TES5 Skyrim: Diplomatic Immunity

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I don’t think you were followed. Come on. I have a plan.

I’ve figured out how we’re going to get you into the Thalmor Embassy.


You’re not coming?


That would be a bad idea. I’d be too likely to attract the wrong kind of attention. But they don’t know you at all, yet.


So what’s your plan? How do I infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy?


The Thalmor ambassador, Elenwen, regularly throws parties where the rich and connected cozy up to the Thalmor.

I can get you into one of those parties. Once you’re inside the Embassy, you get away and find Elenwen’s secret files.

I have a contact inside the Embassy. He’s not up for this kind of high-risk mission, but he can help you.

His name’s Malborn. Wood elf, plenty of reason to hate the Thalmor. You can trust him.

I’ll get word for him to meet you in Solitude, at the Winking Skeever — you know it?

While you’re doing that, I’ll work on getting you an invitation to Elenwen’s little party.

Meet me at the Solitude stables after you’ve arranged things with Malborn. Any questions?


Who’s this contact of yours? You’re sure we can trust him?


Don’t worry about Malborn. He’s not a dangerous character like you, but he hates the Thalmor at least as much as I do.

He’s a wood elf – the Thalmor wiped out his family back in Valenwood during one of their purges that we never hear about.

Luckily they don’t know who he really is, or he wouldn’t be serving drinks at the Ambassador’s parties.


How am I going to get into this party?


Let me handle that. You’ll have a real invitation, don’t worry. As long as you can act the part of a Thalmor toady, you’ll get past the guards.


Once I’m inside the Embassy, then what?


That’s when the fun starts. You’ll have to slip away from the party without raising the alarm.

Then you’ll need to find Elenwen’s office and search her files. Malborn should be able to point you in the right direction.


I’ll see you in Solitude after I meet Malborn


Sounds good. Be careful.

(I travel to Solitude and enter The Winking Skeever to find Malborn sitting at a table)


What do you need?


Our mutual friend sent me.


Really? You’re who she picked? I hope she knows what she’s doing.

Here’s the deal. I can smuggle some equipment into the Embassy for you.

Don’t plan on bringing anything else in with you. The Thalmor take security very seriously.

Give me what you can’t live without, and I’ll make sure to get it into the Embassy. The rest is up to you.


What kinds of things should I bring?


You’re asking me? She promised that she was sending someone who knew what they were doing…

If you actually want to get out alive, I’d bring whatever you need to move quietly, and kill quickly.


I’m ready. Here’s what I’ll need.


Okay. I’ll get this inside the Embassy for you. I’ve got to go. I’ll find you at the party, don’t worry.

(as per Delphine’s instructions, I meet up with her just outside Solitude, near the stables)


Have you given Malborn the gear you want to smuggle into the embassy?


Yes, Malborn’s all set.


Good. I have your invitation to the party.

But the only way you’re going to get past the guards is if they really believe you’re an invited guest.

Which means you need to look the part, and not be armed to the teeth. Here, put this on.

When you’re ready, I’ll keep the rest of your gear safe until you get back.

You’ll only have what Malborn smuggled in for you, plus whatever you can pick up inside.

Hmm. I guess that will have to do. You should pass for a real guest, at least until you open your mouth.

Ready to board the carriage to the embassy?


I’m ready. Keep the rest of my things safe for me.


Don’t worry, it’ll all be waiting for you when you get back.

Just make sure you get back out of there alive with the information we need.

Good luck.

(I board the carriage to the embassy and a short while later I arrive. I’m greeted by a fellow attendee named Razelan)


Ah! A fellow latecomer to Elenwen’s little soiree.

And arriving by carriage, no less! I salute you, sir!

My lateness is due more to getting lost on the way up this gods-forsaken mountain than to any desire to actually arrive late.

I prefer to arrive early. Often the day before the party. So as not to miss out on any of the drinking.

There’s not enough drinking in the world today, wouldn’t you agree?

(I approach the Thalmor guard)

Thalmor Soldier

Welcome to the Thalmor Embassy. Your invitation, please.


Here you go.

Thalmor Soldier

Thank you, sir. Go right in.


Now then. Here’s my invitation, I don’t have a poisoned dagger strapped to my thigh, et cetera, et cetera.

Thalmor Soldier

I’m just doing my duty, sir.

Everything’s in order. Welcome back, sir.

Thalmor Wizard

The Thalmor Embassy welcomes you.


Yes, yes. Now to find myself a drink.

(as we enter through the embassy door, I am greeted by the Ambassador)


Welcome. I don’t believe we’ve met. I am Elenwen, the Thalmor Ambassador to Skyrim.

And you are…?


My name is [Player Name]. Pleased to meet you.


Ah yes. I remember your name from the guest list.

Please, tell me more about yourself. What brings you to this… to Skyrim?

(before I can answer, we are interrupted by a familiar voice)


Madame Ambassador, I’m so sorry to interrupt…


What is it, Malborn?


It’s just that we’ve run out of the Alto Wine.

Do I have your permission to uncork the Arenthia red…


Of course. I’ve told you before not to bother me with such trifles.


Yes, Madame Ambassador.

(returning to address me)


My apologies. We’ll have to get better aquainted later. Please, enjoy yourself.

(I approach Malborn casually)


What can I get for you?

You made it in. Good. As soon as you distract the guards, I’ll open this door and we can get you on your way.

Let’s hope we both live through this day.

What can I get for you, sir?


I’d like a drink.


Here you go, sir. The finest Colovian brandy.

Is there anything else I can get for you?

(I leave Malborn at the counter and decide to mingle with the guests. I approach a gentleman Nord named Erikur)


For the man who knows how to make money, war can be a most profitable venture.


What brings you to this party?


You must be new to Skyrim, or you’d already know who I am. I have a stake in most anything of importance in Solitude.

I feel that it’s time to put aside the grievances of the past, and let peace and prosperity flourish between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion.

I try to do my little part. Besides, just between you and me, it’s making me pots of money, hahaha.


You sound like quite the businessman.


Not every Nord is obsessed with strength, honor and skill at arms.

A rare few are born with a gift for making money. My investments are my strength and my wealth is my weapon.

As for honor, well, there are some luxuries even I can’t afford.

(Turning away from me)

There’s a likely-looking filly. Even if she is an elf.

You there! Serving girl! What’s your name, dear?


Uh, Brelas, sir. Did you need a drink? Something to eat?


No, no, that’s not what I’m interested in right now.

I just wanted to get a better look at you. I like what I see, my dear.

And believe me, I don’t say that to everyone. I’m very discriminating when it comes to the female form.


Um, thank you. Sir. Was there anything else I can do for you?


Oh… not at the moment. Maybe later. Don’t go far.


Yes, sir.

(I approach Brelas)


I hope you’re enjoying yourself, sir.


I’d like a drink


I’m sorry, but I think you’ve had enough for the moment.


(to me)

Did you see that serving girl? I hear elf women are insatiable…

(I approach Maven Black-Briar)

Maven Black-Briar

I don’t recall seeing you at one of these before. And I know everyone who’s anyone in Skyrim.

See that disgusting drunk over there? A high-ranking official in the East Empire Company, believe it or not.


What brings you to this party?

Maven Black-Briar

To maintain relationships.

By the way, I don’t know who you are, but unless you want me to blow your cover, I’d advise that you avoid me for the rest of the party.


What’s your relationship with the Thalmor?

Maven Black-Briar

We have a relationship of mutual respect.

I care little about the politics and rivalries between the Thalmor and the Empire.

But I do respect power, and the Thalmor have that. They leave me alone, and I leave them alone.

(I approach Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone)

Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone

There are words spoken, and words unspoken. Beware these Thalmor, for they are dept in both languages.


Having a good time?

Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone

Fair faces and fine food are well and good, but honesty is rarely so pleasing.


Do you visit the embassy often?

Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone

There are words spoken, and words unspoken. Beware these Thalmor, for they are adept in both languages.

For this reason, I avoid them when I can.

(I approach Ondolemar)


None of these people cares a whit about the religious aspects of this war. Another sign of the degeneracy of your Empire.


What brings you to this party?


There are those in the Empire who would wish to evade their obligations to help root out the Talos heresy.

Fortunately, those most opposed to the Emperor’s wise policy have now branded themselves as traitors as well as heretics.

I am here to remind the ruling classes of Skyrim that their loyalty to the Emperor requires cooperation with the Thalmor.

(I approach Ambassador Elenwen)


I hope you’re enjoying yourself.


I can see you spared no expense.


Of course not. One does not gather the most important men and women of Skyrim and then serve them cheap ale and stale bread.

This is only a taste of the benefits that accrue to those that align themselves with Thalmor interests.


Do you host these parties often?


Quite often, yes. The only thing I enjoy more than luxury is sharing that luxury with those who can appreciate it.

But I also enjoy learning the latest gossip and hear the most intriguing rumors.


What does your position as Thalmor Ambassador involve?


One of my main duties is to foster a better understanding between the Aldmeri Dominion and the people of Skyrim.

I also oversee the activities of the Thalmor Justiciars thorought Skyrim, although this has been unfortunately disrupted by the war.


What’s your position on the civil war?


As long as the Empire continues to uphold its treat obligations, my government does not concern itself with the internal politics of Skyrim.


I’ve never quite understood exactly what the Justiciars do.


The Thalmor Justiciars are so often misunderstood. Our primary goal is to preserve the peace between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion.

The worship of the false god Talos contributed to the unfortunate friction that led to the Great War.

Following the Great War, the White-Gold Concordat set out the terms for peaceful coexistence between the two powers.

The Empire and the Dominion agreed that the worship of Talos was a relic of the past, and must be eliminated in the interests of peace.

But I’m sure you didn’t come here for a lecture on high politics.

(I approach Razelan again. I think I have an idea)


What does a fellow need to do to get a drink around here?


What brings you to this party?


You must be new around here. Bad manners to ask such a direct question, at one of Elenwen’s little soirees.

But I have nothing to hide. I’m in from the south, on business.

And if you want to do business in Tamriel these days, well, you’d better get used to cozying up to the Thalmor. Like it or not.


Here, I brought you a drink.


Ah, the one generous soul amongst a gathering of pinch-pennies and lick-spittles!

If there’s anything I can ever do for you, do not hesitate to call upon me!


Actually, there is something you could do for me.


Wonderful! I can begin to repay your generosity immediately. Say on, friend.


I need you to cause a scene. Get everyone’s attention for a few minutes.


Is that all? My friend, you’ve come to the right person. You could say that causing a scene is somewhat of a specialty of mine.

Stand back and behold my handiwork.

(Razelan stands up and strides to the center of the room)

Attention, everyone! Could I have your attention, please! I have an announcement to make!

I propose a toast to Elenwen! Our mistress!


Razelan. What are you doing?


I speak figuratively, of course. Nothing could be more unlikely than that someone would actually want her in their bed.

Although… most of you are already in bed with her! But again… I speak figuratively, of course!

(the guards approach Razelan with their weapons drawn. This is my chance!)


Let’s go, let’s go! Before anybody notices us.

(I quietly follow Malborn into a room behind the counter)


Fine, fine. Get your hands off me. I’ll be a good boy now.

Wouldn’t want to offend our Thalmor overlords, would we?

Someone bring me a drink, quick!


So far so good. Let’s hope nobody saw us slip out.

We need to pass through the kitchen. Your gear is hidden in the larder.

Just stay close and let me do any talking, got it? Follow me.

(I follow Malborn into the kitchen)


Who comes, Malborn? You know I don’t like strange smells in my kitchen.


A guest, feeling ill. Leave the poor wretch be.


A guest? In the kitchens? You know this is against the rules…


Rules, is it, Tsavani? I didn’t realize that eating Moon Sugar was permitted.

Perhaps I should ask the Ambassador…


Tss! Get out of here, I saw nothing.


(to me)

Your gear is in that chest. I’ll lock the door behind you. Don’t screw this up.

Come on. If someone misses me at the party, we’re both dead.

(I grab my stuff and gear up)


I need to lock the door behind you or the patrols might notice something’s wrong.

Good luck. You’re on your own now.

(I proceed through the Embassy, sneaking by or killing any soldiers I come across. Eventually I find Elenwen’s Solar, which I enter. I overhear a conversation between a Thalmor named Rulindil and a man named Gissur)


But, I need that money! I earned it.

I have my own expenses, you know…



Do not presume, Gissur. You are most useful, but do not presume. We have other informants who are less… offensive.


But no one else has brought you such valuable information, have they?

Etienne, he’s talked, hasn’t he? He knows where that old man is you’re looking for, he told me himself.


You’ll get the rest of your money when we confirm his story. As agreed.


So he has talked! I knew it!


Everyone talks, in the end.

Now, I have work to do. Leave me to it, if you ever want to see the rest of your payment.


Can I… I could help you. He’d talk to me. He trusts me.


You’d like to come downstairs with me, is that it, Gissur?

Shall we loose his bonds and put you in a cell together? You can ask him anything you like, and see how he answers.


No, no. I’ll… wait outside.


That would probably be best

Now get out!


I knew he was telling the truth. I always can tell.

(Gissur leaves the solar and I continue to Elenwen’s office. Rulindil is nowhere to be seen. In the office I find documents regarding a dragon investigation, Delphine, and Ulfric Stormcloak; along with a key to the interrogation chamber)

Dragon Investigation: Current Status

First Emissary Elenwen,

We anticipate a breakthrough in our efforts to uncover the party or power behind he dragon resurrection phenomenon. An informant has identified a possible lead, whom we have brought back to the Emassy for a full interrogation. The subject is obstinate, but by all indications is holding back the information we seek. I have authorized Intermediate Maunal Uncoiling – I do not expect more will be necessary, unless you feel time presses.

I know you prefer to be present for the final questioning; I will inform you immediately when the subject is fully receptive. Two days should tell the tale.

In the meantime, if you wish to audit our technique, your expertise is welcome, as always. I have placed the prisoner in the cell closest to your office stairs, for your convenience.

–Rulindil, 3rd Em.

(this prisoner, Etienne, seems to have given the Thalmor a lead on their dragon investigation. I enter the interrogation room to see what further information I can find. When I enter, I can hear Etienne being tortured below by Rulindil and his henchman)

Etienne Rarnis

Stop. Please. I don’t know anything else. Don’t you think I’d have told you already?

(I kill Rulindil and the soldier accompanying him. Etienne is chained to the wall in a cell. In a chest nearby I find a dossier regarding an individual named Esbern)

Thalmor Dossier: Esbern

Status: Fugitive (Capture Only), Highest Priority, Emissary Level Approval

Description: Male, Nord, late 70s

Background: Esbern was one of the Blades loremasters prior to the First War Against the Empire. He was not a field agent, but is now believed to have been behind some of the most damaging operations carried out by the Blades during the pre-war years, including the Falinesti Incident and the breach of the Blue River Prison. His file had remained dormant for many years, an inexcusable error on the part of my predecessor (who has been recalled to Alinor for punishment and reeducation), in the erroneous belief that he was unlikely to pose a threat due to his advanced age and lack of field experience. A salutary reminder to all operational levels that no Blades agent should be considered low priority for any reason. All are to be found and justice exacted upon them.

Operational Notes: As we are still in the dark as to the cause and meaning of the return of the dragons, I have made capturing Esbern our top priority, as he is known to be one of the experts in the dragonlore of the Blades. Regrettably, we have yet to match their expertise on the subject of dragons, which was derived from their Akaviri origins and is still far superior to our own (which remains largely theoretical). The archives of Cloud Ruler Temple, which is believed to have been the primary repository of the oldest Blades lore, were largely destroyed during the siege, and although great effort has been made to reconstruct what was lost, it now appears that most of the records related to dragons were either removed or destroyed prior to our attack. Thus Esbern remains our best opportunity to learn how and why the dragons have returned. It cannot be ruled out that the Blades themselves are somehow connected to the dragons’ return.

We have recently obtained solid information that Esbern is still alive and hiding somewhere in Riften. Interrogation of a possible eyewitness is on-going. We must proceed carefully to avoid Esbern becoming alerted to his danger. If he is indeed in Riften, he must not be given an opportunity to flee.

(This seems to be the information I was looking for. Time to get out of here!)

Thalmor Soldier

Listen up, spy! You’re trapped in here, and we have your accomplice.

Surrender immediately or you both die.


Never mind, I’m dead already –

(I charge the guards and kill them to free Malborn)


Now the Thalmor will be hunting me for the rest of my life. I hope it was worth it.

(I approach Etienne Rarnis)

Etienne Rarnis

I told you, I don’t know anything else about it.


I’m not here to torture you.

Etienne Rarnis

What? Who… what do you want then?


No time to explain. Let’s get out of here.

(I free Etienne from his restraints)

Etienne Rarnis

Yeah, sure, okay.

Come on, this way. I’ve seen the guards use it to get rid of bodies. It must lead somewhere.


Who are you? What are you doing here?

Etienne Rarnis

They grabbed me in Riften. They seem to think I know something. They just kept asking me the same damn questions.


Sounds good. I’ll follow you.

Etienne Rarnis

Whatever you want. But let’s go, now.

(we exit the interrogation chamber through a trap door which led to an underground cavern. As it turns out, the Thalmor have been feeding the dead bodies to a frost troll! I just manage to kill it and all three of manage our way out of the cave. Malborn takes off. Etienne Rarnis lingers for just a moment)

Etienne Rarnis

You didn’t have to help me, so… thanks.

(I begin the long journey to meet up with Delphine in Riverwood to deliver the news and recover my equipment. Upon entering the Sleeping Giant Inn, I find Delphine in her secret underground hideout)


You made it out alive, at least. You gear’s safe in my room, as promised.

Did you learn anything useful?


The Thalmor know nothing about the dragons.


Really? That seems hard to believe. You’re sure about that?


Why’d you send me if you weren’t going to believe me?


You’re right, you’re right. I just… I was sure it must have been them. If not the Thalmor, who? Or… what?


I don’t know, but the Thalmor are looking for someone named Esbern.


Esbern? He’s alive? I thought the Thalmor must have got him years ago. That crazy old man…

Figures the Thalmor would be on his trail, though, if they were trying to find out what’s going on with the dragons.


What would the Thalmor want with Esbern?


You mean, aside from wanting to kill every Blade they can lay their hands on?

Esbern was one of the Blades archivists, back before the Thalmor smashed us during the Great War.

He knew everything about the ancient dragonlore of the Blades.

Obsessed with it, really. Nobody paid much attention back then. I guess he wasn’t as crazy as we all thought.


So the Thalmor think the Blades know about the dragons…


Ironic, right? The old enemies assume that every calamity must be a plot by the other side…

Even so, we’ve got to find Esbern before they do. He’ll know how to stop the dragons if anybody does.

Do they know where he is?


They seem to think he’s hiding out in Riften.


Riften, eh? Probably down in the Ratway, then. It’s where I’d go.

You’d better get to Riften. Talk to Brynjolf. He’s… well-connected. A good starting point at least.

Oh, and when you find Esbern… if you think I’m paranoid… you may have some trouble getting him to trust you.

Just ask him where he was on the 30th of Frostfall. He’ll know what it means.

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