TES4 Oblivion: Light the Dragonfires

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Enter the Council Chambers.

High Chancellor Ocato

I have been expecting you. The full Council has already considered the matter of Martin’s claim to the Imperial Throne in detail.

Ocato kneels to Martin.

Martin Septim, on behalf of the Elder Council, I accept your claim to the Imperial Throne. We should arrange the coronation ceremony as soon as…

On behalf of the Elder Council, Chancellor Ocato has recognized Martin as Uriel Septim’s heir. Now all that remains is for Martin to light the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One.

Imperial Legion Messenger

Chancellor Ocato! The city is under attack! Oblivion Gates have opened, and daedra are inside the walls!

High Chancellor Ocato

Courage, soldier. We have an Emperor again.

The Imperial City is under attack! Oblivion Gates have opened all over the city and daedra are pouring out! I must escort Martin safely to the Temple of the One where he can light the Dragonfires, close the Oblivion Gates, and save the city!

Ocato turns to Martin.

Your Highness, what are your orders? Shall the Guard fall back to the Palace?


No. If we let ourselves get besieged in the Palace we’re doomed. We must get to the Templeof the One immediately.

High Chancellor Ocato

As you command, sire. Guards! Form up and protect the Emperor! To the Temple of the One!

Two Dremora enter the Council chambers.


Defeat the Dremora.

Follow Martin outside.

Defeat more Daedra.

A group of five Imperial Legion Soldiers arrives.

Imperial Legion Captain

The Palace is cut off, sire. We were the last to make it through from the Legion Compound. My men and I are at your disposal. What are your orders?


I need to get to the Temple of the One. It’s our only chance to stop Mehrunes Dagon.

Imperial Legion Captain

Yes sir! Let’s move out!


Enter the Temple District.


Come on! We need to get to the Dragonfires before it’s too late!


Cut a path through the Daedra.

Mehrunes Dagon apears.

Mehrunes Dagon is here! The barriers between Oblivion and Tamriel have been destroyed! Our only hope now is to somehow defeat Mehrunes Dagon and cast him back into Oblivion. Perhaps Martin will know what to do.


We’re too late… Mehrunes Dagon is here! Lighting the Dragonfires will no longer save us… the barriers that protected us from Oblivion are gone…


Can we cast him back into Oblivion?


I don’t see how… mortal weapons may hurt him, but now that he is physically here in Tamriel, they have no power to actually destroy him.


What about the Amulet of Kings?


Wait. Yes. The Amulet was given to mortals by Akatosh… it contains His divine power… But how to use this power against Dagon? The Amulet was not intended as a weapon… I have an idea. One last hope. I must reach the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One.


But you said it was no use…


You’ll just have to trust me. I now know what I was born to do. But I’ll need your help. I have to get past Mehrunes Dagon, somehow.


I’ll get you to the temple

Martin said that while mortal weapons may hurt Mehrunes Dagon, they cannot destroy him. He said that if he can only reach the Temple of the One, there is still a chance to turn defeat into victory.


Then I’ll do the rest. Lead on, my friend.


Enter the Temple of the One.


I do what I must do. I cannot stay to rebuild Tamriel. That task falls to others. Farewell. You’ve been a good friend, in the short time that I’ve known you. But now I must go. The Dragon waits.

Mehrunes Dagon smashes the temple dome.

Light rays spread from the Amulet. Martin hoovers. The Dragon Fires burst from the Altar. The Avatar of Akatosh apears.

Mehrunes Dagon and the Avatar fight.

Mehrunes is defeated. The Avatar turns to stone.

Martin shattered the Amulet of Kings and transformed himself into an avatar of Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time. In dragon form he banished Mehrunes Dagon to Oblivion and ended the Oblivion Crisis, and then vanished. Whether he is dead, or has ascended to join his ancestor Tiber Septim, no one knows.


The Amulet is shattered. Dagon is defeated. With the Dragons Blood and the Amulet of Kings we have sealed the gates of Oblivion. Forever. The last of the Septims passes now into history. I go gladly, for I know my sacrifice is not in vain. I take my place with my father and my father’s father. The third age has ended and a new age Dawns. When the next Elder Scroll is written you shall be its scribe. The shape of the future, the fate of the Empire, these things now belong to you.

High Chancellor Ocato

High Chancellor Ocato enters the temple.

What happened? Where’s Martin? I must congratulate him! Mehrunes Dagon is defeated! Cast back into Oblivion! We’ve won!


Martin is gone.

High Chancellor Ocato

What do you mean, gone? We saw the Temple dome explode, the avatar of Akatosh appear… that was Martin?


Yes. He shattered the Amulet…

High Chancellor Ocato

The joined blood of kings and gods. The Amulet of Kings. The divine power of Akatosh.


…and Martin’s blood, too…

High Chancellor Ocato

Then Martin is gone…


But the gates are sealed.

High Chancellor Ocato

Yes. Sealed forever. Mehrunes Dagon and his ilk can never threaten Tamriel again. Martin is dead. But he died an emperor, and a hero to rival Tiber Septim.


What about the Empire?

High Chancellor Ocato

This victory is not without cost. We’ve lost Martin Septim. What an emperor he might have made. His sacrifice was necessary, but it leaves the Empire without an emperor. I don’t know what happens now. There are troubled times ahead for the Empire. But now is not the time to worry about the future. Let’s just give thanks that we’re alive.


What will the Elder Council do?

High Chancellor Ocato

We are now the stewards of the Empire. We can hold the Empire together in the short term. But to be honest, I don’t know what will happen. With no legitimate claimant for the Dragon Throne… troubled times lie ahead.


A victory beyond hope! You and Martin defeated Mehrunes Dagon in the very moment of his triumph! All hail the Champion of Tamriel!


The Champion of Tamriel?

High Chancellor Ocato

In my capacity as Lord High Chancellor of the Elder Council, I hereby proclaim you Champion of Cyrodiil! You have earned the highest rank possible in the Order of the Dragon, the illustrious order of Imperial knights founded by Tiber Septim himself. It is a high honor. Only six other Champions have been awarded in the history of the Empire. And, as a small token of gratitude for your service to the Empire, I have ordered a suit of Imperial Dragon armor made for you. Imperial Dragon armor is normally worn only by the Emperor himself. But you deserve no less, Champion.


My friend! It is good to see you again. You risked your life to save me, a stranger. You are truly among the blessed of Arkay’s children. As a small token of my gratitude, please allow me to share with you some of my small store of knowledge of the healing arts.

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