TES3 Morrowind: Andrano Ancestral Tomb

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Caius Cosades

“I’ve glanced at Hasphat Antabolis’ notes. They cover the Sixth House admirably, but not the Nerevarine cult. Hop on over to the Balmora Mages Guild. It’s right next to the Balmora Fighters Guild. Get Sharn gra-Muzgob to tell you what she knows about the Nerevarine. She’ll have some silly errand for you. Do what she asks. And report back when she’s given you the information.”

:Sharn gra-Muzgob:
“Very smart. For an Orc. An unhealthy interest in the dark arts, perhaps, but very smart. She’s always worried that the Temple will bust in and stick her in a fire. And worried with good reason.”

:Mages Guild:
“It’s a guild for the arcane arts. And it’s where you go to find wizards for hire. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work. If you want to be a wizard, join and work your way up the ranks. The Mages Guild here is a better bet than the Fighters Guild. Ranis Athrys is the guild steward, so talk to her if you want to join up. She’s got a chip on her shoulder, but her apprentice, Ajira, seems okay for a Khajiit.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Balmora Mages Guild)

Sharn gra-Muzgob

“I CANNOT think with all these interruptions. PLEASE leave me alone.”

“No. No interruptions! How many times…. Oh. You are one of Caius’ associates? That is a different matter. Caius and I have a very satisfactory arrangement, and I’m sure we can come to some sort of agreement, if you will complete a little errand for me.”

“The errand, then, is very simple. I need the skull of Llevule Andrano. You’ll find it in Andrano Ancestral Tomb. But take care not to upset the natives. The Dunmer have some peculiar primitive prejudices against necromancy, and take grave objection to unauthorized tomb visits.”

“No. Of course not. I can’t teach you spells. I’m NOT a necromancer. No. Absolutely not. Not a necromancer.”

:Llevule Andrano:
“He was no one special. A journeyman enchanter. There may be many skulls in Andrano Tomb, but you’ll have no problem recognizing Llevule’s skull from the ritual markings.”

:Andrano Ancestral Tomb:
“The tomb is south of Pelagiad, just off the road, just before you reach the fork where the road goes southwest towards Seyda Neen and southeast to Vivec. You may need an enchanted blade. Some spirits are immune to normal weapons. Here. Take this old shortsword. And maybe these old scrolls will come in handy.”

Faern Sargtlin

(retrieve 2 Scroll of Taldam’s Scorcher, 2 Scroll of Vitality and a shortwsord named Fireblade)
(go to Andrano Ancestral Tomb)
(retrieve the skull of Llevule Andrano, and go back to Balmora Mages Guild)
(play some thieving skill and break open Sharn gra-Muzgob’s chest, and retrieve Sharn’s “Legions of the Dead“)

Sharn gra-Muzgob

“Very good. I’ll just take that skull from you. Perfect for what I have in mind. Thank you. Now. As I promised. I’ll answer your questions on the Nerevarine cult. Go ahead.”

:Nerevarine cult:
“This Ashlander cult believes the long-dead hero Nerevar will be reborn to honor ancient promises to the tribes. According to legend, the prophesied Nerevarine will cast down the false gods of the Tribunal Temple, restore the traditional ancestor worship practiced by the Ashlanders, and drive all outlanders from Morrowind. Both Temple and Empire outlaw the cult, but it persists among the Ashlanders, who care little for Imperial or Temple law. Here. Take this copy of my notes on the topic for Caius.”

Faern Sargtlin

(retrieve “Nerevarine cult notes“)

Sharn gra-Muzgob

:Nerevarine prophecy:
“Ashlander culture honors dream visions and prophecy, unlike the Temple and the Western cults, which regard visions and prophecy as primitive superstition. Wise women interpret dreams and visions, and pass them on to succeeding generations. The most common version of the Nerevarine Prophecy is THE STRANGER. Did you know that Nerevar was known to possess a magical ring named “One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star.” Nerevar swore his promise to honor ancient Ashlander traditions and land rights on this magical ring.”

“Nerevar is a First Age hero of the Dunmer people. He was a great general and leader. He helped form the First Council, and united the Dunmer Houses against foreign invaders aided by the traitors of House Dagoth. He triumphed over Morrowind’s enemies at Red Mountain, but died in the battle.”

:False Incarnate:
“The Temple refers to any demented impostor who claims to be the Nerevarine as “the False Incarnate”. The Temple treats such persons as insane, and Ordinators pursue and imprison them “for their own protection.” The Temple has reported that the most recent False Incarnate, a girl child named Peakstar, has died, but they’ve produced no body, and skeptics are suspicious of Temple claims.”

“The most recent case of a person claiming to be the Nerevarine is a girl child named Peakstar. After a long period of searching unsuccessfully for her, the Ordinators recently reported that Peakstar is dead. That may be true, but I haven’t heard that the Temple has offered any convincing proof that she is dead.”

“Where did you get that? That’s MY copy of Legions of the Dead. Oh, all right. I’m a necromancer. Look. I’ll teach you a spell, but you’ll have to keep your mouth shut about this. I can teach you the Summon Ancestral Ghost spell, or, if you prefer, I can teach you Summon Skeletal Minion.”

Faern Sargtlin

“Teach me a skeleton summoning”

Sharn gra-Muzgob

“As you wish. It’s a simple matter, really. [Sharn takes you aside and teaches you how to summon a skeletal minion.] Now. Remember. You said you’d keep quiet about this.”

“I can teach you more necromancy spells. For a price, of course. And as long as you keep quite about this.”

“In the Empire, necromancy is a legitimate discipline, though body and spirit are protected property, and may not be used without permission of the owner. But in Morrowind, the Dunmer loathe necromancers, and put them to death. That’s absurd, of course, since the Dunmer summon their OWN dead to guard tombs and defend the family. Sacred necromancy is righteous, while philosophical necromancy is evil. It’s primitive superstition, that’s all.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go back to Cosades’ house)

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