Torn Note [Ethian]

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Author (in-game): Anonymous

Librarian Note:

This book was datamined, but does not appear in game.

… not to be shared with Ethian. He is a dutiful son, but he lacks nerve. Unlike that she-wolf he married. She’d sail straight into the arms of those green savages and act as if they are our equals. Madness.

You’ll find there is an extra passenger on your escort sloop. Corisia Rufinus—a mage with whom I have done business in the past. Very discreet. She can make sure that the boats get iced in for a few days when you are far enough north. Just enough to solidly delay Sovelle’s arrival. Any luck, the Orcs will be insulted, if they have the wit to understand social niceties.

I had some other thoughts on dealing with this situation…

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