TES3 Bloodmoon: Ominous Sign (Side with the Skaal)

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Korst Wind-Eye

:ominous signs:
“There have been many, though I’ve been reluctant to speak of them. The coming of the werewolves, the fire on the lake…and now I’ve been told that the northern shores are the scene of a massacre. Many horkers are dead. The shores are littered with corpses, and the death of the horkers has not been explained. All these things are suggested in the Bloodmoon Prophecy.”

:Bloodmoon Prophecy:
“It is an ancient Skaal legend that tells of the time before time, when a demon god would walk the land. It is told there are signs that precede the Bloodmoon, and I fear that we have been witness to some of these signs. Perhaps we will speak more about this later, but I hope we will not have to. First, I would like you to investigate the death of the horkers.”

:death of the horkers:
“We must find out what has happened. Perhaps this is a sign of prophecy, perhaps not. I prefer to think that it is the work of mortals. I would have you travel to Castle Karstaag, and confirm my suspicions.”

:Castle Karstaag:
“It is a castle made of ice on the northwest part of Solstheim. There lives the frost giant Karstaag. The Skaal have lived in peace with the monster for many years, but we have heard nothing from the giant for some time. This slaughter could be the workings of the Rieklings who serve him. Go there and find out what you can. You will not be allowed in the main entrance, but we have recently discovered an entrance in the waters north of the castle. Good luck to you, Blodskaal.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Karstaag Castle)


Faern Sargtlin

(go north of Karstaag Castle and find an underwater caves)
(enter it)


Faern Sargtlin

(find a rather friendly Riekling named Krish)


“Whoa! A Dunmer. Ugly thing, aren’t you. Too tall. What business you got at Castle Karstaag? And make it quick. No time to talk.”

:death of the horkers:
“Dead horkers? Mmmmm…rancid horker meat. You’re asking the wrong guy. I know someone who might be able to help, though. But I’ve got my own problems!”

:my own problems:
“The master…Karstaag that is…has taken off. Gone. Don’t know why, don’t know where. Didn’t seem like he was coming back. So, some of the boys and I figured we’d take over the place. Dulk has been running the show upstairs. Moron. Toady. Master’s pet.”

:take over:
“Right. Sneak attack. From below. Very clever. We even made a deal with a pack of grahl to act as muscle. Didn’t work out so well. See, these grahl aren’t the most trustworthy. Turned on my guys. Ate them, actually. I’m the only one left. And I can’t even get upstairs now.”

:get upstairs:
“Right. And neither can you. See, no one can enter the castle without the mast…Karstaag’s blessing. Which I have. I figure, you help me get past the grahl, I’ll get you into the castle. Then you can ask little Dulk anything you want. So, c’mon. Let’s move it.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go with Krish)
(encounter some Grahl, slay them all)


“Okay, that’s all of them. You can talk to that annoying little Dulk if you want. I’ll be right behind you.”

Faern Sargtlin

(enter the castle)


Faern Sargtlin

(manage the way to the Throne Room)


“What are you doing here? The master will not be pleased! And you come with Krish! Evil, evil Krish! Krish is bad, and you are bad for helping him. What is it you want? You should leave.”

:death of the horkers:
“This was not our doing. Not even Krish could have done this! He was too busy here. I was too busy here! The master is gone, gone with the wolves! Big wolves! Evil wolves! Wolves that walk like men! Took the Master days ago! No time for the fat horkers! And Dulk did none of this!”

:master is gone:
“Yes, yes, the master is gone. He must return soon. The wolves came and took him away. Big wolves, evil wolves! Wolves that walk like men! Left Dulk all alone! But the master will be back soon. The master must come back soon!”

Faern Sargtlin

(manage to get out of the castle and go back to Skaal Village)


Korst Wind-Eye

“Have you learned more about the death of the horkers yet, or the involvement of Karstaag and his Riekling minions?”

:death of the horkers:
“I feared as much. Even those creatures could not have caused such carnage. This is a bad sign, Faern Sargtlin, and I fear we have not yet seen the worst. Take this. From what I hear of those grahl, it will be a valuable aid to you. Perhaps it will keep you safe during the troubled times ahead. Now, I fear, we must speak more about the Bloodmoon Prophecy.”

Faern Sargtlin

(retrieve Stalhrim Longsword of Flame)

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