AFFresh: Why Dont You Write Me

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Author (out of game):

While running around Balmora the Player can encounter Dralsea Arethi who will ask for your help in delivering a letter to her son Gals Arethi.


Dralsea Arethi:

I don't believe I've seen you before. Are you new to Balmora? If you travel much, I would love for someone to check on my son, Gals Arethi.

Gals Arethi: Almalexia blessed me with many children. Sadly, they all went their separate ways. Perhaps you know Edryno Arethi? I am proud of her, but wish she were closer. Shurik was always the dutiful son, but his duty took him ot the Indorils and the mainland. Ulyna is very kind, but she is also a Telvanni. A contradiction, I know. Gals Arethi, my other son, is a sailor. Would you deliver a letter to him? To remind him he has a mother?

-Not right now: Oh, but it's so hard to get letters delivered reliably these days with all the bandits and blight storms.

-Agree to deliver a letter: Oh, I will be so happy to hear form him. He may be the spotted guar of the family, but I love him all the same. Let me write out that letter for you. Hm. Ahem. Oh, and–yes, hm. And…there. Just deliver this to Gals Arethi. His ship visits Sadrith Mora regularly, so that's the best place to find him. He'll pay you when you deliver it.

Asking again: Any word from my son? He should be in Sadrith Mora near the docks.

Edryno Arethi: She has done well for herself, hasn't she? A House Cousin at her age! She is the only one of my children who stayed loyal to House Hlaalu. But lately she has been assigned to business in Vivec and has forgotten all about her dear old mother.


The player heads off to Sadrith Mora to deliver the letter.


Gals Arethi:

Gals Arethi: Yes, I'm Gals Arethi. Is this about a special shipment? Or does Neloth need another—oh, a letter from mom. Well, let's see it.

-Nevermind: I don't know what you think you're doing, but I don't care enough to play along.

-Say he was to pay you: She said that, did she? How very like her. Fifty drakes, not a coin more. Are you planning on holdin gthe letter for ransom?

–Ask for more: I don't know what you think you're doing, but I don't care enough to play along.

–Give the letter for free: Well, that's your choice. Hm. Uh-hm. A birthday? You can tell me mother I will write her back in a month or two.

–Give the letter for 50 drakes: Here is your payment. Hm. Uh-hm. A birthday? You can tell me mother I will write her back in a month or two.


You can speak to Gals again to see if he will change his mind about when he will write back.


Gals Arethi:

Gals Arethi: Yes? Again?

-Ask for a return letter: As I said, I will write her again in a month or two.

Asking again with higher disposition: Alright, I'll write her a response. I have some ink from my sister, but no paper. Fetch me a blank paper and I'll write her a letter.

Returning with a piece of paper: You have a blank paper? Very well, hand it over and I'll write a letter. Hm. How is she spelling her name these days? Nevermind, she will complain I got it wrong either way. Here. One letter for Dralsea.

Spelling her name: Oh, yes, Dralcea with a 'c' or with an 's'? I suppose an outsider wouldn't know. It was the fashion for some mer of my mother's age to change their names to mimic the Temple's High Priest of the day, Dirak, who started spelling his name with a 'c'. And he did this because he misunderstood something Vivec said to hiim. Or so the story goes.



I saw you speaking with Gals at the Elf-Skerring. I saw he gave you a letter. What was in it?

-Say Just delivering a letter: A letter to his mother? Then you wouldn't mind if I read that letter, would you? Just to be sure it is unrelated to his dirty business.

–Show him the letter: Oh. It really is a letter to his mother. Sorry to have troubled you, citizen. Be about your business.

Talking to him again: Thank you for your cooperation. Be about your business.


After the encounter with the Guard you will then be stopped by Ulyna Arethi who will speak to you.


Ulyna Arethi:

You! I know you delivered a letter to my brother. Gals Arethi? Ship fully of smuggled goods and corpses strike a chord? I don't want my mother caught up in his business again. Did he write a response?

-Say No(Lie): He didn't? You sure? I don't want her to think he's changed because he hasn't I don't want the Tong coming around her home, askign her where she is again. You understand? Truly? Then if he did give you a letter, destroy it and tell my mother that he didn't write back.

Talking to her again: I won't force you to give up the letter. I'm not sure if I could. I will just plead do not deliver that letter.


The player will return to Dralsea and must make a decision on how to proceed.


Dralsea Arethi:

Gals Arethi: Any word from my son? Yes? Do you have a letter from him?

-Change the subject: Have you even tried to deliver the letter? Back when I traveled the world, if someone asked me to deliver a letter, I delivered it! Rain or Dust!

-Give her the letter: Oh, a letter! Truly? How did he look to you? Eating well? Was there a woman in his life? A man? I don't know. He never visits.

-Say bandits stole it: Oh no! How terrible! Please take this as payment for your troubles. I hope they didn't hurt you too much! What did the letter say? Did you read it? Of course you should have read it! Well, at least he still cares. Maybe I'll spend a few septims to have a Mages Guild delivered message. No bandits in, well, wherever they go between towns.

-Say he didn't write one: What? Nothing? You didn't even ask, did you? Do I have to go all the way to Sadrith Mora myself?

Asking again: Oh, you know Gals. I haven't heard anything else, but I truly enjoyed his letter. I read it every few days to remind me I have another son. One who never visits.


No matter what choice the player makes somebody is bound to be hurt.




Alternatively you choose to not convince him to write a reply letter which will get you slightly altered dialogue when approached.



I saw you speaking with Gals at the Elf-Skerring. What business do you have with him?

-Say Just delivering a letter: A letter, hm? A letter? And what was in this letter? Instructions from Master Neloth perhaps? He needs to dispose of more bodies? And the best place to do that is out at sea, isn't it?

–Say it's a letter from his mother: From his mother. Right, right. I don't believe that for one heartbeat. Stay away from Gals Arethi. 


Or you can refuse to cooperate with the Guard:



-Say it is none of your business: You refuse? I could have you arrested. Now tell me. What business did have with Gals Arethi? If I were to search you, would I find any ebony? Any glass? Any Dwemer artifcats? No? I'll be keeping my eye on you, and you better stay away from Gals.


Dialogue with Ulyna Arethi will also change based on if you got a reply letter.


Ulyna Arethi:

You! I know you delivered a letter to my brother. Gals Arethi? Ship fully of smuggled goods and corpses strike a chord? I don't want my mother caught up in his business again. Did he write a response?

-Say No: He didn't? You sure? Good. If he asks you to deliver a letter to his mother, just throw it away or burn it.

Talking to her again: I believe you. If you get asked again, don't deliver any letter from Gals to Dralcea.




If you did receive a response you can also opt in to giving Ulyna Arethi the letter.


Ulyna Arethi:

You! I know you delivered a letter to my brother. Gals Arethi? Ship fully of smuggled goods and corpses strike a chord? I don't want my mother caught up in his business again. Did he write a response?

-Say yes: Then I must ask that you give me the letter. My mother doesn't need to get her hopes up. Gals is not a changed man. He's still involved with the Tong, smuggling, and worse. Let me have the letter and jsut tell my mother he didn't write back.

–Give her the letter: You will? Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just don't want to see my mother get hurt again because of Gals' crimes.

Talking to her again: Thank you, (Race). It may not seem like it, but this is the loving and charitable choice.


Or you could choose not to give her the letter at this choice.


Ulyna Arethi:

–Keep the letter: I won't force the issue. I can only plead my case. Do you know the kinds of crimes Gals has committed? The mer he works with? The Camonna Tong is the least of them. Look inside his ship if you don't believe me. And if that convicnes you, tell my mother that Gals didn't write a response.


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