was made, looking upon the world as if through a thin veil: able to see and hear but not act)


Gormlaith! We’re running out of time! The battle…


Daar sul thur se Alduin vokrii. Today Alduin’s lordship will be restored.

But I honor your courage. Krif voth ahkrin. Die now, in vain.


For Skyrim!

(Hakon battles the beast until Gormlaith comes to his aid, hoping atop the dragon’s head for a devastating final blow)


Know that Gormlaith sent you down to death!

Hakon! A glorious day, is it not!


Have you no thought beyond the blooding of your blade?


What else is there?


The battle below goes ill. If Alduin does not rise to our challenge, I fear all may be lost.


You worry too much, brother. Victory will be ours.


(to Felldir)

Why does Alduin hold back? We’ve staked everything on this plan of yours, old man.


He will come. He cannot ignore our defiance. And why should he fear us, even now?


We’ve bloodied him well. Four of his kin have fallen to my blade alone this day.


But none have yet stood against Alduin himself. Galthor, Sorri, Birkir…


They did not have Dragonrend. Once we bring him down, I promise I will have his head.


You do not understand. Alduin cannot be slain like a lesser dragon. He is beyond our strength.

Which is why I brought the Elder Scroll.


Felldir! We agreed not to use it!


I never agreed. And if you are right, I will not need it.


No. We will deal with Alduin ourselves, here and now.


We shall see soon enough. Alduin approaches!


So be it.


Meyye! Tahrodiis aanne! Him hinde pah liiv! Zu’u hin daan!


Let those that watch from Sovngarde envy us this day!

The Tongues, together



Nivahriin joorre! What have you done? What twisted Words have you created?! Tahrodiis Paarthurnax! My teeth to his neck!

But first… dir ko maar.

You will die in terror, knowing your final fate…

To feed my power when I come for you in Sovngarde!


If I die today, it will not be in terror.

You feel fear for the first time, worm. I see it in your eyes.




Skyrim will be free!

(Alduin kills Gormlaith, tossing her corpse away)


No, damn you!

It’s no use! Use the Scroll, Felldir! Now!



(Felldir retreats from the melee as Hakon holds Alduin off. He pulls out an Elder Scroll)


Hold, Alduin on the Wing! Sister Hawk, grant us your sacred breath to make this contract heard!

Begone, World-Eater! By words with older bones than your own we break your perch on this age and send you out!

You are banished! Alduin, we shout you out from all our endings unto the last!


Faal Kel…?! Nikriinne…


You are banished!


It worked… you did it…


Yes, the World-Eater is gone… may the spirits have mercy on our souls.

(and with that, in a blinding flash of light, I am transported back to my own time. It appears someone is already waiting for me)


Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor. My belly is full of the souls of your fellow mortals, Dovahkiin.

Die now and await your fate in Sovngarde!


Lost funt. You are too late, Alduin!

Dovahkiin! Use Dragonrend, if you know it!

Unslaad hokoron! Never again!

Use Dragonrend! It is the only chance to defeat him!

(I use Dragonrend on Alduin. Its a moment for it to take affect, but it brings Alduin down from the sky)


You are no match for me, joor!

You may have picked up the weapons of my ancient foes, but you are not their equal!

Dovahkiin, you call yourself? Arrogant mortal.

Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor.


This is you chance, Dovahkiin! Strike with all your force!

Hurt him while he is grounded!

(after being downed by several Dragonrends, the fight leaves Alduin. He is defeated, though not dead)


Meyz mul, Dovahkiin. You have become strong.

But I am Al-du-in, Firstborn of Akatosh! Mulaagi zok lot! I cannot be slain here, by you or anyone else!

You cannot prevail against me. I will outlast you… mortal!

(and with that, Alduin takes off and leaves the scene of battle, flying off to the distant east)

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