TES1 Arena: Warlock’s Ring

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The Warlock's Ring of the Arch-Mage Syrabane is one of the most popular relics of myth and fable. In Tamriel's ancient history, Syrabane saved all of the continent by judicious use of his Ring, and ever since, it has helped adventurers with less lofty goals. It is best known for its ability to reflect spells cast at its wearer and to improve his or her speed and health, though it may have additional powers. No adventurer can wear the Warlock's Ring for long, for it is said the Ring is Syrabane's alone to command.


I've heard that there's some guy in town who knows the newest wherebouts of one of the surviving relics of the Arch-Warlock Syrabane, a ring or something. I bet he's going to ask for a lot of money in exchange for the information, but the Warlock's Ring is supposed to be quite powerful. He's in the [tavern name] to the [direction], if you're interested.

If the Mages Guild or the Necromancers knew he was here, his life wouldn't be worth a copper, but over to the [direction] at the [tavern name] you'll find a chap who knows how to find the lost Ring of the Warlock. I'm certain he'll want some money for his information, but I couldn't say exactly how much. Whatever amount, it's worth it.

Ever hear tale of the Arch-Warlock Syrabane who once saved [province], in fact, all of Tamriel? Well, there's a gent over [direction] at the [tavern name] who says he knows how to find Syrabane's ring. If he's telling the truth, any amount of gold is worth his information. The Ring of the Warlock has all the defensive power of Syrabane if you can wield it.

You want to know about the Warlock's Ring, kid? Name's [Name]. I can see from that look in your eye you're interested in power. Well, the Ring has all the defensive power of its maker, the Arch-Warlock Syrabane. Whether you can control it or not isn't my concern. All I can do is show you how to find the Ring, and I'm going to need [amount] gold for that.

I don't know what good it'll do you, kid. From the looks of you, you ain't no Syrabane. It'll protect ya from certain things, but folks are known to get a bit foolhardy with that power. Might be dangerous. Still, I'll tell you exactly how to find it if you're interested. And because I like your guts, I'll only ask for [amount] gold. What do you think?

You'll want to talk to me about that then, [race]. His dark eyes lose their humor. In the hands of the Arch-Warlock Syrabane that Ring saved all Tamriel. In your hands, perhaps it will be nothing more than a good defense against an aggressive Battlemage or Nightblade. Still, I am in no position to chose to whom I wish to share my information about the Ring's location. If you have [amount] gold for me, all my knowledge is yours. Agreed?

Tavern Encounters

“You want to know about the Warlock's Ring, kid?” The man to your left quaffs his ale and turns to you, his eyes red from fatigue. “Name's [Name]. I can see from that look in your eye you're interested in power. Well, the Ring has all the defensive power of its maker, the Arch-Warlock Syrabane. Whether you can control it or not isn't my concern. All I can do is show you how to find the Ring, and I'm going to need [amount] gold for that.”

“I don't know what good it'll do you, kid,” replies a deep [province] voice behind you. You turn to see a figure standing in the shadows of the [tavern name]. “From the looks of you, you ain't no Syrabane. It'll protect ya from certain things, but folks are known to get a bit foolhardy with that power. Might be dangerous. Still, I'll tell you exactly how to find it if you're interested. And because I like your guts, I'll only ask for [amount] gold. What do you think?”

The man next to you laughs when you mention the Warlock's Ring. “You'll want to talk to me about that then, [race].” His dark eyes lose their humor. “In the hands of the Arch-Warlock Syrabane that Ring saved all Tamriel. In your hands, perhaps it will be nothing more than a good defense against an aggressive Battlemage or Nightblade. Still, I am in no position to chose to whom I wish to share my information about the Ring's location. If you have [amount] gold for me, all my knowledge is yours. Agreed?”


“All right, I suppose we can do business then. The secret of Syrabane is in the province of Morrowind, in a place called the [dungeon name]. You will find a map there to the dungeons where the Warlock's Ring is said to return by Syrabane's post-mortal magic. I have inscribed the location of this map onto your continental map. I hope you use the Warlock's Ring wisely. It is a powerful aid in reflecting spells…”

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