TES1 Arena: Ring of the Khajiit

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The Ring of the Khajiiti is an ancient relic, hundreds of years older than Rajhin, the thief who made the Ring famous. It was Rajhin who used the Ring's powers to make himself as invisible, silent, and quick as a breath of wind. Using the Ring he became the most successful burglar in Elsweyr's history. Rajhin's eventual fate is a mystery, but according to legend, the Ring rebelled against such constant use and disappeared, leaving Rajhin helpless before his enemies...


I don't know what to make of him, but there's a gent over at the [tavern name] who swears he knows how to find the Ring of the Khajiiti. Now how someone could know where the ring is and not have it is beyond me. Everyone could find a use for the Ring, you know. Well, if you're curious, you'll find the [tavern name] a bit [direction] of here.

Ever heard of Rajhin, the great Khajiiti thief? Possibly not, for he stole much more than he was ever blamed for. Partly that was his skill, partly his magical ring. Rumor has it there's a chap [direction] of here at the [tavern name] who knows how to find where the ring has resurfaced if you have the time to investigate and the money to pay him for his information.

You know that ring, the Ring of the Khajiiti that's supposed to turn anyone who wears it invisible? Well, I was talking to a gentleman who's staying just [direction] of here at the [tavern name] and he says he knows where the Ring is. Or, maybe he said he knew where to get to the map. He wanted more money for his information that I have, but you might be interested.

So, you've heard of the Ring, have you, [race]? Well, let me tell you all the legends about Rajhin and his Ring of the Khajiit are absolutely true. There does exist such a Ring that endows its wearer with many powers, including invisibility, and there is even a map to its recent hiding place! I am [Name], one of the few who know of its location. Regretfully, I must sell the knowledge I have, but it won't be cheap. [amount] gold pieces is the minimum price I'll accept.

Another hero like Rajhin in training, eh? Hoping to use the power of the Ring of the Khajiit to rob the citizens of [city name] or take advantage of opponents, perhaps? Good for you, [race]. I am [Name] of [narby city name] and I can show you how you may find the Ring and win the power of invisibility. I will require [amount] gold of you to prove your seriousness in this matter. How does that sound to you?

Do you even know what the Ring of the Khajiit is, [race]? You know it turns the wearer invisible, but are you aware of the responsibility and power given to the Ring bearer? There was a time when I would sooner die that give up the secret given to me by the spirit of Rajhin himself. [Name] is not without honor. I will require no less than [amount] gold pieces to betray my friend and divulge the location.

Tavern Encounters

"So, you've heard of the Ring, have you, [race]?" the man next to you nods his head. "Well, let me tell you all the legends about Rajhin and his Ring of the Khajiit are absolutely true. There does exist such a Ring that endows its wearer with many powers, including invisibility, and there is even a map to its recent hiding place! I am [Name], one of the few who know of its location. Regretfully, I must sell the knowledge I have, but it won't be cheap. [amount] gold pieces is the minimum price I'll accept."

"Another hero like Rajhin in training, eh? Hoping to use the power of the Ring of the Khajiit to rob the citizens of [city name] or take advantage of opponents, perhaps? Good for you, [race]." The man to your left very nearly smiles, but it is obviously an unnatural expression for him. "I am [Name] of [city name]2 and I can show you how you may find the Ring and win the power of invisibility. I will require [amount] gold of you to prove your seriousness in this matter. How does that sound to you?"

"Do you even know what the Ring of the Khajiit is, [race]?" the big man in a black robe to your right mutters. "You know it turns the wearer invisible, but are you aware of the responsibility and power given to the Ring bearer? There was a time when I would sooner die that give up the secret given to me by the spirit of Rajhin himself. [Name] is not without honor. I will require no less than [amount] gold pieces to betray my friend and divulge the location."


Well, yeah, I suppose we can do business on that. You might've guessed, but I knew Rajhin myself. He was my friend. For months after he disappeared, I spoke to a spiritualist, attempting to ascertain his condition. It all came to naught, until a few weeks ago, when his spirit appeared before me. He told me he was bound to appear and tell of the Ring of Khajiit, as long as it was missing from the land. I know it lies in a dank abyss where it had been hidden by the Underking. He also told me that a map exists to that crypt. The map is in the [dungeon name], somewhere in Black Marsh. I will inscribe its location onto your map of the continent. Fare thee well, [race].

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