TES3 Bloodmoon: Wisdom Test

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Tharsten Heart-Fang

:prove your wisdom:
“Though I believe your heart may be one with the Skaal, your mind must be as well. To that end, I would have you investigate a crime. It involves two of the Skaal, and your actions may decide their fates.”

:investigate a crime:
“Engar Ice-Mane has been accused of theft. His accuser, Rigmor Halfhand, claims that Ice-Mane stole furs from his house. These furs were, indeed, found in Ice-Mane’s residence. The Skaal do not take such things lightly. We have little, and each is given according to his need. This offense is punishable by exile or sacrifice to the wolves. Ice-Mane will surely choose the wolves. Now, speak with the Skaal. Find out what you can. Then, report your findings to me, so the guilty may be punished appropriately.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go out talk to a Skaal Honor Guard)

Skaal Honor Guard

“What is it you ask of this Skaal?”

:investigate a crime:
“The accusations that Rigmor Halfhand has made against Engar Ice-Mane? A terrible situation.”

:Engar Ice-Mane:
“He is a valiant warrior, and no thief. Any of the Skaal can tell you that. Anyone who would say different is a liar. He has always proven to be brave and true, and it is impossible to imagine that he would be capable of this crime.”

:Rigmor Halfhand:
“He is a clever one. He is wise and crafty, and perhaps for this, he is not well-liked. Still, he is of the Skaal, and we must take his accusation seriously.”

Faern Sargtlin

(find Engar Ice-Mane and talk to him)

Engar Ice-Mane

“You, who are to be my judge, what would you ask of me?”

:investigate a crime:
“I know what I am accused of, and I know that it is a lie! I have no need for the furs of Rigmor Halfhand. I am a Skaal warrior. My honor and the honor of the Skaal are my life. But I will bear this injustice as any warrior should–with dignity.”

:Rigmor Halfhand:
“I had no quarrel with Halfhand until this day. I thought him a friend to my family, to my wife, Risi Ice-Mane, especially. While I was on the hunt, he was known to keep counsel with her and others who remained in the village. And now this from him!”

:Risi Ice-Mane:
“She is my wife, a wise and beautiful woman. Her life is not an easy one, as I am often gone for weeks on a hunt, but she is strong, and our children will be fine warriors.”

Faern Sargtlin

(find Rigmor Halfhand and talk to him)

Rigmor Halfhand

“Yes? I understand you are investigating Engar Ice-Mane’s theft. A terrible thing. But, you were sent to investigate a crime–what can I do for you, outlander?”

:investigate a crime:
“I can’t understand why he would do such a thing. We of the Skaal give to each according to need. If Ice-Mane had needed more furs, they would have been provided. But, instead, he stole them from my home. It is difficult to explain. I feel sorry for his lovely wife, who will be left all alone.”

:Engar Ice-Mane:
“He had always been a valuable member of the Skaal. But, he is not a caring man. He leaves his lovely wife for weeks at a time while on the hunt. He probably stole my furs because he wasn’t able to provide enough for his family. Such a sad story.”

:Risi Ice-Mane:
“A beautiful woman, deserving of better than her husband. Were I her mate, she would lead a much better life.”

Faern Sargtlin

(enter Shaman’s Hut and talk to Korst Wind-Eye)

Korst Wind-Eye

:prove your wisdom:
“Heart-Fang is testing you, as is his nature. He is distrustful of all those beyond the Skaal village, and he is slow to accept others into his confidence. Expect him to continue testing you. Heart-Fang is a hard man, and his challenges may be dangerous. I will help you whenever I can. You may trust in me.”

:investigate a crime:
“I have heard about this crime, and it puzzles me. Engar Ice-Mane is known to be an honorable warrior. Still, making a false accusation against another man seems a risky thing to do. I doubt even Rigmor Halfhand would do such a thing.”

:Engar Ice-Mane:
“Engar has been a valiant warrior for the Skaal for as long as I can remember. Both his father and his father’s father were known to be brave and honest men as well. His wife, Risi Ice-Mane, will be heartbroken if he is found to be guilty. Speak with her, Faern Sargtlin. She knows him well.”

:Risi Ice-Mane:
“She is a good woman, and comes from good people. Her heart is open and full of love and life. I only hope that her heart does not get broken by this entire affair.”

:Rigmor Halfhand:
“Rigmor has never been a warrior, but he has distinguished himself many times as a clever, clever man. He is a bit rash, and I fear his sharp wit and quick temper may have prevented him from ever finding a mate among the Skaal. Still, he has been a valuable member of the community.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go out and talk to a Skaal Honor Guard)

Skaal Honor Guard

“What is it you ask of this Skaal?”

Faern Sargtlin

(raise his disposition)

Skaal Honor Guard

:Rigmor Halfhand:
“A smart man, but there is something not right about him. He spends too much time at Ice-Mane’s home while Engar is on a hunt. This is not appropriate.”

:Risi Ice-Mane:
“A good woman, but she spends too much time in the company of Halfhand. It is not appropriate while her husband is away on the hunt.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Engar Ice-Mane’s hut)

Risi Ice-Mane

“You are the one who is to investigate a crime that has been blamed on my husband. How may I help you?”

:investigate a crime:
“Engar would never do a thing such as this. He is a man of honor, and we want for nothing. I cannot imagine what would drive Rigmor to make such an accusation. Perhaps he is jealous of my husband, and these charges are meant to disgrace him.”

:Rigmor Halfhand:
“He had been a good friend to me until this accusation. We had spent…some time together. But now, he has decided to ruin my family.”

Faern Sargtlin

(while talking, notice a letter on a bed)
(manage to retrieve the letter: “Letter from Rigmor to Risi“)
(talk to Risi Ice-Mane)

Risi Ice-Mane

:Rigmor Halfhand:
“You have found the letter, have you not? It is true that Rigmor and I had a brief affair, but that has ended. He refuses to let me go, though. I fear that he has caused this trouble just to get rid of Engar. You must put a stop to this. My husband is a good man, and does not deserve this fate.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go out and talk to Rigmor Halfhand)

Rigmor Halfhand

:investigate a crime:
“You…found that letter. But why would…? This is an outrage! I never…. I only wanted the woman. Why did that fool have to choose the wolves? He could have simply left, and she and I could have been together forever! You know my crime, and I know you must tell Heart-Fang. Let us go to him, and I will accept my fate.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go back with Rigmor Halfhand to the Greathall)

Tharsten Heart-Fang

“You were to investigate a crime. Have you done this?”

:investigate a crime:
“So, Halfhand has invented this tale of theft? Over a woman? By the All-Maker, this will not go unpunished! By Skaal tradition, making a false accusation carries the same penalty as the crime that is claimed. In this case, either exile or death by sacrifice to the wolves. The verdict is yours to decide.”

“Halfhand would be forced to leave the Skaal Village, never to return. None of the Skaal will hunt him, but neither will they offer him aid, even in his most dire need. He will be dead to this tribe until the end time. The verdict is yours. Make your choice.”

:sacrifice to the wolves:
“The more honorable death, perhaps. The Caenlorn, the ceremonial wolves of the tribe, would be summoned by the shamen, and Halfhand would be fed to them. In that way, his spirit will be purified and reborn, perhaps to a better life than this one that he has chosen to throw away. It is up to you. The verdict is yours to decide.”

Rigmor Halfhand

“You know my crime. Get on with your job.”

“Certainly, that would be the preferable choice. Why die when one might live? True, it would sadden any of the Skaal to leave this place, but better to live alone than to not live at all.”

:sacrifice to the wolves:
“A barbaric tradition. True, the Spirit may cycle back through another life, but who could stand the horror of it, the pain?”

Faern Sargtlin

(go out and find Korst Wind-Eye)

Korst Wind-Eye

“It is the most terrible punishment that may be handed down by the Skaal. To be banished is to be dead to the community. Never to find joy in the comfort of our brothers and sisters. Never to feel the Spirit flow through your body while on a hunt.”

:sacrifice to the wolves:
“A death suited for a warrior. Allowing the sacred wolves to consume the flesh ensures that the Spirit may cycle through this world once again.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go back to the Greathall)

Tharsten Heart-Fang

“You’ve investigated the crime. Now it is time for you to make a decision. The verdict is yours to decide.”

:verdict is yours:
“Halfhand must be exiled permanently from the Skaal, or he must be fed to the ceremonial wolves. Which do you choose?”

Faern Sargtlin

“I choose exile.”

Tharsten Heart-Fang

:verdict is yours:
“Then he shall be exiled. Halfhand may never again return to the Skaal village, and he shall be dead to the Skaal forever. It is a cruel choice you have made, Faern Sargtlin, but perhaps it is wise. Here, accept this token. It is unlikely, but perhaps you, too, can be more like the wolves we revere.”

Faern Sargtlin

(retrieve Helm of the Wolf’s Heart)

Rigmor Halfhand

“If that is the punishment I am given, such is my fate.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go out and meet Engar Ice-Mane)

Engar Ice-Mane

“You have cleared my name and restored my honor. What can I do for you, my friend?”

:Rigmor Halfhand:
“There is no Rigmor Halfhand. He is dead to the Skaal.”

:Risi Ice-Mane:
“She has made mistakes, but she is a good woman. I will need to pay more attention to her, lest she stray again. I do not blame her for this, though. I blame this situation on Halfhand.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go back to the Greathall)

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