TES Legends Isle of Madness: Introduction

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Apologies, Kellen. Nagh was sure he saw water this way.


(Gsigh) Not to worry. We should have enough to last until we reach the city.


A long ride, that promises to be. Nagh would have a story to forget the heat.


But of course. Indeed, you have just reminded me of one. I saw it not in the scrolls, but in a journal, many years ago. I shall try my best to recall it in the writer’s own words.


My name is Talym Rend. This is my confession… and my warning.

Once I was one of the Empire’s most cunning spies.

But I left that life behind when my son, Novos, was stricken with a terrible madness. I sought help from the Temple, from outlander healers, and even Ashland mystics. None could help him.


So I set out to make a bargain.

In Morrowind it is death to commune with Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of madness. They say he is a corner of the House of Troubles. But to save my boy, I would commune with any devil you could name.

And so it was that I sought the fabled land of madness – – a place they call the Shivering Isles. And, gods help me, I found it.

[A map of the Shivering Isles is shown, and the player, now in the shoes of Talym, is greeted by Cyriel.]


A stranger! What brings you to the Fringe?


I’m looking for Sheogorath.


Ooh, that’s not a good idea. See, you’d have to get to New Sheoth Palace, which is on the other side of the gate, which is guarded by the Gatekeeper, who you’d have to be a madman to try to fight.


Perhaps I am a madman.


Ha ha, lot of those around here. If you’re determined to try, check the Garden of Swords. Maybe there’s a weapon there that can fight that thing. Right over there.


I think I see it.


Welp, gotta run! Been real nice talking to you, don’t follow me!


Thanks for your – – hey, where’s my purse?!

From here, the player may choose to go to the Garden of Swords or the Gates of Madness. I have arranged the chapters in a way that reads best to me.

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