ESO Clockwork City: In Search of a Sponsor

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Divayth Fyr

I appreciate your assistance in the Pneumatic Forge, but for now our paths most diverge. The artifact we seek will not remain in one place for long–I can ill afford a delay.

Navigate this absurd ritual. Quickly. I will find you again afterward.


Who is Luciana Lucian Pullo?

Divayth Fyr

One of Sotha Sil’s greater lackeys. Chief proctor of the Clockwork Apostles.

You might have noticed some mild cosmetic flaws. Honestly. I think she’s more automaton than flesh and blood. She certainly acts the part.


Why does an Imperial serve a Dark Elf god?

Divayth Fyr

Sil takes all kinds. Imperials. Bretons, even Argonians.

Luciana may be one of his oldest servants. She served Emperor Raman Cyrodiil as a battle mage in her younger years. Made quite a name for herself during the Akaviri invasion.


What happened to her? How did she wind up here?

Divayth Fyr

According to the legend, she was caught in a torrent of arcane energy during a battle with a rival mage. It mangled her body and sent her hurtling through the veil. She eventually crashed here. Sil found her shortly thereafter and mended her wounds.


So now she serves him?

Divayth Fyr

Indeed. At first I thought she served him out of some cheap obligation – reciprocity for his kindness. But apparently she really believes in this place.

I heard they had a bit of a falling out. She still serves him though, in her dog-like fashion.


She didn’t seem happy to see you.

Divayth Fyr

People like her rarely are. You see, I present a destabilizing influence. I reject all illusions of authority and thus reject their entire way of life. Hierarchy, ritual, reverence. It’s all a sham.

I respect power, not absurd social constructs.


She mentioned the Clockwork Apostles.

Divayth Fyr

Yes, a monastic order … of sorts. They serve Sotha Sil through magical inquiry.

Apostles fancy themselves iconoclasts who push the boundaries of magical praxis. There’s a seed of truth there, I suppose – but they’re still obnoxious.


Are they all like Luciana?

Divayth Fyr

You mean. are they all half-metal monstrosities? More or less. Some modify themselves more than others. Its a form of reverence. They want to be more like Sotha Sil.

You see. Sil has some peculiar … well. I’ll let you see for yourself.


Why did Luciana refer to Sotha Sil as Seht?

Divayth Fyr

Sil has many names. Sotha Sil, Seht, SI, the Clockwork God… and on and on. Tiresome if you ask me.

The Clockwork Apostles mostly refer to him as Seht – his verse and sermon name. I call him Sil, because I’m not a doe-eyed idiot.

Next, the Vestige goes to talk to Neramo.


Well, if it isn’t my second favorite assistant! What a fortuitous turn of events. I shouldn’t be surprised. You have a knack for appearing when I need you most.

I take it you haven’t found a sponsor yet? Maybe we can help each other.


What do you have in mind?


Initially, I thought we could rely on my ample charms to win us a sponsor. Unfortunately, the people here tend to value craft over the pleasure of my company.

Providing some gift or service seems to be the only way to earn a sponsorship.


Have you found any potential sponsors?


Yes, a clockwork apostle named Varuni Arvel. Apparently, she’s a member of the Congress of Calibration–the governing body here in the city.

My associates, Kireth and Raynor, are already working on a plan to earn her trust. Will you help us?


All right, we’ll work together.


This promises to be a fruitful collaboration!

I tasked Kireth and Raynor with acquiring gifts for Varuni, but they tend to wander. Kireth’s just there by the cliff. You should speak with her. In the meantime, I’ll conduct more research. Questions?


How did you get here?


Seeing as you found your own way here, I suppose there’s no harm in sharing my own methods.

I just learned of a secret cave beneath the city of Mournhold that, until recently, was entirely inaccessible. Can you imagine?


Yes, I can definitely imagine.


Fearing that the Tribunal might seal it again, I set off through the cavern as soon as I could!

It pained me to leave my usual cohorts behind, but this duo, Kireth and Raynor, have performed admirably.


Who are Kireth and Raynor?


A pair of Dark Elf explorers. Like me, they delight in all things mechanical.

Their youth and endless sibling rivalries can prove irksome, but what they lack in experience they more than make up for in enthusiasm.


Vimy didn’t join you for this trip?


Unfortunately, my illustrious bodyguard was away on personal business – I know better than to ask for specifics.

I certainly miss her services, but one makes do.

The Vestiges goes to talk to Kireth Vanos.

Kireth Vanos

So, that pompous High Elf got his hooks in you too, huh? I told my brother, Raynor, we should go it alone, but any house in an ash-storm, right?

Speaking of Raynor, he might need your help.


Is Raynor in trouble?

Kireth Vanos

Depends on your definition of trouble, I guess.

He’s down in the ravine – playing with the firepot spiders for some reason. He wouldn’t tell me more. Unfortunately, those spiders have a tendency to, you know … explode.


Why would he do that?

Kireth Vanos

Like I said, he didn’t want to discuss it. Probably whipped up an automata-disrupting spoon-twirler or something. He gets like this sometimes.

Just check in on him, all right? He’s clumsy and those apostle’s mechanical limbs look expensive.


All right, I’ll check on Raynor.

Kireth Vanos

Thanks for the help. Raynor’s smart, but you can’t smart a spider to death, you know?


What will you do while I help Raynor?

Kireth Vanos

Well, Neramo said we needed something to offer this Varuni character, but from what I can tell, she doesn’t really need anything. So I asked myself, what do you get the person who has everything?


And? What do you get the person who has everything?

Kireth Vanos

A home-cooked meal, Argonian pottery, or information. Since I’m a terrible cook, and we’re worlds away from Black Marsh, I think I’ll go with the third thing.

This Brass Fortress is brimming with gossip – I just need to listen for it. Wish me luck!

The Vestige goes to talk to Raynor Vanos. On the way there, they observe the following conversation at the gate to the Brass Fortress.

Constable Baldan

I gave you my word, didn’t I? Come, cat. We can discuss the specifics in my office.


A thousand blessing, walker! Lankin has much to offer in the Brass Fortress.

Constable Baldan

Yes, I’m sure you do.

The Vestige continues on to Raynor Vanos.

Raynor Vanos

Ati, greetings. Please, don’t mind me.

Actually, do mind me. I’m conducting an experiment on these firepot spiders and so far the results have proven … explosive. You should probably give this place a wide berth for the time being.


Kireth sent me down here to look for you.

Raynor Vanos

Kireth? So you’ve joined our band of outsiders? Welcome.

Now look – I may lack Kireth’s natural talent with a blade, but I can accomplish this on my own. Varuni’s sure to sponsor us once I deliver this … oh, who am I kidding? I do need your help.


What are you trying to do?

Raynor Vanos

These firepot spiders contain a highly unstable oil-like fluid. The dangers inherent to acquiring it make it very valuable indeed.

I discovered a way to prevent the spiders from detonating, but even defused they’re more than capable of killing me.


Can you siphon the oil if I disable them?

Raynor Vanos

So you’ll do it? Yes, of course!

If you attract the spiders’ attention, I can use this tonal dampener to disarm their ignition coils! Just a simple matter of inverting their threat assessment array and … sorry. I can get carried away sometimes.


All right. You disable the explosions, I disable the spiders, then we give the oil to Varuni.

The Vestige and Raynor Vanos go and collect the firepot oil.

Raynor Vanos

Brilliant! We really made short work of those spiders, didn’t we?

Here, you can carry the oil.


Where should I take this firepot oil?

Raynor Vanos

Take the oil to Varuni. Neramo said she has an office in the Clockwork Basilica. Hopefully this will be enough to earn a sponsorship.

If you don’t mind, I’ll accompany you to the gate. Can’t be too careful out here!

The Vestige and Raynor go to the gate.

Raynor Vanos

Such a pleasure when things go as planned, don’t you think? Knowledge and strength of arms, working in harmonious concert.

Now if only I could get Kireth to see it the same way.

The Vestige and Raynor go to Provost Varuni Arvel. On the way, they observe the following argument.

Sarvlos Velar

You have no right to treat me like this! I’m a member of House Hlaalu, and I demand to speak to … to … to someone!

Adjunct Rizma

Your … house? Ah, yes, I remember. The Great Houses. The antiquated hierarchy of authority, which the Dark Elves chained themselves with.

Sarvlos Velar

What? I won’t take this disrespect! Show me to someone of authority! Now!

Adjunct Rizma

Do you truly believe that is the way of things here?

The Vestige then goes to talk to Provost Varuni Arvel.

Greeting, auxiliary. Is your friend correct? Did you bring an offering?


Yes. Explosive oil harvested from dangerous firepot spiders.

Firepot oil? Tremendous! And you managed to keep all ten fingers. I’m impressed. Thank you.

Now, to the matter of your citizenship. You’re clearly a capable warrior, but in the Clockwork City, mental precision is of paramount importance.


How can I prove my mental fitness?

A number of outsiders have gone missing in recent weeks. I fear someone might be abducting them or worse, but I have no proof.

I spoke to your friend, Neramo, and he insists you can gather the evidence I need. Succeed, and I’ll sponsor you all.


All right. Neramo and I will find the proof you need.

Try to keep this inquiry quiet, all right? In the Clockwork City, even a small creak in the gears can draw curious eyes.


Who are you again?

Provost Varuni Arvel, ranking disquisitor in the Congress of Calibration.

Before you ask, yes – I am a bit young for such a tenurial position. Fortunately, Lord Seht established a true meritocracy here. One day I’ll get a chance to thank him.


Lord Seht meaning Sotha Sil, right? You’ve never met him?

Met? No. Lord Seht’s far too busy. He only recently emerged from seclusion in the Cogitum Centralis.

He’s addressed the congress, but I haven’t had an opportunity to present myself. You should be thoroughly prepared when you meet a god, right?


Can you tell me more about Sotha Sil?

Of course. Lord Seht, known to many as Sotha Sil, is the Father of Curiosity. By His word, we create, perfect, and overcome.

He cares for all of us, just as a clockmaker cares for each gear and spring. Every piece matters, no matter how small.


You seem to know a lot about him.

I do a lot of reading. It’s all there in the sermons.

Some people think he’s aloof –callous, even. But I disagree. He stands with us in a way that Vivec and Almalexia never could, and he’ll guide us all to a better world.


What can you tell me about these disappearances?

Very little, which is more problematic than it sounds.

Any loose cog can carry out an abduction. It doesn’t take a criminal mastermind to throw someone down a drain pipe. What worries me is that none of it was recorded by the factotums or sentry coils.


You record what happens in the streets?

We record what happens everywhere. Honestly, I don’t know how you exodromals do without. You lose so much in Tamriel. Knowledge, memories … And you must argue incessantly.

Everything that happens here is fact. Documented and verifiable.


Wait, exo-what?

Exodromal. Sorry. I forget how strange our words sound to foreign ears.

Anyone who enters the Clockwork City from the outside world is known as an exodromal, since they come from beyond the celestiodrome – the glass sphere you’d call our sky.


Well, exodromals might take issue with being watched all the time.

I know. But secrets are the purview of Lord Seht, and Lord Seht alone. I have nothing to hide.

The sermons tell us that only the disassembled engine can be scrubbed and made clean. Knowledge requires light. Openness. Collaboration. You see?

The Vestige then goes and talks to Neramo.


So, ready to do a bit of sleuthing? I’m confident that we can find this elusive evidence, but it will require some skulduggery. Breaking and entering, to be specific.

Ready for the details?


Yes, details would be nice.


Varuni suspects that someone destroyed city records. But if my study of Dwemer ruins has taught me anything, it’s that nothing is ever truly destroyed. You just need to look in the right place.

Here, that place is the Depository Documatis.


Depository Documatis. Got it. What’s the plan?


Sneaking into the Depository is impossible for us, but Sotha Sil’s clockwork automata enter and exit the structure constantly. I discovered a way to control one such automata – a device known as a skeevaton. I’m sure you’re duly impressed.


So, you’re going to guide a clockwork automaton into the building?


No, you are. I will provide technical assistance and keep an eye out for prying eyes – both mechanical and organic.

Head to the Depository. I’ll meet you there, after I’ve wrapped up matters with our new benefactor.


All right. I’ll meet you there.


If you have questions, you should ask them now. Once we begin our investigation, We’ll have little time to dawdle.


Why start looking in this Depository Documatis?


As Varuni said, everything here generates a record. From what I gather, those records constantly pass through the Depository Documatis.


If every single record goes through the Depository, how are we going to find what we’re looking for?


When you say it like that it does sound daunting.

It’s true – the evidence we seek drifts through vast oceans of information. Luckily, these skeevatons seem very capable when it comes to sorting and parsing. I guess we’ll just have to find out.


Do you even know what we’re looking for?


I equipped the skeevaton with a number of key words and concepts to help it sort out extraneous documents.

Have some faith! I’ve extracted information from tonal vaults and Dwemer orreries. Sifting through city records pales in comparison.


How did you learn to control a skeevaton?


Honestly, they’re not all that dissimilar from the Dwemer devices I usually tinker with. Sotha Sil clearly learned a great deal from the Dwarves.

They use an unfamiliar tonal dialect as it were, but the basic principles remain the same.


How can we control a skeevaton without touching it?


We will employ a very simple control device. How to explain it …

The skeevatons send and receive signals from other clockwork automatons constantly. This device allows us to drown out all the noise, making our voices the only sound it hears.

The Vestige leaves and goes to meet Neramo near the Depository. On the way there, they observed the following conversation outside of Varuni’s office.

Chancellor Gascone Dusant

As I said before, those tarnished redundants down in the slums are no concern of yours. I’ve instructed the constabulary to keep a strict eye on them.

Lector Tanel Sadyron

Yes, that Constable Baldan’s done an admirable job. Even so, tarnished and exodromals enter the basilica far too often.

Adjust Diwa

And what of these rumors? Black-robed figures lurking on the edge of the Radius?

Chancellor Gascone Dusant

Honestly, Diwa, settle the boilers, hmm? I will never let tarnished, or exodromals, or mysterious robed ghosts disrupt our work. Believe me.

The Vestige continues and meets Neramo.


There you are. I prepared the device. All is in readiness. Prepared to see through the eyes of a clockwork automaton? Brilliant! Just activate the skeevaton, place it in the serviflume, and I’ll instruct you further.

The Vestige begins to control the skeevaton, which looks like a tiny mechanical mouse.

Excellent, we have a strong signal. Now, to find Varuni’s evidence.

I’m seeing a lot of interference. Proceed carefully. We can’t risk damaging the skeevaton’s data collector.

This depository should contain security documents and recordings. Search everywhere. When you find something, use the skeevaton to make a remote copy.

The Vestige finds several documents that seem useful: the Residential Logistics Log, Factotum Model Registry, Security Survey, and Mechanical Fundament Maintenance Logs.

That’s it! Quickly, assistant, direct the skeevaton to the exit, then meet me there to examine the evidence!

The Vestige brings the skeevaton back.

All right, let me see what you found. Yes I believe these recordings correspond to the dates of the disappearances.

There’s something more. Look here. The last person to access the records was a BAL-167. Hmph. Circumstantial at best.


How do you propose we find this BAL-167?


We might already have a lead.

I shared Varuni’s concerns with Kireth shortly after you left the basilica and she insisted on looking into the matter herself. She cited Constable Baldan as a person of interest. His office should be southwest of here.


BAL-167… Constable Baldan. I’ll track down Kireth and see what shes’ found.

The Vestige then sets out to do just that.

Kireth Vanos

Ah, there you are! Done playing with Neramo’s wind-up toys? I think I’m on to something.


What have you learned?

Kireth Vanos

I did a little asking around. Word is, Constable Baldan will sponsor anyone, as long as they can pay. Where they go after he takes their gold? That’s anybody’s guess.

Luckily, we’re here to sort it out! here, take this memory stone.


What do you want to do with this?

Kireth Vanos

I surveyed the building. Someone left the door to Baldan’s storage loft unlocked. It should provide a great view of his office. Climb up there and wait.

When I offer a bride, you record the conversation on that memory stone. Then we’ve got him!


All right. I’ll make my way to the loft and wait for your signal.

The Vestige goes to the loft and waits.

Kireth Vanos

All right, Baldan, I’ve got your gold. Will you sponsor me for citizenship?

Constable Baldan

Oh, I’ll take your offering – but sponsorship? That’s for the living, you tarnished scum.

Kireth Vanos

The living – what?

Constable Baldan

Do it.

An unknown person comes behind Kireth Vanos and knocks her out.

Well? What are you idling for? Gather up the gold and dump her with the others. We don’t want anyone finding our latest visitor.

The Vestige leaves the loft and goes to find Raynor Vanos.

Raynor Vanos

There you are! Neramo said you’d be around here somewhere. Have you seen Kireth? Is she with you?


I’m sorry, but Constable Baldan’s thugs knocked her out and dragged her off.

Raynor Vanos

He what? How could she –? We have to rescue her! You don’t have any idea where they took her, do you?


Not yet, but I’ll find out. You tell Varuni and Neramo.

Raynor Vanos

Yes, of course. I’ll get help. Maybe I could even put together some kind of tonal locater … bah, not enough time!

What would Kireth do? She would investigate. Yes. Talk to the people in Slag Town. They know practically everything about this place.


All right. I’ll find her, Raynor.

Raynor Vanos

I’ll get the others. You hurry off to Slag Town!


What is Slag Town, exactly?

Raynor Vanos

That’s what the locals call the slums in the northeast corner of the fortress. I must admit, I was surprised to find a tenement like that in Sotha Sil’s holy city. Then again, practically everything here has come as a surprise.

The Vestige next went to Slag Town. There are a number of people who they can talk to in order to gather information, each with its own strings attached. We’ve presented all of them here, but the Vestige need only complete one.

First, they talk to Zaiba, a Khajiit on an outcropping overlooking the city.


Bah! Oil those ankles and keep walking, green-heel. This one has nothing to say to you.


I’m looking for a Dark Elf. Baldan’s thugs might have dragged her through here. Know anything?


Feh! You outsiders are all the same! Cutting into the queues, poaching our salvage, sneering and putting on airs. You’re no better than us!


Would you still feel that way if I snapped both your legs?


And so you prove my point! Always trouble, always violence, and poor Zaiba is caught in the middle. Ziss on you!

Baldan probably threw your friend into the Fundament – a maze beneath the city. If you go after her neither of you will come out again.

The Vestige can also complete a small favor for a local Argonian in exchange for the information.


You look restless, gear-walker. If you seek work, you should talk to Razgurug. The people of Slag Town always welcome a helping hand.


I’m looking for a Dark Elf arrested by the Constable Baldan. Know where she might be?


Another newcomer taken? I erect the spine of sympathy. I know Baldan to be cruel and uncompromising, so this comes as no surprise.

I can make inquiries if you wish. I know Slag Town well. Unfortunately, I would need a kindness from you.


What kind of kindness?


I need an animo core from a verminous fabricant. One of our filtration units went silent again, so I must complete this task quickly. If you acquire the animo core, that will give me time to ask after your friend.

Will you do this for me?


All right, I’ll find your animo core.


You have a well-oiled heart, my friend. The fabricants lurk in the ravine just outside the main gate. Just be careful. Those verminous beasts can rend you in two in the flick of a spring.

I should have news for you by the time you get back.

The Vestige goes to the ravine and returns with the core.


Hist be praised – you’ve returned. Do you have my animo core?


Here’s your core.


Thank you, my friend. Your kindness warms my scales.

Unfortunately, I have grave news. I fear your friend has been thrown into the Mechanical Fundament – a maze beneath the city. If she is not dead by now, she soon will be. You must hurry.

The Vestige could also have obtained this information with a small donation to a local beggar, Igmund.


Spare a few coins? I’ve had nothing to eat but wire and dirt. Have mercy …


I’m looking for a Dark Elf. Constable Baldan’s thugs took her. Know where she might be?


I might have seen a woman like that, sure. Might have seen her dark skin and red eyes, heard her squawking like a broken skeevaton. But I can’t say for certain.

Sure would be easier to remember if I had a full stomach.


Will this be enough?

The Vestige hands Igmund 41 septims.


Thank you. Now, listen well. Baldan’s thugs took your friend to the Mechanical Fundament. Guaranteed. It’s a maze beneath the city. Nobody ever comes out.

If you want to run after your friend, go ahead. But I suggest you stay out of that place.

The Vestige can also check the local Outlaws Refuge for information.

Lady Circone

Who are you? Look, I don’t want any trouble!


I’m looking for a Dark Elf arrested by Constable Baldan. Know where she might be?

Lady Circone

Wait, so you’re not down here looking for –? Never mind.

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop asking questions about Baldan and his friends. I can’t get involved.


My friend may die if you don’t help me. You want that on your conscience?

Lady Circone

Of course not. By the gears, how do I always let myself get involved in these messes?

There’s only one place that Baldan could hide a body – the Mechanical Fundament. It’s a maze under the fortress. They’ll take us there too if you’re not careful.

Having discovered the location, the Vestige heads for the Fundament and eventually finds Kireth.

Kireth Vanos

Threw you in here too, did they? I knew I couldn’t be the only one Constable Baldan got the drop on!


Actually, I came down here to find you. We should leave.

Kireth Vanos

You’re right, we should. And I could! But not yet.

I met another one of Baldan’s victims–a Khajiit named Lankin. He’s been scraping it out down here, but he’s no warrior. I told him I’d get him out. Unfortunately, we got separated.


All right. We can look for him.

Kireth Vanos

That’s the spirit! I managed to yank this sword out of a corpse nearby. It’s not much, but you don’t need a sharp edge to deal with these factotums–just a heavy swing and a lot of patience.

You ready? Let’s get moving.

The Vestige and Kireth go to find Lankin, and rescue him.

Kireth Vanos

Finally! Come with us, Lankin. We’re getting you out of here.


Friend Kireth! Bright moons above! Please, let’s leave this dungy place!

The Vestige, Lankin, and Kireth go to meet with Proctor Luciana Pullo and Raynor Vanos.

Raynor Vanos

Kireth! Thank goodness! Don’t suppose you found anything of interest down there…?

Proctor Luciana Pullo

Enough. I’m glad to see you weren’t lying, Raynor Vanos.

Kireth Vanos

That bastard, Baldan, threw me into the Fundament!

Constable Baldan

Ridiculous. I’ve never seen this woman in my life.


Liar! You tossed this one in as well!

This Raynor Vanos made some very bold claims. If you have evidence of Constable Baldan’s crimes, I suggest you produce it.


I captured Kireth’s abduction on this memory stone. Neramo has incriminating documents, too.

Huh. You’re more resourceful than you look. Little wonder Divayth chose you as his companion. Seht knows he needs the help.

I’ll hold Baldan under guard until I’ve had an opportunity to review the evidence. As for you? You’re free to go.


Thank you.

Kireth Vanos

The nerve of that Elf! Clubbing people and throwing them into the sewer like garbage! These apostles better not go easy on him.

That fool has no idea what he’s in for. Live uncomfortably and learn, I suppose.


You think he knows more than he’s letting on?

Oh, most certainly.

Baldan can’t have accomplished all this by himself. Erasing records? Accessing derelict sections of the Fundament? These aren’t the acts of a simple mer. Someone helped him. Now it’s just a matter of finding out who.


Do you think he’ll talk?

I do. One way or another.

For now, let’s celebrate your achievement. You showed initiative, creativity, bravery – all qualities befitting a servant of Seht. You shall have my sponsorship.


Will you sponsor Neramo, Raynor, and Kireth as well?

Of course. Each of them played a role in your success, and each of them will share the rewards.

Go speak to the Clockwork Registrar in the Chancel of Records. It will add your name to the codices and you’ll be one of us. Again, you have my thanks.


You’re welcome.

Constable Baldan

You’ll regret this. Mark me, proctor. You will regret this!

Proctor Luciana Pullo

I doubt that. Get this tarnished piece of scrap out of my sight.

Kireth Vanos

Enjoy prison, you skeeving prat!

The Vestige witnessed the following conversation between Arvel and Pullo.

Luciana, I’d like to ask the constable a few questions when we return to the Basilica.

Proctor Luciana Pullo

Don’t trouble yourself, Varuni. You know how persuasive I can be.

I do. That’s what worries me.

Constable Baldan

Do your worst, you tin-legged hag!

Proctor Luciana Pullo

Seht help you if she does, constable.

Prior to becoming an official citizen, the Vestige decided to speak to the people present.


Ah, it seems I arrived just in time.

Proctor Luciana Pullo

What are you still doing down here? Varuni gave you her sponsorship, correct? You should go speak to the Clockwork Registar. As much as it pains me to congratulate a friend of Divayth Fyr … congratulations.


Are you always this stern?

Proctor Luciana Pullo

Yes. Any other questions?


What will you do to Constable Baldan?

Proctor Luciana Pullo

I’ll talk to him. The tenor of that conversation is totally up to him.


Do you think there’s more to these disappearances?

Proctor Luciana Pullo

Varuni’s right. This whole operation had too many moving parts, and ex-Constable Baldan doesn’t seem bright enough to pull it off on his own. If there’s more to this affair, I’ll root it out. Count on it.

Now, go claim your citizenship.

Provest Varuni Arvel

Well? What are you waiting for, future citizen? Go speak to the Clockwork Registar. I’ll call on you soon again. Count on it.

Raynor Vanos

So that’s it? We’re citizens now? Wonderful! I can’t wait to get started on our next adventure!

Kireth Vanos

So we’re citizens now, right? Finally.

Now to find what passes for sujamma in this crazy place.


Well done, assistant! One quick trip to the clockwork registar and we’ll be full citizens of the Brass Fortress.

The Vestige goes to the Clockwork Registar.

Clockwork Registar

By the word, I wind the gears.

Please state your business or depart.


I’m here to register as a citizen.

Clockwork Registar

Welcome, potential resident.

Please speak your birth-name, followed by the name of your sponsor.

[Character Name]. Provost Varuni Arvel.

Clockwork Registar

Dreaming … Torchbugs. Overturned jar.

Sponsorship confirmed and archived. The Light of Knowledge, Sotha Sil, welcomes you to the Brass Fortress. Go forth and create.

The Vestige decided to speak further to the Registrar before departing.

Clockwork Registar

By the word of Seht, I am bound.

Greetings, resident. All documents pertaining to your citizenship have been pressed and archived. Thank you for your interest. Go forth, and create.


What are you exactly?

Clockwork Registar

I am a factotum – a mechanized servitor automation, bound to the Clockwork City.

My functions include city maintenance, record-keeping, commerce, hospitality, and basic civil defense.


How many factoums exist in the City?

Clockwork Registar

Just a moment.

Current inventory of seventh-generation factotums equals nine hundred forty-six active partitions, with an additional six thousand four hundred partitions stored in Cogitum archives.


Seventh generation?

Clockwork Registar

Lord Seht revises factotum source material and partition frames regularly. Six generations proceeded the current model.

All additional information pertaining to factotum source material and fabrication is restricted. Thank you for your interest.

The Vestige then goes over and talks to Neramo.


As one journey ends, another begins. I imagine there’s much more to discover here in Sotha Sil’s Clockwork City.


So, what’s next for you?


I can finally begin my exploration in earnest.

Now that we’ve earned our citizenship, I can apply for excavation permits, antiquity transportation licenses … oh dear. Come to think of it, I might not be able to begin for quite some time.


What about Raynor and Kireth?


They proved useful. Raynor’s theories need some work, and Kireth’s refusal to listen to reason caused me no small measure of anxiety. But on the whole? Satisfactory.

Provided that they follow my lead, I might call on them again in the future.


Take care of yourself, Neramo.


I value your service and partnership, assistant. Please, take this as a token of my appreciation.

If I understand the bureaucracy correctly, I may be here in the Brass Fortress for a while. Feel free to seek me out, should you require my aid.

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