TES4 Oblivion: The Defense of Bruma

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When the player arrives at Cloud Ruler Temple, they witness this conversation between Jauffre and Martin. Martin is dressed in gold armor.


With all due respect, sire, there must be another way. The risk is too great!


I know the risk. I was at Kvatch. But there is no other way. We have no choice.


The Countess will never agree to it…


She will. She must.


Very well. The Blades are, as always, at your disposal.

Jauffre leaves. Martin turns to the player.


You’re back. And you’ve got the Great Stone…


I said I would.


You did. I can count on you.


They give Martin the Great Welkynd Stone.


I never thought to see a Great Welkynd Stone! As beautiful as all the old tales tell… But of course its beauty is a mask for its deadly power, like everything crafted by the Ayleids. Now we need only one more item, and we’ll be ready to open a portal to Mankar Camoran’s realm…


What is the last item we need?


I should have seen it sooner. It’s the counterpart to the Great Welkynd Stone, just as the first two were the opposed powers of the daedra and the divines. Welkynd stones contain the concentrated power of Mundus; their counterparts are Sigil stones, which are used to hold open Oblivion Gates. A Great Sigil Stone, then, is what we require.


Sigil Stone? What’s the catch?


You’re not going to like it. Jauffre doesn’t like it. The Countess of Bruma certainly isn’t going to like it. Great Sigil Stones are the anchors of Great Gates. The kind of gate the Mythic Dawn opened at Kvatch. The kind of Gate the Mythic Dawn wants to open here to destroy Bruma.


So we let them open the gate?


I said you weren’t going to like it. The risk is great, I know. I was at Kvatch. I saw the terrible power of the daedric siege engine. But we have no choice. The only way to recover the Amulet of Kings is to allow the Mythic Dawn to proceed with their plan to attack Bruma.


At least you’ll be safe here.


No. I’ll lead the defense of Bruma myself. If I am to be Emperor, it’s time I started acting like one.


It’s too risky. I’ll lead the battle.


Remember when we first met in Kvatch? I told you that I didn’t want any part of the gods’ plan. I still don’t know if there is a divine plan. But I’ve come to realize that it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we act. That we do what’s right, when confronted with evil. That’s what you did at Kvatch. It wasn’t the gods that saved us, it was you. Were you acting for the gods? I don’t know. But now it’s my turn to act.


As you command.


Please, my friend. I need your judgement, not your obedience. I explain myself to you so you understand me. And so you can explain to the Countess. I’m afraid she may take a bit more convincing than you.


I’ll inform the Countess at Once.


Good. Have her meet me in the Chapel of Talos for a council of war. That seems a fitting place to make such desperate plans.

Martin has deciphered the fourth item needed for the ritual: a Great Sigil Stone. Unfortunately, it is the anchor for a Great Gate — the kind of Oblivion Gate the Mythic Dawn opened at Kvatch. While it is very dangerous to allow the Mythic Dawn to proceed with their plan to attack Bruma, it is our only hope to obtain a Great Sigil Stone. Martin will lead the defense of Bruma, while I enter the Great Gate to obtain its Sigil Stone.


The player visits Countess Narina Carvain of Bruma.

Countess Narina Carvain

Greetings. What news from Cloud Ruler Temple?


They summarize Martin’s plan.

Countess Narina Carvain

A desperate plan indeed. This … Prince? Emperor? Martin would risk my whole city to gain a Great Sigil Stone?


We must recover the Amulet.

Countess Narina Carvain

This is the only way to stop this invasion from Oblivion? I must confess, you are the first person to speak of victory against these daedra.This war has seemed hopeless to me, but what else was there to do but hold on and wait for a hero to arise to save us? And now it seems there is an heir to the throne after all, hidden at Cloud Ruler Temple… and perhaps a hero as well?


Martin waits at the Chapel.

Countess Narina Carvain

You avoid answering my question … Very well. Don’t think I doubt you. The rulers of Bruma have long had dealings with Cloud Ruler Temple. We know whom they serve. I will meet Martin at the Chapel. When all is ready, I will order my men to stop closing the Gates and prepare for battle.

I told the Countess of Martin’s plans. She reluctantly agreed, and is going to meet Martin at the Chapel of Talos. When I am ready for battle, I should inform the Countess.


Together, the Countess, Captain Burd, and the player go to the Chapel.

Countess Narina Carvain

Your Highness? I am Narina Carvain, Countess of Bruma, at your service.


There is no need for any formality at this time. I am not Emperor yet. And I am quite new to this notion of being heir to the throne.

Thank you for coming. I know I am asking for a great deal of trust. But this is the only way. I would not suggest it otherwise.

Countess Narina Carvain

Your champion has already explained the situation to me. I have agreed to it. We will not win this war through caution.


You have a rare gift, to know when desperation is the path of wisdom. I will do everything in my power to defend your city, my Lady.

Countess Narina Carvain

If Bruma falls, the Empire falls with us. So be it.


Speak with Martin.


When you’re ready for battle, the Countess will order her men to stop closing the Gates outside the city.


Your battleplans?


We must allow the Mythic Dawn to proceed with their plan to open three lesser Gates outside Bruma. According to the plans you captured from those spies, they need three lesser Gates open before they can open a Great Gate. The Great Gate will allow them to bring out the siege machine to blast the walls of Bruma, just like at Kvatch. But it’s our only hope to get the Great Sigil Stone we need to complete the ritual. You’ll have to act swiftly when the Great Gate opens.


Daedric Magic?


As a young man, I grew impatient with Mages Guild restrictions, as did many of my fellow apprentices. We threw ourselves into the riddles of daedric magic. We hungered for forbidden secrets. Knowledge and power were our gods. You can guess the rest. We got in over our heads. People died. My friends died. I’ve put those days behind me. But the bitter wisdom that one has been a fool is not without value.


Your plan is madness. There must be another way for you to recover the Amulet without risking Bruma’s destruction. But I’m only the Captain of the Guard. The Countess makes the final decision, and I follow her orders, whatever I think of them.

Countess Narina Carvain

I am ready for battle when you are, champion. What say you?


Let the battle begin!

Countess Narina Carvain

So be it. Bruma’s fate is in the hands of the gods now … and yours.


My place is on the battlefield. The time for hiding in Cloud Ruler Temple is over. Come, let us go down to battle together.

Martin marches out.

Countess Narina Carvain

Burd! Deploy the troops for battle!


As you command, Countess.

The Countess has ordered her men to let the Mythic Dawn open the three Gates, and to deploy for battle outside the city gates. Martin has gone to lead the defense of the city. I should proceed to the battleground at once, and protect Martin at all costs.


They follow Marin out. A small crowd has gathered along the road outside, cheering Marin on as he passes.


Martin Septim!

Hail Martin Septim!

Huzzah for the Emperor!

Martin! Martin! Martin!


Everyone runs to the opened gate outside the city. A defense force has assembled there. The size and composition of the army depends on who the player recruited as part of Allies for Bruma.

When Marin arrives at the front line, he gives a speech to rally the troops.


Soldiers of Cyrodiil! The Empire will stand or fall by what we do here today! Will we let the daedra do to Bruma what they did to Kvatch? Will we let them burn our homes? We will let them kill our families? No! We make our stand here, today, for the whole of Cyrodiil! We must hold fast until the Hero of Kvatch can destroy their Great Gate. We must kill whatever comes out of that gate! Soldiers of Cyrodiil! Do you stand with me?

Soldiers of Cyrodiil

For Anvil! For Chorrol! For Cheydinhal! Remember Kvatch! Leyawiin! Skingrad! For Bruma!


I arrived at the battlefield to find one open Oblivion Gate. Once all three are open, the Mythic Dawn will open a Great Gate, which I must enter and retrieve its Great Sigil Stone.

As soon as Marin completes his speech, Daedra start pouring out of the first gate. Though some soldiers fall, they are defeated. A second gate opens up, letting more Daedra pass into Tamriel. Then a third. Finally, as the player and the soldiers are exhausted from combat, the Great Gate appears.

The Great Gate has opened! I must enter it at once and get its Great Sigil Stone, before the Bruma defenders are overwhelmed.

The player enters the gate. On the other side they find themselves face to face with a gigantic gate. It opens up to reveal a Daedric Seige Crawler, slowly approaching the portal to Tamriel.

I have entered the Great Gate. The Daedric Siege Engine is crawling towards the portal! If it exits the Gate before I reach the Sigil Stone, all is lost.

The player knows what to do. They travel through the realm and up the towers until they reach the sigil tower, kill the key keeper, and take the Great Sigil Stone.

I reached the Great Sigil Stone and closed the Gate. The Battle of Bruma is won! Now to give the sigil stone to Martin.

Back in Tamriel, the battle has been mostly won. The Siege Crawler lies in ruins, and a few remaining fights are going on. The player kills the remaining Daedra.

Many soldiers and Daedra lie dead on the battlefield, but the remaining troops are cheering.


I was honored to fight by your side again.


We won a great victory here today! We now have the means to recover the Amulet of Kings from Mankar Camoran. But we need to act quickly. Camoran will not take long to recognize his danger. Remember, the portal closes behind you. Anything you need, carry it with you. I’ll have the ritual ready in the Great Hall when you arrive. Farewell.

Martin was pleased to see me return alive from the Great Gate. I gave him the Great Sigil Stone, and he has gone to Cloud Ruler Temple to prepare for the portal-opening ritual.


The player makes their preparations, and then travels north to Cloud Ruler Temple.

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