Kothri Language

The Kothri language comes from a short poem in the folktale of Water Getting Girl and the Inverse Tiger. Many of its words are Altmeri or Ayleid in origin.

Since all words come from one source, I have left out the sourcing info on the individual translations. All translations are inferred by myself, though most don’t take much guesswork.

ad’soon — (v.) to see.

aka — (n.) of age (adult).
Note: this word likely comes from the notion of Akatosh as the god of time.

al — (adv.) again.

ald-het — long gone.

ald’ald-het — too long gone (lit. long long gone).

Aurbex — (n.) Around-Us (a name for Aurbis)

bal — (n.) stone.
Note: same as the Altmeri.

bes — (adv.) up.
Note: its reverse, seb, means “down.”

detta — (conj.) but.

fex — (n.) face.

ge — (pron.) 1. I, me. 2. I am.
Note: If used independently (ge una wel’kyn bal = I am a welcome stone) to mean “I am”, but can also be attached to a verb to say that it is acting upon oneself (wel’kyn-ge = welcomes me)

g’e — (pron.) you.
Note: not to be confused with ge above.

ghyn — (pron.) anyone.

ha’phyn — (adj.) familiar.

het — (v.) gone.

je-je — (adj.) happy.

ka — (v.) wait (imperative).

ke — (adj.) that.

ky’naless — (n.) little girl.
Note: may relate to Alessia the slave queen, whose name was later commonly given to girls.

k’yness — (v.) wash (imperative).

laru’me — (v.) they remember.

lemha — (v.) will be.

lr’khn nymbo — “looked different before”
Note: the first word in this phrase looks to be a modification on the name Lorkhan, and the second resembes the term “Neonymbiosis,” which is a prosess by which one aquires a new name and through it a new mythic identity. I consider it likely, therefore, that the translation of “looked different before” is a plain word approximation of the actual meaning (being that the stone has changed its fundamental being in a Lorkhanic fashion).

rulla — (v.) roll (imperative).

seb — (adv.) down.
Note: its reverse, bes, means “up”.

set — (v.) ask (imperative), say.

synd — (conj.) for.

topali — (n.) river.
Note: this term comes from the Topal bay, along which the Kothri lived.

una — (article) a.
Note: the difference in meaning between yni and una is unclear, as both “ge yni” and “ge una” are translated as “I am a”.

v’arla — (adv.) verily. Ge yni V’arla Bal.
Note: relates to the elven word varla.

wel’kyn — (v.) welcome, welcomes.

yn — (adv.) just. 

yni — (article) a.
Note: the difference in meaning between yni and una is unclear, as both “ge yni” and “ge una” are translated as “I am a”.

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