TEST Shadowkey: Dragonfield

Skyrim and Hammerfell’s ambitions fall hard on Dragonstar. Heroic defenders from all walks of life…battle idealistic warriors embracing a new vision… neither knowing that the struggles of each serve a darker cause.


The area of Dragonfield is infested with some wormmouths and most of all, Skyrim Raiders. There are some Raiders on top of a hill just outside the Dragonstar Gate. Lonnasa tries to avoid them and goes straight to the gate.

The Dragonstar Gate is shut tight. She hears a voice behind the gate.

Teresa Clothgen

“I am Teresa Clothgen, gatekeeper for Dragonstar. We cannot risk opening the gate until the raiders around the hill are eliminated. If you do this, we can open our city to you. Otherwise, we wish you safe journey.”


“Consider them gone.”

The player goes to the hill and slays all the raiders, and then finds the Raider’s Nest. They decide to clean these raiders once and for all and enters their hideout.

Raider’s Nest

A smoky, stale odor permeates this Raider’s Next. A guard looks in The Player direction, then asks her to halt.


“Are you here to see Wulfbris about work?”


“Yeah if the pay’s right.”


“Fine then. Hold this amulet near the red door to enter. The amulet will keep the patrol beasts from attacking you.”



However not all the inhabitants can be tamed by using the amulet, most of the Raiders attack the player. They’ve got no choice but to exterminate them. In one of the room they meet Wulfbris.


“The Golds seem solid enough, but the Blues always listen to that troublemaker Devron… If you could shut him up permanently, all our lives would be better.”

The Player

(hmm… Reds, Blues and Golds, looks like they are fighting each other) “Sure, it’s a deal.”

Sometime later the player stumbles in the Gold area, where they meet the Gold leader, an Argonian. The Argonian looks agitated, then pleased to see the player.


“New blood arrives, perhaps this is good. The Blues are lazy, useless, but not traitorous. That traitor, Wulfbris, agitates against us. If you could silence the traitor, all our lives would be better.”


(interesting, so they were right after all) “Okay, it’s a deal.”

The player then goes to Blues area. They meet a raider, a smelly raider who is probably responsible for guarding the entrance. He thinks that Tthe Player is looking for Devron, and indeed he was right.


“Heck of a business, this raiding. If fin’ you’re lookin’ for Devron, follow the corridor south. Then go through the little room, and left again to Devron’s room.”



Devon is easy to find. A tough Raider. He looks the player up and down. He apparently makes a decision in their favor.


“The Reds are a sordid lot, but I can deal with sordid. What I cannot deal with is a slippery sort such as Yelnicin, an instigator amidst the Gold section. If you could remove him permanently, all our lives would be better.”


(The player was expecting this request, but they decide it’s enough) “How about I ‘remove’ you?”

The player’s attack surprises him, and without so much trouble, Devron is removed. It’s time to go back to Wulfbris, and deal with him.


“Well? Is it done yet?”


“Yes, it’s done.”


“Excellent! Here’s your reward.” (he hands some gold) “Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I have some planning to do.”


“No need, you’re next!”

The fight is not long, as Wulfbris was not ready to fight the player. After the Wulfbris is removed, the player to Yelnicin. It’s time for the Argonian to go too.


(his eyes gleam with anticipation) “Wulfbris rots, is this true? You’ve cleaned out the carrion in our nest. I appreciate your help.”


“Now it’s your turn!”

Again, the Raider leader is easily exterminated. Now all the three leaders are gone, and Dragonstar should be able to breath a little bit easier.

The player does some exploration and in one corner she finds a bag with two learning scrolls, Blind and Doomhammer. Very nice. In other room, they spot a bandit leader is talking strategy with two of his subordinates.


“Kill the invader.”

Hastily the player readies their Daedric Axe, and after exchanges of blows, the two guards are dead. With the new Doomhammer spell, the player slays Eglar. In his body, they find a Shadowkey. If there is a key, there must be a door, so they explore some more. And it is true; a Shadow Gate. Using the Eglar’s Shadowkey the gate opens.

Inside they find a chest. The chest is filled with a roiling darkness, many shadows intertwining. The Player senses that they can use the Shadowkey to unlock one of the two possibilities in the shadow; An axe or A spellcast enchantment. After some thinking, they choose the axe. Shadows from the chest weave with the player’s own. An axe coalesces in their shadow. Somehow she knows that good hits with the Magicka Edge Axe convert some of her magicka into extra damage. Very powerful weapon, even more powerful than Lakvan’s Daedric Axe.

Finishing their exploration, the player goes out of the Raider’s Nest and heads for Dragonstar Gate.


Teresa Clothgen

“Clearly you are more than they bargained for. It is great fortune that Dragonstar found you at her gate.”

The player hears the locks grinding and chains being pulled. Excitedly, the player Dragonstar City.

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