TES Legends Isle of Madness: Act 3

Released In:

Episode 5


Wait, Nagh is confused. So the boy Talym was trying to save… was dead the whole time? And Talym didn’t know? But he buried him — so he must have known! And if he knew… why do these things he did?


These are exactly the questions Talym wanted answers to. He returned to the Shivering Isles to seek them.


I don’t know what trick the mad god played on me. But he will answer for it.

New Sheoth Palace
Golden Saint

Halt! our lord does not wish to see you, Talym Rend. You are not welcome in New Sheoth.


You think you can stop me?!


Be careful — the madness is coming over him!

Talym fights the Daedra, eventually defeating them.

SHEOGORATH! I’m coming for you! I’m… no. No the doors… the doors have turned to walls. There’s no way in. NO. I need answers. You OWE me answers! SHEOGORATH!


It was at that point, wracked by despair, that Talym Rend truly began to fall into madness.

Flooded Camp

When… when did I get here? Here’s as good as anywhere, isn’t it? This is his plane! He must be everywhere! And probably nowhere too! Let’s check under this rock. SHEOGORATH! YOU IN THERE?!

Mudcrab Merchant

Why… why don’t ya keep it down pal? Shome of ush are tryn’ ta sleep.


A ha! One of your foul creations, eh? Die, abomination!

He fights and kills the poor creature.

Haha! your monsters are no match for me, Mad God! You hear me!

Darkened Grove

Got to… got to remember why I’, here. Where here is. Whoever I am. I’m… Vivec! No that’s not right. Maybe I’m a Baron? No, I know! I’m–


Novos Rend?


A talking tree! Another of Sheogorath’s tricks! Die, tree!

He battles the Gnarl Elder and defeats it.

That’ll teach trees to mess with… whoever I am.

Circus of Cheerful Slaughter

Why am I alive, anyway? I suppose it’s easier than being dead, seeing as I’m already doing it.


You could try the alternative.


No, I don’t think so. Not today. Not today Sheogorath!

Talyn and the Grummite fight. Something seems off about the creature, though, and when he is defeated Talym realizes what.

Grummite Savage

(Weakly sings the song from the Notehollow mission)


Luzrah?! Luzrah, are you okay?!

Luzrah Gro-Shar

I’ll be all right. I… saw you down by the river, fighting a crab, attacking a tree. I approached, and it was like you didn’t recognize me at all. What happened to you?


I… didn’t mean to hurt you I… my mind is so jumbled. I can’t keep anything straight. Maybe I don’t want to.

Luzrah Gro-Shar

Well if you do, I think I know a way to help.

The Descent
Luzrah Gro-Shar

This won’t be pleasant. I’m going to play you an ancient song of great power. It will send you inside yourself, to face your darkest fears. If you’re not strong enough, you may never come out.


Do it. All I have to lose is my mind.

As the song plays, Talym is forced to fight a Worm Cultist. When the cultist is defeated, Talym snaps out of the trance.

Luzrah Gro-Shar

You’re awake! You shook horribly there for a while. But I kept playing.


Thank you. My mind is still… clouded. But I know what I have to do; Force Sheogorath to see me, to tell me the truth about whatever he did to my mind. There must be someone or something that can compel him.

Luzrah Gro-Shar

I’ve heard a legend that Sheogorath keeps a powerful warrior trapped in a cave in Knifepoint Hollow. Maybe he’s just torturing him, but some believe that he fears him.

Knifepoint Hollow
Luzrah Gro-Shar

Monsters! They must be guarding Sheogorath’s prisoner. Be careful in there!?

Talym faces a Mazken Turnkey and her fellow Daedra. After he defeats her, he frees the prisoner.


Ah. You’re here. Yes. I knew you’d show up. Dyus of Mytheria knows most things.


You’re… not what I was expecting. I was looking for a warrior?


No. You were looking for leverage over Sheogorath. And this old librarian can provide.

Episode 6


Once, long ago, the one you know as Sheogorath walked the earth as Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order. I was his librarian, the keeper of his endless records.


The other daedric princes feared his power, so they conspired to transform him into that which he hated most: The essence of chaos itself.


Sheogorath has suppressed his memories of Jyggalag, and destroyed almost all trace of him, save for two: Myself, and the Sword of Jyggalag, which is… lost to him.

I suspect I know where the sword is. Find it, and Sheogorath will see you, Though whether to thank you or kill you, even I cannot predict.

Obelisk of Order
Luzrah Gro-Shar

This is the place Dyus sent told us about. What is that thing?


Maybe some last remnant of Jyggalag? Whatever it is, it’s in my way.

Talym approaches the obelisk and is attacked by a Knight of Order. He defeats the hulking creature.

There it is — the sword! Now I can face Sheogorath.

Luzrah Gro-Shar

I get the feeling this is the sort of thing you have to do alone.


Considering I’ll probably die anyway? Seems best. Thank you again Luzrah. I didn’t deserve you help after…

Luzrah Gro-Shar

Forget it. I owed you one. Good luck Talym.

The Final Battle

So! You’re back! You’ve got some old sword and you think that entitles you to… what? A back rub? Some cheese?


To a reckoning! You tricked me! Manipulated my mind! Made me think my son was alive!


And you’re welcome! You’re the one who came to me. All boo hoo, and out of yer wee mortal mind. You couldn’t live with your memories then, but now, oh now y’want ’em back?


The things you made me do.


That was the price, Taly-boy. The price for making you forget. So I put a wee little fib in your mind about what’s-his-name to motivate ya. So what?!


Novos. His name was Novos!


Yeah, him! Look, you want your memories back so bad? I’m all too happy to give ’em back to ya! But I don’t think you’ll survive it.


The two of them fight. Just as Talym thinks he’s won, he is overtaken with memories.


Here, a trip down memory lane!

Imperial Training

The fabric of reality tied in knots, time crumbling to pieces. A day… a fateful day… from long ago…


Talym, you’re our best spy, but you’re not ready to go back into the field. Go home, see your son.


The Worm Cult killed my partner. I’m ready to take them down. Set up the training exercise, I’ll prove it.


Okay. You Win. I’ll find someone to watch Novos while you’re gone.

Porcia and Talym fight. When he wins, Sheogorath again pulls him into the present.

The Final Battle Pt.2

What was and what has been. A whisper, a thought… only a memory.


Back in the present, Talym is still fighting Sheogorath.

I left him alone. I didn’t realize how precious that time was.


Oh, I’m sure ya had good reasons! You’ve always got good reasons!

How rude of me — I forgot! I promised you more memories, didn’t I? Well, here you go!

Worm Cult Initiation

Space rips itself apart, light and darkness and both at once. Another time… another moment… from long ago…

Worm Cult

You seek to join the Worm Cult, to worship our dread lord? Very well. Here is your first test, a trial of cunning.


He beats the Cult’s trial.

Worm Cult

Well done. But another trial yet awaits.

The Final Battle Pt.3

What was and what has been. A haze, a dream… only a memory.

Talym and Sheogorath are still battling. Again, Talym thinks that he has the god beat, only for him to be thrown back into the past.


I’ve one more memory for you — and it’s a doozy!

The Tragedy


Worm Cult

There is one last test, Initiate. The trial of ruthlessness.

Talym Rend




Worm Cult

Death is our home and our strength. Slay him. Prove you are one of us.

(If you choose to kill Novos)

Talym Rend

I’m sorry son. I am so, so sorry.

Worm Cult

The king of worms be praised! Welcome to the Worm Cult, brother!

(If you refuse to kill Novos)

Talym Rend

No! I refuse!

Worm Cult

How disappointing.

The Worm Cultist kills Novos in your stead.

Talym Rend


Final Battle Pt.4

What was and what has been. A shadow, a nightmare… only a memory.


Novos. My Son.


Oh. Very sad isn’t it. So very, very sad. You know, I think it’s even more fun watching your mind break the second time around. Or is it the third now?


No. I took that easy path once. Chose to forget, to run from what I’d done. And you used me.

Not this time. This time I live with the pain. Let’s see if you can do the same!

The two of them fight for the final time. This time however, Talym uses the Memory Wand on Sheogorath to remind him of his past as Jyggalag.


What is this? Who’s this “Prince of Order” loser? That’s not… that’s not me is it?

I can’t ever have been that boring! This is making me skin crawl.

That’s not me! Stop it! Cut it out! You lose!

Give up, go home!

Uncle! Uncle! Father, Brother, Second Cousin, Just stop making me Remember!


Unable to withstand his own terrible memories, Sheogorath relented. He restored my memories, and lifted the cloud of madness from my mind. I also made him promise to leave Luzrah and Cyriel in peace.

In exchange, I promised to leave the Isles forever. I returned home now to nurse my grief, and perhaps, in time, to plot my revenge on the Cult of the Worm. My warning to you, then, is this:

There will always be a devil seeking a bargain, promising to take away your pains. Do not trust them. The past may be the heaviest burden, but it is our burden to bear.


Does Kellen not have any happy tales?


A few. But as the story reminds us, we must remember the darkest tales as well.

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