TES3 Bloodmoon: Free Castle Karstaag (Side with Hircine)

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Faern Sargtlin

(receive another dream from Hircine)


I have another task for you, hound.
There is a castle of ice to the north, under siege from within by renegade servants.
I have need of the master of this castle and I do not want him distracted by this foolishness.
Go there, kill the rebels and end the siege.

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Castle Karstaag)
(enter the castle via the main gate)
(meet a Riekling named Dulk)


“You are here! The master told me there would be one coming! You must help. Krish is trying to take control of the castle. He has found nasty grahl to help him! You must kill them all! My master will be pleased! Your master will be pleased. Go now, through the Banquet Hall to the caverns. They wait down there! Go now or the master will not be happy!”

Faern Sargtlin

(go down through Banquet Hall to the caverns)
(encounter some Grahl and slay them all)
(in the end of the cave, find Krish. Kill him)
(go back up to meet Dulk)


“You stopped Krish, and that is good. Grahl are gone. Krish is gone. Nasty grahl. Nasty Krish. The master will be pleased when he comes home. Your master will be pleased you have helped Dulk! Good good! Now go. Dulk has much to do before his master comes back. Go!”

Faern Sargtlin

(go out of the castle and find a place to rest)
(take a rest and get another dream)


You have ended the siege at Castle Karstaag and your master is well-pleased with your efforts.
You have served me well and I offer you this gift: the Hunter’s Wind.
May you never tire in your hunting, my hound. I shall seek you out should I need you again.

Faern Sargtlin

(receive the power of Hunter’s Wind)

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