TES1 Arena: Spell Breaker

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Spell Breaker, superficially a Dwarven tower shield, is one of the most prized ancient relics of Tamriel. Aside from its historic importance dating from the Battle of Rourken-Shalidor, the Spell Breaker protects its wielder almost completely from any spellcaster, either by dispelling magicks or silencing any mage about to cast a spell. It is said that the Spell Breaker still searches for its original owner, and will not remain the property of any one else for long. For most, possessing Spell Breaker for any time is power enough.


[exclamation], I wish I were a few hundred gold pieces richer. If I were, I would've give it to this guy I was just talking to. He said he had information about Spell Breaker, that shield that dispells spells. You know, we have those reckless battlemages here in [city name] throwing fireballs around. If you're interested, he was heading [direction] toward the [tavern name].

I know every other person has a theory about where the Spell Breaker shield has resurfaced, but there's a guy right here in [city name] who says he definitely knows how to get it. He's going to want some gold for his information, but if you're interested, I saw him [direction] of here in a tavern called the [tavern name].

There's another chap trying to get people to pay him for his so called insider information about the newest wherebouts of Spell Breaker. I'm sure he makes a good living, selling phony stories to people who want to believe in a shield that can destroy spells! Last I saw of him, he was [direction] of here, bothering the people at the [tavern name]. [exclamation], there ought to be a law.

Who sent you? My apologies, friend. I am [Name] and I'm trying to avoid the agents of the Necromancers, who want the information I have about the shield Spell Breaker. If you're interested in a shield that would make any mage powerless against you, I can direct you for a mere [amount] gold. I need to be leaving [city name] soon, so do we have a deal?

Ah, you're looking for Spell Breaker, are you? Came to the right inn and asked the right man, you did. They call me [Name], and I can show you exactly where Spell Breaker is hidden. A mere [amount] gold and you've bought all my knowledge the shield's wherebouts. What do you think?

Anticipating a big fight with a magus, kid? It's [Name] at your service. I know how you can find out where the Spell Breaker is, but I ain't going to tell you for free. I'd find it myself, but I'd rather have [amount] gold and leave the questing to you. What do you say, [race]? Do we have a deal?

Tavern Encounters

“Who sent you?” the young man to your right hisses, his pale face contrasted in shadow and light. He examines your [race] features and calms. “My apologies, friend. I am [Name] and I'm trying to avoid the agents of the Necromancers, who want the information I have about the shield Spell Breaker. If you're interested in a shield that would make any mage powerless against you, I can direct you for a mere [amount] gold. I need to be leaving [city name] soon, so do we have a deal?”

“Ah, you're looking for Spell Breaker, are you?” A young man behind you in a black cloak approaches and shakes your hand. “Came to the right inn and asked the right man, you did. They call me [Name], and I can show you exactly where Spell Breaker is hidden. A mere [amount] gold and you've bought all my knowledge the shield's wherebouts. What do you think?”

“Anticipating a big fight with a magus, kid?” The man to your left nudges you and then drops his voice to a whisper. “It's [Name] at your service. I know how you can find out where the Spell Breaker is, but I ain't going to tell you for free. I'd find it myself, but I'd rather have [amount] gold and leave the questing to you. What do you say, [race]? Do we have a deal?”


It seems you seek the shield, Spell Breaker, in earnest then. Well my good, [race], you would be one of many to find that which can negate even the most powerful of magics. You do not need to seek far. King Rourken, last of the Dwarven Kings had Spell Breaker fashioned for him in his war against the Wizard Shalidor. It was lost in the final battle, and from time to time has reappeared in the land. The clue to where it now lies seems to be in the Hammerfell province. In my travels I stumbled upon an ancient text that speaks of a place called the [dungeon name]. I quickly wrote down the location, then destroyed the text. I have inscribed that location onto your map of the continent. It is there that you will find a map to lead you to Spell Breaker. I wish you well on your quest…

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