TES3 Morrowind: House Redoran

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Faern Sargtlin

(enter Redoran Council Entrance)


“I am Neminda, Drillmaster and Recruiter. If you wish to join House Redoran, you have come to the right place.”

:House Redoran:
“The Redoran councilors have entrusted me with the responsibility of examining those who wish to serve our House. Do you wish to join House Redoran?”

“House Redoran honors strength and endurance. We value all the skills of war, but especially the arts of long blade, spear, blocking, marksmanship, and athletics. Redorans must know how to use and repair heavy and medium armor. Only when armed with these skills can we perform our inherited duties as the warriors and defenders of the Dunmer.”

:join House Redoran:
“House Redoran is the greatest of the Great Houses. We are true and noble warriors, the hereditary defenders of Morrowind. Are you sure you wish to become a member? Or would you like to hear our rules?”

Faern Sargtlin

“Hear the rules of House Redoran.”


:join House Redoran:
“Do not steal from your kin, strike your kin unprovoked, or murder your kin. Do not break your word. Honor your superiors and do your duty to your House. Respect the teachings of the Tribunal. Defend your House, your People, and your Honor. If you fail in these things, you will be cast out. If you fail twice, you will be cast out with no chance of regaining your honor.”

Faern Sargtlin



:join House Redoran:
“Then what can I do for you?”

:Redoran councilors:
“The Redoran councilors are among the most distinguished and honorable Dunmer in Morrowind. Here. Perhaps you’d like to review a recent edition of the Red Book of Great House Redoran. It lists the current Redoran councilors and their residences.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive “Red Book of 3E 426“)
(go to Sarethi Manor)

Athyn Sarethi

“I am Athyn Sarethi, a councilor of House Redoran. What can I do for you?”

:Redoran councilors:
“Currently the Redoran Councilors are myself, Athyn Sarethi, the Archmaster Bolvyn Venim, Garisa Llethri, Hlaren Ramoran, Brara Morvayn, and Miner Arobar. Did you not get a Red Book of the Great House Redoran?”

:Redoran Hortator:
“That’s a title given to a war leader among the Great Houses. Why are you interested?”

Faern Sargtlin

Ask how a Hortator is chosen.

Athyn Sarethi

:Redoran Hortator:
“Only the Redoran councilors can choose a Hortator for House Redoran, and it must be unanimous. The Hortator’s duty is defined by ancient custom, but, in essence, a Hortator is a House champion, and must be both skilled in combat and known for his courage and honor.”

:choose a Hortator:
“A Hortator is chosen by consensus. Everyone has to agree. A single ‘no’ is a veto. First a Great House has to choose a Hortator. Then that Hortator has to go persuade the other Great Houses to agree to name him Hortator of their houses, too.”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Athyn Sarethi

:Redoran Hortator:
“You have told a remarkable story. It has the ring of truth. You may have been deceived, but I believe you. I may be able to persuade other councilors to believe you as well. But, as a condition of my support, I require a favor. Rescue my son, Varvur Sarethi, from Venim Manor.”

:Varvur Sarethi:
“Yes, my son. He is being held in Venim Manor, which is the first manor to your right when you enter Skar. I have heard Bolvyn Venim is keeping him in the right wing of his manor. You must be careful not to kill Bolvyn Venim himself, or the other councilors will turn against you.”

:Venim Manor:
“Venim Manor is the first manor to your right when you enter Skar.”

:Bolvyn Venim:
“He is a strong leader, and has done great things for House Redoran. How can I explain the hold he has over the hearts of the Redoran people? He brought us back from certain defeat. He moved the council here to Vvardenfell and took our share of the frontier lands. He is a natural leader, born to rule. One only wishes he was just and fair as well as strong.”

“You must be careful not to harm Bolvyn Venim in any way. If you were to kill Bolvyn Venim now, the other councilors would turn against you. Once you have rescued my son, I will tell you a way that we might deal with Bolvyn Venim, but for now, just rescue my son, Varvur Sarethi.”

:Hortator’s duty:
“Hortator is more a chief hero than a general. The councils plan and approve strategy. It’s a terrible system. The Legions aren’t like that. The generals ignore the politicians. And win the wars. But a Hortator leads by doing. The champion who wins every battle and inspires by example. The hero who challenges and defeats the opposing hero in single combat. Doesn’t have to be polite or smart. Or even a nice person. Just has to win. And make others want to win.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Venim Manor)
(sneak the way in and rescue Varvur Sarethi)
(deliver him back to Sarethi Manor)

Athyn Sarethi

“Yes, my son, Varvur Sarethi. You have returned him to me, and I am in your debt.”

:Redoran Hortator:
“You rescued my son. Words cannot express my gratitude. Therefore, I name you Hortator of House Redoran. I also promise that I will use my influence with the other councilors of House Redoran. Alas, there is one obstacle. Bolvyn Venim will never name an outlander Hortator. But if you have the full support of the council, he may agree to an honorable duel.”

“The duel is an honorable tradition dating back at least to the founding of Resdayn. Each party to the duel makes an agreement as to the compensation that will be given to the winner. The loser is legally bound to this agreement. Most duels are fought until one party admits defeat or falls in battle. The duel to the death is less common and only ends when one party is dead. The winner of a duel may take what he wants of the loser’s possessions, but some consider this dishonorable.”

killing and murder
By House Redoran custom, killing is justified in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs. Other killings are foul murder, and punishable by fines, hard labor, or writ of assassination. Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is scandalous, and grounds for sanction or expulsion. An opponent who yields may not be slain honorably.

:Bolvyn Venim:
“If any other counselor were killed or murdered, the other counselors would refuse to name you Hortator. But Venim is tyrannical and unjust, and if he were to die in a duel or a fair fight, no councilor could find dishonor in it. I guarantee it. In fact, if Venim dies an honorable death, I promise I will continue to plead your case with the other councilors.”

:Brara Morvayn:
“Since the Morvayn Manor has been overrun, Mistress Morvayn stays in the Redoran Council Hall. Speak with her there and get her support.”

:Hlaren Ramoran:
“Ramoran Manor is between my home and the entrance to Skar. He has a temper, especially with foreigners, but he trusts my judgement. I believe I can convince him to support us.”

:Miner Arobar:
“You must speak with Miner Arobar. His Manor is the last on your right as you enter Skar. Between the Redoran Council Hall and the Morag Tong Guildhall.”

:Garisa Llethri:
“Garisa Llethri will be in Llethri Manor, the last manor on your left as you enter Skar, between the Redoran Council Hall and my own home. It may be difficult to win his support, but you will have to speak with him and find out what he asks in return.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Venim Manor)

Bolvyn Venim

“Unless you have some important business to discuss, outlander, I suggest that you leave.”

:Redoran Hortator:
“A Hortator is a war leader and champion chosen by a Great House council. Why?”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Bolvyn Venim:

:Redoran Hortator:
“Are you trying to manipulate me? Do you take me for a fool? Do you think I can be so easily won over? You are a fraud. Cunning, for an outlander, but a complete fraud. No, you will never be Hortator. I will not permit it.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Redoran Council Hall)

Brara Morvayn

“I am Brara Morvayn, a councilor of House Redoran. Is there something I can do for you?”

:Redoran Hortator:
“A Hortator is a Great House war leader. Why do you ask?”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Brara Morvayn

:Redoran Hortator:
“Athyn Sarethi says he believes your story, and believes you can be trusted. I still have my doubts, especially with these rumors that you are a spy for the Empire, but life cannot be lived without risks. I agree we need a Hortator, and I see no better candidate than you. So let the record show that Councilor Morvayn confirms Faern Sargtlin as Hortator of House Redoran.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Ramoran Manor)

Hlaren Ramoran

“I am Hlaren Ramoran, Lord of West Gash and a councilor of House Redoran. Who, exactly, are you?”

:Redoran Hortator:
“The Hortator is a war leader of a Great House. Why do you ask?”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Hlaren Ramoran

:Redoran Hortator:
“Athyn Sarethi has spoken of your good judgement, and I trust him. I will vote for you as Hortator of House Redoran.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Arobar Manor)

Miner Arobar

“You must explain why you have come here, and quickly. No speeches or excuses. Use your words with care, for I am a councilor of House Redoran and a very busy man with many duties and responsibilities. I am not one to stand about idly while others chatter on and on about the most trivial of subjects.”

:Redoran Hortator:
“‘Hortator’ is an ancient term for a war leader and champion chosen by a Great House council. Why do you ask?”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Miner Arobar

:Redoran Hortator:
“You came to tell me that you are the reincarnation of Indoril Nerevar. Azura spoke with you. In a cave. And told you that because you are the reincarnation of Nerevar, that you must become the Hortator of all three Great Houses. And that is why you are standing here now, telling me this story of the Tribunal stealing power from a god’s heart with Dwemer tools. And that Dagoth Ur is not dead, but even now plots to conquer Morrowind with the power of this alleged heart. Is that correct?”

Faern Sargtlin

“That’s correct.”

Miner Arobar

:Redoran Hortator:
“I have spoken with Athyn Sarethi. He believes your story and says you can be trusted. I have known Athyn Sarethi since he was a child, and I have absolute faith his judgement. Please accept my apologies for not seeking you out and accepting you at once. Forgive me also for believing these rumors about you being an Imperial spy. You have my vote. Miner Arobar hereby confirms Faern Sargtlin as Hortator of House Redoran. Tell the other councilors that I have given you my blessings.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Llethri Manor)

Garisa Llethri

“As a councilor of House Redoran, I am a very busy man. I hope this is important.”

:Redoran Hortator:
“The Hortator is a war leader chosen by the councilors of a Great House. Why do you ask?”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Garisa Llethri

:Redoran Hortator:
“I spoke with Athyn Sarethi. I like what he told me about you. You get things done, and show good judgement. Your story is crazy. But your story doesn’t matter to me, as long as you can do something about Dagoth Ur and his servants. I’m making you my choice for Hortator of House Redoran.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Venim Manor)

Bolvyn Venim

“So you have the support of all the other councilors for the title of Redoran Hortator.”

:Redoran Hortator:
“You have played your tricks with the other Councilors, but they will not work on me. This has gone far enough. If you are not a coward, as well as a fraud, I will put a stop to your ambitions at the Arena in Vivec. I will meet you there if you dare face me in a duel to the death.”

Faern Sargtlin

(manage the way to Vivec, Arena)


(face Bolvyn Venim in the Arena Pit)
(manage to defeat Bolvyn Venim)
(go back to Athyn Sarethi)


Athyn Sarethi

“I will give you my support as the Redoran Hortator. I will try to use my influence with the other councilors.”

:Redoran Hortator:
“The Council of House Redoran is in agreement. You are the Hortator of House Redoran. I hope you are as successful in persuading the rest of Morrowind to unite against Dagoth Ur and his blighted hosts. On behalf of the house and council, take the Ring of the Hortator, a token of your office. By this ring others shall know you as our chosen champion.”

“I also have a sealed package for you. I do not know what it contains, but I received it from a contact in the highest ranks of the Temple. My guess is that it has something to do with the Temple’s position on your claim to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies. And here is a copy of a recent public notice identifying you as an Imperial agent. I am satisfied of your sincerity, but I warn you that others may not be so understanding.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive Ring of Hortator, “Public notice” and “note from the Archcanon“)
(manage the way to Sadrith Mora)

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