TES4 Shivering Isles: Symbol of the Office

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Time. Time is an artificial construct. An arbitrary system based on the idea that events occur in a linear direction at all times. Always forward, never back. Is the concept of time correct? Is time relevant? It matters not. One way or another, I fear that our time has run out. As I feared it would, My plan has failed. The Greymarch is upon us, and I must go. I thought we had more time. I thought we had a chance. My plan has failed. And we were so close….


But, we haven’t failed!


Optimism! How adorable! I love it! Even at the end, you make me laugh. I’m lying. That wasn’t funny at all. No matter. Soon you and everyone else will be dead, and I will be left a mad god, ruler of a dead realm. Again.


What happens now?


What happens is what always has happened — what always will happen. I crumble, I fade, the Realm dies. And you with it. Flee while you can, mortal. When we next meet I will not know you, and I will slay you like the others.


What can I do?


I had intended to give you My staff, the symbol of My office. But life has gone from it, as it goes from Me. It is now dead wood. A useless twig. With the staff, there was hope. But now, hope is dead. I am dead. The Realm….

(He crouches)

The realm is dead!

(Sheogorath is crouching in pain, and then his body is glowing)

Sheogorath is dead!!

(Sheogorath turns into multi-colored blinding light)

All shall crumble before Jyggalag!

(Sheogorath vanishes)

Sheogorath has vanished before we could complete the plan to stop the forces of Order. Perhaps Haskill will know what steps we should take.


He is gone, but hope is not lost. We have a rare opportunity here, but I hesitate to do what must be done. If the Throne of Madness remains empty when Jyggalag storms the palace, he will prevail. But there is a chance that the throne may not be empty.


What do you mean?


You will sit on the throne. It has always been Sheogorath’s intent for you to be the new Madgod.


But I’m not a Daedric prince.


True, but perhaps you can hold the throne — provided that you possess the proper symbol of office. Namely: the Staff of Sheogorath.


What must I do?


Unfortunately, when Sheogorath faded, the power of the Staff faded with him. It must now be remade. The Staff is the symbol of power in this Realm. He who rightfully holds the Staff may hold the throne of the Shivering Isles. However, the secrets of its construction are lost.


Lost? You said there was hope!


That which is lost can be found again. There is one being in the Shivering Isles who may be able to assist you in the construction of a new Staff. The ruins of Knifepoint Hollow once served as a great library. There, you will find a door. Behind that door, you will find the answer you seek. Although… I hesitate to guide you towards this path. The secrets of the past will surely aid Jyggalag, but I fear that we have no other choice. Be mindful of what you find there. The library is a thing of Order, and it will still serve that end. Take this crystal. It contains the power to open the sealed door. Inside, you will find the final remnants of the library.

Before I can claim the Throne of Madness and stop the forces of Order, I must remake the Staff of Sheogorath. Haskill has advised me to seek out a remnant of the great library of Jyggalag in Knifepoint Hollow.


(Retrieve Knifepoint Crystal)

Ask about “Knifepoint Hollow”


Knifepoint Hollow is near the core of the Shivering Isles. Follow the setting sun to the border of Mania. Climb the cliff there to the top. At the peak, you will find Knifepoint Hollow.


Ask about “Staff of Sheogorath”


While not the source of the Daedric Princes’ authority, each Daedric artifact provides that Prince with a measure of power. Lord Sheogorath chose you to sit on His throne. With the Staff, you may be able to do just that.


(Go to Knifepoint Hollow, use the Crystal to open door, inside there is only one man, sitting in despair)


I have been waiting for you, Your Grace. This day, as all days before and after, is well known to me. There are no surprises to Dyus of Mytheria. Sheogorath has fallen and you seek the means to foil the machinations of the Prince of Order. You seek the Throne of Madness. However, no mortal may sit upon the throne without the staff. So here you are in my prison, seeking to supplant the one who placed me here. If you wish to take the place of Sheogorath, then ask me what you will.


Ask about “Dyus”


You were expecting a book. An ancient tome filled with the secrets that you seek. But instead, you have found me. The last remnant. Individuality is an illusion. The details of my existence are no more important than the history of a stone. However, if you insist: I once served as the keeper of the great library of Jyggalag.


Tell me about the library.


The great library was the height of logic and deduction. Contained within its walls were the logical prediction of every action ever taken by any creature, mortal or Daedric. Every birth. Every death. The rise of Tiber Septim. The Numidium. Everything. All predicted with the formulae found within Jyggalag’s library. When Sheogorath discovered the library he had it burned, insisting that it was an abomination and that personal choice defied logical prediction. I am all that remains of the knowledge contained within the great library of Jyggalag.


How have you survived?


Following each cycle of the Greymarch, Sheogorath has cast out or killed every aspect of Order found in the Shivering Isles. I alone have survived. Sheogorath cannot bring himself to destroy the knowledge that I possess. Instead, he has confined me to this place and forbidden me to die. I have not seen another creature until fate, predictably, sent you to me.


Ask about “Knifepoint Hollow”


Knifepoint Hollow is my prison. As the Great Library, it once contained all the knowledge in creation. However, spare me your grief. My imprisonment is as meaningless as my immortality. Time and place are nothing. Constructs of a feeble mortal mind attempting to categorize and understand the world around it. If you were one of the fortunate few, you would one day understand and accept this. However, you are not and you will not.


Ask about “Staff of Sheogorath”


I can create the physical shell of the Staff, but the divine essence must be gathered elsewhere. But, apotheosis is no simple matter and the creation of the staff is no simple task. I will require two sacred items in order to complete it.


Tell me about the first item.


The Shivering Isles hold many secrets but few remain unseen by mortal eyes. The Staff is a tool of great vision and thus, requires the eye of one who has witnessed one of these unseen secrets firsthand. Ciirta resides in the Howling Halls of Mania. Find her and bring me the eye that has seen that which no other has.


Tell me about the second item.


The trees and branches of this Realm feed from a deep font of madness and mystery. One of the oldest trees, named the Tree of Shades, lies in the halls of Milchar. Milchar is a place of ruin, root, and mania. Go there and bring me a branch of this tree, but be warned — the tree will not surrender its secrets to one who has not earned them.


So, I must seek out the two parts?


Yes. Only then can I create an appropriate vessel to hold the power that is inherent in the lord of this realm. The Staff may allow you to occupy the Throne of Madness, but understand that such a feat has never been attempted. All sources indicate that you will fail. It is a certainty. However, I also predict that this will not stop you from trying.


Ask about “Eye of Ciirta”


The Staff of Sheogorath holds the secrets of this Realm. As such, it requires a vessel that has witnessed dark secrets. Ciirta has seen things with her eyes that no mortal has. Because of this, her eye will serve well to contain that which the staff must hold.


Ask about “Tree of Shades”


The roots of the Tree of Shades run into the heart of the Shivering Isles. It is said that the tree feeds from waters of the Grove of Reflection. The grove can show men who they truly are. Only after facing the truth will the Tree of Shades give up its branches to you.


Ask about “Staff of Sheogorath”


I can create the physical shell of the Staff, but the divine essence must be gathered elsewhere. The Staff of Sheogorath contains a portion of the divine power of the Daedric Prince. It is the embodiment of Sheogorath and of this land. Should you succeed, you will be the first mortal to have a dedicated Daedric artifact in your possession. This will be most interesting, indeed…

In order to remake the Staff of Sheogorath, Dyus requires two items. I must seek out the Eye of Ciirta and a Branch of the Tree of Shades. The first is an eye that has seen something that no other has. I can acquire this item from a woman named Ciirta in the Howling Halls. The second item is a branch of the Tree of Shades, an ancient tree that grows in the Grove of Reflection in the ruins of Milchar.


(Summon Haskill)


You’ve spoken to Dyus, yes? Then there is little more to say. Do as he instructs — recreate the Staff of Sheogorath before it is too late.


Ask about “Dyus”


Here in this Realm where secrets are power, Dyus is a being of great might. He has knowledge of events beyond even that of the Daedric Princes. Fortunately, Dyus has such an intimate knowledge of things to come that he sees no purpose in taking any action, since the outcome is written. Of course, that point is infinitely debatable by those of us who prefer to believe in the value of personal choice. He is kept locked away to prevent curious beings from using his knowledge to subvert the personal choices of other creatures. Given our unusual circumstances, I have asked you to seek out his aid. He is all that remains of Jyggalag’s great library.


Ask about “Ciirta”


She is an interesting character indeed. She is one of the very few individuals in the Shivering Isles that is party to the secret of Sheogorath. She once made her way into the throne room during the Greymarch and saw that Sheogorath was nowhere to be found. However, she did not recognize this event for what it was. She believes that Sheogorath had abandoned the Realm out of fear of Jyggalag’s attack. So while she is party to the secret, she does not know its significance. She believed Sheogorath to be a traitor to His people. She believed it so strongly that she led a revolt against Sheogorath when He returned. She was imprisoned in the Howling Halls for her trouble.


Ask about “Howling Halls”


The Howling Halls are home to Ciirta’s “Apostles of the Light,” or whatever it is that they’re calling themselves these days. These zealots believe her to be some sort of savior, or deity, or something. Their doctrine is very confusing. The most useful thing that I can tell you about Ciirta’s followers is that they will not harm anyone who is wearing their robes.


Ask about “Tree of Shades”


There are those who prescribe a mystical quality to the Grove of Reflection in Milchar. If you ask me, the matter is purely practical. There is a great deal of runoff from the waters of Mania that collects in Milchar. One particular tree has grown healthy from those waters. The Grove and the Tree retain a number of psychotropic properties that supposedly bring one to personal revelation. The truth of this, well, it is open to interpretation. Being the pragmatic fellow that I am, I side on the practical explanation. One thing that is not in dispute is that the Tree has survived for eons and its branches are highly valued as components of magical artifacts.


(Go to Howling Halls. Enter and steal on of the Apostle Robes, and wear it. Locate Ciirta, and talk to her)


You wear our robes, but I hear the darkness that you bring in your very breath. You do not know harmony… you do not see my light. You come to me glowing with violence and death. Your light has no place here. We seek harmony for ourselves and the Shivering Isles.


Keep talking…


I sense why you have come. I can hear it in your very breath. You came as a herald of the false god Sheogorath. I know His secret. I have seen His empty throne — seen it with my own eyes while New Sheoth burned in the grey fires of Order. Sheogorath refuses to protect us. Madgod? Bah! The Greymarch brings darkness. We seek light for all.


You survived the Greymarch?


I did. When the Knights came, I fled to the city. As they marched and burned everything to ash, I found a way into the palace. I sought Sheogorath. This is His Realm, and I knew that He would protect us. And what did I find? The Throne of Madness — empty! Sheogorath had fled! Left us all to die! I hid as the doors to the throne room burst open. I… I don’t remember what happened afterwards. I woke up in the marshes and fled underground.


How did you end up here?


I could not abide Sheogorath’s betrayal. He brought disharmony. He allowed the Greymarch to take us. I gathered those who could see the light and I led a revolt against him. We were… slaughtered by his Dark Seducers. I alone was spared. And in sparing me, Sheogorath made His final mistake. In this place, I will gather a new army and dethrone our coward god once and for all!


Sheogorath is gone.


He is? Then the Greymarch has begun again? If that is so, then why are you here?


I need your eye.


My eye? You seek to remove the light from me? Why?


I plan to take Sheogorath’s place.


And my eye is required to create an artifact, isn’t it? Very well then. I have survived greater threats than you. Come then, and I will show you that in the end, my light shall shine the brightest!


That’s where you’re wrong.


Then you will die!

(She attacks. Kill her)

Ciirta is dead. Taking her eye should be a simple matter now.

(Take the eye. Escape from the ruins and head to Milchar)


I’ve arrived in the Grove of Reflection. According to Dyus, I must locate the Tree of Shades and find a way to reveal my true self before I will be allowed to take one of its branches.

After I approached the Grove Of Reflection, a shadowy image of myself appeared from the waters of the grove and attacked me. I defeated it, and now the Tree of Shades is beckoning to me…

(Take the branch. Shadowrend, the shadowy image’s weapon is powerful, take it)

I have both items that Dyus needs to recreate the Staff of Sheogorath. I should return to Knifepoint Hollow and speak with him.

(Go back to Dyus)


You have the items. Contrary to all prediction. Once again, you defy the path set before you. However, what comes next is now unclear. If you wish to confront what is to come, I shall create the Staff for you.


Ask about “Staff of Sheogorath”


You possess the eye and the branch. Together, they shall form the physical shape of the Staff of Sheogorath. After I shape them into the Staff, you must take it to the seat of power in the Shivering Isles — the Palace of Sheogorath. There, imbue the Staff with power from the Font of Madness. Soak the staff in the waters of the land, and it will open its full power to you. You have defied the expected and accomplished something that denies all logic. I must contemplate the error in my calculations. Now… take your treasure and leave me.

With the Staff of Sheogorath now in my possession, I should make my way to the Tree of Madness in Sheogorath’s throne room. There I can tap into the tree’s power and begin my transformation.


(Retrieve the Staff of Sheogorath, and head back to Sheogorath’s Palace)

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