Nel’s Hidden Loves

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Author (in-game): Anonymous

You who quibble,
Disagree, take sides:
Relics of song,
Encyphered here hide.

Bards’ legend first,
I keep it with me.
Its import true
Though worn lovingly.

Haafinger, go!
The hilt of a blade.
Jade shadows hide
Magnificent caves.
At western mine
A long storehouse march.
Dragged across two
Holds, steady an Arch.
Great creature’s home,
Westest of Western.
North frost grotto
Frigid, sequestered.

Hjaalmarch; A Jarl
Holds court above all.
Stirring Nord graves.
A maze of cold walls!
Towers that lower
Bear weight of great tales.
Following sleep,
The seas this one sails.

To Karthald; Turn
Winds. Watching Jarl’s foes.
Fall upon South.
Brisk breezes freeze toes.

Then to the Dark;
A dwemer does take.
Empty, falls light
At waterfall’s break.
Sunsets in dark,
Miners do covet.
A junk-heap’s gem,
Lord Chaurus above it.
Towers do form
From fungus that grow.
Deep keep above
and lava below.

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