TES1 Arena: The Lord’s Mail

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The Lord's Mail, sometimes called the Armor of Morihaus, the Gift of Kynareth, is an ancient cuirass of unsurpassable quality. It grants the wearer the power to regenerate lost health, resist the effects of spells, and cure oneself of poison when used. It is said that whenever Kynareth deigns the wearer unworthy, the Lord's Mail will be taken away and hidden for the next chosen one.


Ever hear word of the Armor of Morihaus? That's what the old timers call the Lord's Mail. Well, anyhow, there's someone over in the [tavern name] whispering around about the Armor of Morihaus. Sure, he might've just been some drunk talking and about old legends, but if there's a chance of getting the armor that regenerates the person who wears it, well…

Listen, some guy over at the [tavern name], that inn to the [direction], told me he knew not only that the Lord's Mail of Morihaus is real, but how to find it. He said he was willing to sell the information, but I'm more than a little broke. You ought to head up that way if you've got a couple hundred gold, and are willing to trust a stranger.

Actually, I have heard something interesting lately. Ever heard the legend of Morihaus? Well, this guy over to the [direction] in the [tavern name] says he knows where Morihaus' armor, the Lord's Mail is. I don't know if it's even half true, but I know he wants money for his information. If you've got the gold, this is an opportunity I'd take advantage of.

Couldn't help overhearing you, mate. You can call me [Name]. I happen to know how to find Morihaus' armor, the bane of trolls everywhere. A [race] like you could use a little help. I'm willing to tell you everything I know for [amount] gold. Agreed?

It can't be coincidence that brings you and I to the [tavern name] at the same time. Best armor ever created, make you more than a match for anyone. I like you enough to offer a mere [amount] gold pieces for my invaluable information. Do we have a deal?

I've got the sort of information wars have been waged over. You know for his arrogance Morihaus had the Lord's Mail taken from him by the spirit Kynareth. I do not suffer from the same sin of arrogance. For [amount] gold, I will tell how to find the place where Kynareth has sequestered the Lord's Mail. Shall we do business, [race]?

Tavern Encounters

As soon as you mention the Lord's Mail, a man you didn't see when you entered seats himself by you at the bar. “Couldn't help overhearing you, mate. You can call me [Name]. I happen to know how to find Morihaus' armor, the bane of trolls everywhere. A [race] like you could use a little help. I'm willing to tell you everything I know for [amount] gold. Agreed?”

“It can't be coincidence that brings you and I to the [tavern name] at the same time,” a young man seats himself next to you. “A [race] looking for the Lord's Mail, and a man who knows just where to find it. Best armor ever created, you know. Make you more than a match for anyone. I like you enough to offer a mere [amount] gold pieces for my invaluable information. Do we have a deal?”

The bartender signals to a man in the back of the inn. The young man stands up and joins you at the counter. “I've got the sort of information wars have been waged over. You know for his arrogance Morihaus had the Lord's Mail taken from him by the spirit Kynareth. I do not suffer from the same sin of arrogance. For [amount] gold, I will tell how to find the place where Kynareth has sequestered the Lord's Mail. Shall we do business, [race]?”


“Very good, I accept your gold. Listen to me carefully. In the province of Skyrim, there is a dungeon called the [dungeon name], said to be the actual burial crypt of Kynareth herself! Before her death it is said that she foresaw many needs coming to the land. To aid any person who would take such a need upon their shoulders Kynareth created the Lord's Mail, said to be able to cure its wearer of any injury. To guard this artifact from those who would plunder her crypt, she secreted it in a location known only to her. Whenever a great need appears upon the land, so does the Lord's Mail. That's how that warrior, Morihaus, got it first. It's location, and the crypt of Kynareth are always different. In the ancient libraries of Tholgamis I stumbled upon the secret to the location of Kynareth's crypt as it has appeared this time. I have no desire to be a hero. A full purse is enough to keep me happy! If you fashion yourself a hero, and wish to win the Lord's Mail, journey to Kynareth's crypt and get the map, good [race]. I have inscribed her resting place on your map of the continent. I wish you well on your journey…”

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