AFFresh: Nephata’s Needs

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After giving Darvame the supplies for her Silt Strider a new NPC name Nephata Hleran will call out.


Nephata Hleran:

Darv! Darv! Wait up. Can you give me a ride to Tel Branora?


Darvame Hleran: 

Oh no you don't. Why don't you go beg from Alvur or Felsa?


Nephata will then turn to the Player and initate dialogue.


Nephata Hleran:

Nevermind, Darv, I'll ask this nice (race). I'm Nephata Hleran, Darv's cousin. So great to meet you! You couldn't spare a few coins, could you? I just need enough for the boat and strider fare to get back to Tel Branora.

Nephata Hleran: That's me! Darvame and I grew up together. Sort of.

Background: You mean about Darvame and I? Her father is my father's brother. Our parents never got along with each other, though.

Little Advice: Join House Telvanni. I'm just a Hireling, and it's hard to move up the ranks, but once you're in, you're in. Doors just open for your. Opportunity! My other cousin, Llunela, she got me in. I make lots of special potions for the House, even some of the wizards and masters!

Little Secret: You see all this Bungler's Bane all over? The only Bungle is that you're not picking it. Find the right recipe, the right buyer, that stuff is fluffy gold.

My trade: I'm kind of like an alchemist? A very specialized alchemist. I make unique potions for some big names in House Telvanni.

A few coins: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera. A hundred should be enough. It doesn't have to be septims, even. A couple dwarf coins would do me, I know a guy. Or maybe you want a good mortar? I've got one right here. It's practically grandmaster quality! Only 500 septims!

-No: I know you've got enough, (race). Why are you being so mean?


The player in this instance decides to say no and can ask Darvame about Nephata.


Darvame Hleran:

Nephata Hleran: Yes, she is my cousin. No, I am not giving her a free ride to Tel Branora. You can't even get there from here. No, I am not giving her more money. All families have their… well, I don't know what to call them, but people like my uncle. And his three other children. They only visit if they want something and they stay until they get it. Ignore her for a couple days–I know it will be hard–and she'll go away.


From here on Nephata begins to follow the Player asking for gold at any oppurtunity. The Player decides not to give her gold and instead travels to Tel Branora. The whole way she will be asking the player for gold.


Nephata Hleran:

I know you have a few coins, (Race). I know it.

Sera, sera, I'll help you fight. Would you give a few coins as a mercenary fee?

A few coins and I'll be on my way. Only a few coins, sera.

Pray, sera, I need a few coins to get to Tel Branora.

I just need a few coins. I'm not asking for a lot.


Upon ariving in Tel Branora you get your final dialogue with her.


Nephata Hleran:

Okay, I get it, you're funny. We're in Tel Branora. You went all this way yourself when you could have given me what I wanted. I'll just stay right here. Fetcher. Oh and take this letter to my cousin all the way back in Seyda Neen. You think you're funny? I can be funny too.


She gives the player “Letter to Darvam” Which begins that quest.



There are a few other options for dealing with Nephata during the quest. The first is in your initial interaction with her.


Nephata Hleran:

A few coins: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera. A hundred should be enough. It doesn't have to be septims, even. A couple dwarf coins would do me, I know a guy. Or maybe you want a good mortar? I've got one right here. It's practically grandmaster quality! Only 500 septims!

-Give 100 gold: You're a lifesaver, (race). A real lifesaver. No I can get…back to Tel Branora. Yes. I'll return the favor if I see you again! Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?

-Offer 20 gold: Twenty? Twenty? I don't even want your coins now, nemer. I'll take them, but I don't want them. I'll find my own way to Tel Branora. Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?

-Buy the mortar for 500 gold: You want the mortar? I kind of need it, but sure. I'll get a cheaper one. I can use any mortar I like. Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right? (Nephata gives the player an apprentice Mortar and Pestle)

-Offer 2 Dwarven coins: Sure, I can take those. I know a guy. I'll just head on over to him and get what I need there. Oh Yeah, here's a letter for my cousin, back in Seyda Neen. I knew there was a reason I was going to visit her. Can you take it to her? Sure you can.



If instead you have moon sugar the conversation will go a bit different.


Nephata Hleran:

A few coins: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera. Wait, what's that smell? You've got some moon sugar on you! I can tell! Just give me a little of the moon sugar, and you'll never see me again. Promise.

-Offer 1 unit of moon sugar: Thank you, thank you, %PCRace. You don't know what this means. I'm going to go right now and…sell this. Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?



The same is true of Skooma


Nephata Hleran:

A few coins: I just need enough to get to Tel Branora, sera. Hold on, is that skooma? Want to share a bottle? I just need a few sips, (Race).

-Share some skooma: Yeah, yeah. Thanks, %PCRace. If I ever have some, I'll share with you. You know that right? Oh, yeah, I forgot. I have a letter for Darvame. You can deliver it, right?



The final way to get rid of Nephata without killing her is just wait it out. After a while of not talking to her your next conversation will have her leaving you alone.


Nephata Hleran:

Fine, if you're not going to give me anything, I'll go on my own. I know when someone's such a hard-hearted fetcher they can't spare even a handful of coins for someone who just needs to get to Tel Branora.


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