TES5 Skyrim: The Way of the Voice

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(I take my leave of Jarl Balgruuth and Whiterun and head towards the small village of Ivarstead nestled at the foot of the Throat of the World. I then ascend the winding 7,000 Steps of the great mountain to reach the ancient stone monastery of High Hrothgar. I enter and am immediately approached by a bearded old man in grey robes and three of his fellows)


So… a Dragonborn appears, at this moment in the turning of the age.


I’m answering your summons.


We will see if you truly have the gift.

Show us, Dragonborn. Let us taste of your Voice.

(I demonstrate by shouting FUS at the Greybeards, who stumble from the force of it)

Dragonborn. It is you. Welcome to High Hrothgar.

I am Master Arngeir. I speak for the Greybeards.

Now tell me, Dragonborn, why have you come here?


Who are you? What is this place?


We are the Greybeards, followers of the Way of the Voice.

You stand in High Hrothgar, on the slopes of Kynareth’s sacred mountain.

Here we commune with the voice of the sky, and strive to achieve balance between our inner and outer selves.


I want to find out what it means to be Dragonborn.


We are here to guide you in that pursuit, just as the Greybeards have sought to guide those of the Dragon Blood that came before you.


You mean I’m not the only Dragonborn?


You are not the first. There have been many of the Dragon Blood since Akatosh first bestowed that gift upon mortalkind.

Whether you are the only Dragonborn of this age… that is not ours to know.

You are the only one that has been revealed thus far. That is all I can say.


I’m answering your summons, Master.


We are honored to welcome a Dragonborn to High Hrothgar.

We will do our best to teach you how to use your gift in fulfillment of your destiny.


What is my destiny?


That is for you to discover. We can show you the Way, but not your destination.


I’m ready to learn.


You have shown that you are Dragonborn. You have the inborn gift.

But do you have the discipline and temperament to follow the path laid out for you? That remains to be seen.

Without training, you have already taken the first steps towards projecting your Voice into a Thu’um, a Shout.

Now let us see if you are willing and able to learn.

When you Shout, you speak in the language of dragons. Thus, your Dragon Blood gives you an inborn ability to learn Words of Power.

All Shouts are made up of three Words of Power. As you master each Word, your Shout will become progressively stronger.

Master Einarth will now teach you “Ro,” the second Word in Unrelenting Force.

Ro means “Balance” in the dragon tongue. Combine it with Fus – “Force” – to focus your Thu’um more sharply.



(I learn the word from Master Einarth)


You learn a new word like a master… you truly do have the gift.

But learning a Word of Power is only the first step… you must unlock its meaning through constant practice in order to use it in a Shout.

Well, that is how the rest of us learn Shouts. As a Dragonborn, you can absorb a slain dragon’s life force and knowledge directly.

As part of your initiation, Master Einarth will allow you to tap into his understanding of “Ro.”

(I approach Master Einarth and tap into his understanding)

Now, let us see how quickly you can master your new Thu’um.

Use your Unrelenting Force shout to strike the targets as they appear.



(a shade appears. I shout FUS RO at it. I repeat the process with each shade that appears)


Well done. Again.




You learn quickly. Once more.




Impressive. Your Thu’um is precise. You show great promise, Dragonborn.

We will perform your next trial in the courtyard. Follow Master Borri.

(I follow Master Borri into the courtyard, where a freestanding gate stands)

We will now see how you learn a completely new Shout.

Master Borri will teach you “Wuld,” which means “Whirlwind.”




You must first hear the Word within yourself before you can project it into a Thu’um.

Approach Master Borri and he will gift you his knowledge of “Wuld.”

(I learn the Shout from Master Borri)

Now we will see how quickly you can master a new Shout.

Master Wulfgar will demonstrate Whirlwind Sprint. Then it will be your turn.

Master Borri.



(the freestanding gate opens)



(Master Wulfgar flies through the open gate just before it closes behind him.)


Now it is your turn.

Stand next to me. Master Borri will open the gate. Use your Whirlwind Sprint to pass through before it closes.



(I Shout WULD and pass through the gate cleanly before it closes)


Your quick mastery of a new Thu’um is… astonishing. I’d heard the stories of the abilities of Dragonborn, but to see it for myself…


I thought it was this easy for everyone.


No. Indeed not. But beware that your skill does not outstrip your wisdom.

You are now ready for your last trial.

Retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, our founder, from his tomb in the ancient fane of Ustengrav.

Remain true to the Way of the Voice, and you will return.

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