AFFresh: Hul’s Skulls

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The player after helping Hul in Hul's Hull quest will find that she buys herself better clothes after the quest. After some time the Player will enter town only to find Hul is fully nakes. Questioning her will give you more info.



Oh, Player. I was hoping you'd speak with me again. Ruffians stole my clothes! But I think I know who hired them, and we can get back at her if you steal her enchanted skulls.

Enchanted Skulls: I saw some sailors in town a few weeks before the ruffians stole my clothes. And I know these sailors work for Baleni Salavel, my former captain. She's now the captain of the Harpy, a ship that often docks at Hla Oad. She's still a smuggler, but there's only one reason she has any success. Her four enchanted skulls.

Continue: Each skull has a function, from clearing up storms to avoiding patrols to detecting treasures. Baleni was a poor captain and she will soon be out of business without the skulls. Besides, I found four people who each want one of the skulls. You can keep one if you want and I'll pay you for the ones you don't want. You have to make a sort of funny hand shape to pick them up, like this.

Asking again: The skulls are always somewhere easy for Baleni to reach. They should be on the deck, but may be under something or behind something.


The Player heads to Hla Oad and finds Baleni Salavel and her ship.


Baleni Salavel:

Enchanted skulls: Who are you and and how do you know about the skulls?

-Say Nothing: If you don't tell me I'll find out who sent you. And if anything happens to the skulls, I'll know who did it.

-Ask what its worth: Fine, we'll do it your way. Take my coin pouch and tell me or if anything happens to those skulls, you'll be sorry. No, that's not right. You'll be hunted down until you're dead or I run out of drakes, and I never run out of drakes.

–Refuse: Keep your secrets if you must, but if anything happens to those skulls, I'll know you did it.


After finding all 4 skulls on the ship the player returns to Hul with the skulls.



Enchanted Skulls: You got them? I can pay you 200 drakes for each one. Just let me know which ones you want to kee, Skypilot Cirilontara, Half-Eyed Foronir, Meras Mabrigash, or Fragrant Valtulius. And I'll show you how to use them. You just pick them up like…oh, better not use that one. Pick them up like this, put your fingers in teh eyes, and twist them like so.

-Keep Fragrant: Fragrant Valtulius is yours. And here's your gold. This will get me back on my feet, and I'll be careful to not show my wealth this time.

-Keep Half-Eyed: Half-Eyed Foronir is yours. Shouldn't that be one-eyed? How did he have half an eye? Anyway, here's your gold. This will get me back on my feet, and I'll be careful to not show my wealth this time.

-Keep Mabrigash: Meras Mabrigash is yours. And here's your gold. This will get me back on my feet, and I'll be careful to not show my wealth this time.

-Keep Skypilot: Skypilot Cirilontara is yours. And here's your gold. This will get me back on my feet, and I'll be careful to not show my wealth this time.

-Sell all: Don't want to keep one? Here's your gold. this will get me back on my feet, and I'll be careful to not show my wealth this time.

Asking again: Baleni's done for. I'm going to enjoy seeing her beg on the streets for a change.


The player will recieve their gold and skull and go about their business.




The player can alternatively decide to betray Hul and report to Baleni that Hul was the one who told you about the skulls.


Baleni Salavel:

Enchanted skulls: Who are you and and how do you know about the skulls?

-Ask what its worth: Fine, we'll do it your way. Take my coin pouch and tell me or if anything happens to those skulls, you'll be sorry. No, that's not right. You'll be hunted down until you're dead or I run out of drakes, and I never run out of drakes.

–Take the Coins: I'm glad we came to an understanding. So it's Hul, is it? I never trusted her. Good to know. Just don't touch those skulls and we'll keep understanding one another.

Asking again: Hul will get what's coming to her. Don't you worry about that.


After telling Baleni about Hul. Hul will disappear from the world, presumably being taken care of.





The player can also head to Baleni Salavel after giving the Skulls to Hul and report her.


Baleni Salavel:

Enchanted Skulls: You know who took my skulls? I have here a hefty coin purse, at least six hundred drakes. It's yours if you tell me.

-Say nothing: If you know something, what would it hur tot tell me? It's free gold.

-Tell her Hul has them: Hul took them, huh? I didn't think she had the guts. Do lizards even have guts? I don't care. Here's your gold. I'll make sur eHul gets what she deserves.


Again after telling Baleni about Hul. Hul will disappear from the world, presumably being taken care of.


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