TES3 Tribunal: A Missing Hand

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“I am well-pleased, good and faithful servant. My people look upon the elements, and see there written a divine testament to my lordship. Did ever any other god display such dominion over the earth and sky? But now… with a heavy heart, I must lay a sad burden upon you. I bid you bring the peace of understanding to my Missing Hand.”

:missing Hand:
“One of my most faithful guards, one of my very own Hands of Almalexia, pledged to honor and protect and serve me in all ways, has lost his mind. Salas Valor has abandoned me, and now spews vile and slanderous untruths about me to any who would listen. I pity him, and know he is not responsible for his actions. To view the splendor of a god may drive even the strongest mortal mad. But now he presents a threat to us, and he is very dangerous. I fear you may not be able to spare his life.”

“Now Salas Valor haunts the streets and sewers of Mournhold. His wild, distracted manner frightens the people, but even my Ordinators are afraid to confront so terrible a weaponmaster and war-wizard. I beg you — seek out Salas Valor. Relieve us of this threat to my beloved people, and bring peace to my sacred city of Mournhold.”

:Salas Valor:
“Salas Valor was once my most trusted Hand and faithful servant. But recently his behavior has been erratic. He has been quiet and unresponsive. I am afraid… I may have allowed him to come too close. It is impossible that a mortal and a god might meet on equal ground, but… perhaps he had deluded himself. I regret his lamentable state, and am sorry that I may have been partly responsible for his condition.”

:Ashstorms in Mournhold:
“Yes, the Karstangz-Bcharn is creating the weather just as I had hoped. And it will remain this way until I am satisfied these people have learned a lesson.”

Faern Sargtlin

(can’t do anything to convince Almalexia…)
(go to Godsreach to find Salas Valor)

Taren Andoren

“This weather is unbelievable. What can it mean? This isn’t supposed to happen here! Not again!”

:missing Hand:
“Someone wearing the armor of the Hands of Almalexia has been walking around Godsreach, muttering to himself and acting strangely. Is that who you are looking for? Look out. I wouldn’t want to tangle with with one of Almalexia’s personal guards in a bad mood.”

Faern Sargtlin

(find Salas Valor)

Salas Valor

“So. She has sent you for me. Now YOU are Her favorite. How convenient. Whichever of us dies… she will be well pleased. And if both of us die, so much the better. Well, I am content. Perhaps this is how it was meant to end. I ask the forgiveness of all the gods and spirits — whoever they may be. And you, too, might make your peace with your gods, because at least one of us will not live to see another sunset.”

Faern Sargtlin

(fight starts, eventually Salas Valor goes down first)
(go back to Almalexia)



“Have you eliminated the threat of my poor, mad Missing Hand, and brought peace to Mournhold?”

:missing Hand: “Salas Valor is dead? The pain is almost more than I can bear… but you have served me faithfully, and it is in my mind to grant you a divine blessing. Would you like skin as tough as iron? Would you like my protection against paralyzing terror? Or would you wish to always bask in warm comfort of my reflected glory? Quick, now! Choose! You must not keep your Deity waiting!”

Faern Sargtlin

“Protection against paralysis, please!”


:missing Hand:
“I bless you with my gift, and mark you as my own. Be ever faithful in your service, and you may expect more generous rewards.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive Her Guard Against Terror ability)
(resting and preparing for the coming quests)
(go back to Almalexia)

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