TES3 Morrowind: House Hlaalu

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Nileno Dorvayn

“I am Nileno Dorvayn. I keep business going here in Balmora while the Hlaalu Councilors are away. Which is most of the time.”

:House Hlaalu:
“House Hlaalu has always been loyal to the Emperor. We welcome Imperial law and the legions, and the trade they bring. We still respect the old Dunmer ways, the ancestors, the Temple, and the noble houses. But times change, and we change with the times. We can live in harmony with the other races. And share in the prosperity of the Empire.”

“To join House Hlaalu, one must be swift and agile. We value the refined arts of speech and barter. House Hlaalu places exceptional value on property and its protection, and thus the knowledge of security is essential. Although our House avoids violence whenever possible, a Hlaalu must know how to use light armor, short blades, and ranged weapons to provide for the House’s security.”

:House Hlaalu:
“The Hlaalu councilors have conferred upon me the great honor of interviewing those who wish to become members of our illustrious house. Do you want to join House Hlaalu?”

:join House Hlaalu:
“Are you sure? Remember that once you are bound by oath to House Hlaalu, no other Great House will accept you as a member. You may also wish to know our rules. If you are sure you want to join our House, say yes.”

Faern Sargtlin

“Hear the rules of House Hlaalu.”

Nileno Dorvayn

:join House Hlaalu:
“The rules of House Hlaalu are simple. You must never interfere with the business of House Hlaalu. Or if you do, be sure you are not caught. If you’re never caught stealing from a member of attacking a member, you’ll be fine. If you are expelled, you will have to make amends which can be expensive. Are you still interested?”

Faern Sargtlin

“No, nevermind.”

Nileno Dorvayn

:join House Hlaalu:
“You could do very well in House Hlaalu. If you change your mind, let me know.”

:Hlaalu councilors:
“Here’s a recent edition of the Yellow Book of Great House Hlaalu. It lists the current Hlaalu councilors and their residences. I might tell you more for a small consideration.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive “Yellow Book of 3E 426“)

Nileno Dorvayn

:Hlaalu councilors:
“You should consult the recent edition of the Yellow Book of Great House Hlaalu. It lists the current Hlaalu councilors and their residences.”

Faern Sargtlin

Bribe her 50 drakes.

Nileno Dorvayn

:Hlaalu councilors:
“The one you should speak with is Crassius Curio. His manor is in the Hlaalu Plaza in Vivec. Of the Hlaalu Councilors, he is one most likely to listen to your requests, whatever they may be.”

:Crassius Curio:
“He can be very eccentric at times. But his… weaknesses allow him to be manipulated. He lives in the Hlaalu Plaza in Vivec.”

:Dram Bero:
“I think he lives somewhere in Vivec.”

:Velanda Omani:
“Omani Manor is on an island east of Vivec. You can get there by following the road east of Vivec, then south past Ald Sotha, but it might be easier to just swim there from Vivec.”

:Nevena Ules:
“She lives in Ules Manor, near Suran. Just take the road north out of Suran, cross the bridge heading west, and look for a manor south of the road.”

“The Nerevarine is a heretic, according to the Temple, and so are all those who support the Nerevarine. But House Hlaalu policy is to avoid extremist religious views. We follow the Imperial practice of religious toleration for various cults and beliefs, so long as they do not challenge law or public order.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Vivec, Hlaalu Plaza)


Faern Sargtlin

(enter Curio Manor)

Crassius Curio

“Yes, I’m Crassius Curio, but you can call me Uncle Crassius.”

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“A Hortator is a Great House war leader. It’s an ancient tradition, seldom invoked in modern times.”

Faern Sargtlin

Ask how a Hortator is chosen.

Crassius Curio

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“As far as I recall, every one of Hlaalu’s councilors must vote to choose a Hortator, and the vote must be unanimous. There must be some situation requiring a war leader, of course, and a worthy candidate who can perform a Hortator’s duty.”

:choose a Hortator:
“A Hortator is chosen by consensus. Everyone has to agree. A single ‘no’ is a veto. First a Great House has to choose a Hortator. Then that Hortator has to go persuade the other Great Houses to agree to name him Hortator of their houses, too. A very difficult system. No Great House wants to give the honor to a member of another Great House. But luckily, it’s mostly honorary, and doesn’t cost a House anything. So it might not be that bad, after all.”

:Hortator’s duty:
“A Hortator is a champion who leads by inspiration. He challenges opposing heroes in single combat. He goes on long, desperate quests. He goes alone into the citadels of the enemy. He confronts the dangers no one else in the House is strong enough… or courageous enough… to face.”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Crassius Curio

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“You want to be Hortator? A pity. Orvas Dren does NOT want you to be Hortator. And very few councilors would be willing to risk Ser Dren’s disapproval. But your eloquent passion, your exquisite vulnerability moves me to risk all, and defy Orvas Dren. Yes, sweetie, I will name you Hortator. But I have something to ask of you…”

“Will you give me… a kiss?”

Faern Sargtlin

“Oh, all right…”

Crassius Curio

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“How tender and thoughtful! You’ve made me the happiest fellow in Vivec. And now, pumpkin, it’s time for YOUR gift… And I have just what you want. In my formal capacity as Councilor of House Hlaalu, I give you my vote for the title of Hortator. Perhaps I can also give you a little suggestion?”

:little suggestion:
“I am sure you can persuade Dram Bero to support you as Hortator… if you can find him. Orvas Dren has Nevena Ules and Velanda Omani in his pocket. You might want to make a little trip to the Dren Plantation before talking to them. And then there’s Yngling Half-Troll.”

:Dram Bero:
“I am sure he will support you if you can find him and state your case. Alas, Dram Bero is very secretive and no one seems to know where he lives. Ask around Vivec, dumpling, perhaps someone can tell you.”

:Yngling Half-Troll:
“Yngling Half-Troll is a foreigner like me, but he simply doesn’t understand the Dunmer like I do. If you were to dispose of him, the other councilors would not be upset. If you kill any of the rest of us, of course, it is a different story. He lives in Yngling Manor in the St. Olms Canton.”

:Yngling Manor:
“It’s in the Plaza of the St. Olms Canton, near the statue.”

:Orvas Dren:
“He is the head of the Camonna Tong and lives in a plantation in the Ascadian Isles. You may be able to bribe him or trick him. He despises the Empire, and I have heard rumors that he has made some kind of deal with the Sixth House.”

killing and murder
By House Hlaalu law and custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs under the sanction of the state. Other killings are foul murder and punishable by compensation, punitive labor, or, in sanctioned House Wars affairs, by writ of assassination. Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is scandalous but legal. A cynical acceptable of abuse of power by the rich and powerful is a feature of Hlaalu philosophy.

Faern Sargtlin

(go to St. Olms Canton)


Faern Sargtlin

(enter Yngling Manor)

Yngling Half-Troll

“This is the sacred city of Vivec. Count your blessings. Can I help you find someone in particular? Or are you just looking around?”

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“A Hortator is a war leader for a Great House. Why?”

Faern Sargtlin

Ask how a Hortator is chosen.

Yngling Half-Troll

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“I think the Hlaalu councilors have to vote for him. And all the councilors must vote for the Hortator.”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Yngling Half-Troll

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“That’s a touching story, but if you don’t have 2000 drakes, you won’t get my vote.”

Faern Sargtlin

Give Yngling 2000 drakes.

Yngling Half-Troll

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“A pleasure doing business with you, Faern Sargtlin. And I’m a man of my word. You got my vote for the office of Hortator of House Hlaalu. Once you get everyone’s vote, talk to Crassius Curio.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go back to St. Olms Plaza)

Falso Sadrys

“Welcome to Vivec, Faern Sargtlin. I’m sure you have some questions. What would you like to know?”

:Dram Bero:
“I don’t know where he lives, but I’ve seen him on the top of St. Olms before.”

Faern Sargtlin

(check all the manor in St. Olms Plaza)
(find the Haunted Manor, enter it)

Dram Bero

“I take precautions to ensure that I am not found easily… I see I will have to take more precautions. But what can I do for you?”

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“A Hortator is the leader of a Great House in times of war.”

Faern Sargtlin

Ask how a Hortator is chosen.

Dram Bero

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“A Hortator is a House champion chosen in times of war. A Hortator’s duty is to lead and inspire the Great Houses against its foes. Only a Great House’s councilors can vote for a Hortator, and the vote must be unanimous. For example, for the Hlaalu council to choose a Hortator, all Hlaalu councilors would have to agree.”

Faern Sargtlin

Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.

Dram Bero

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“You have found me, and that means you are resourceful. Yes, I will vote for you as Hortator. But my vote alone means nothing. Yngling is a fool. You may bribe him or kill him. Crassius Curio is a man of passion, and can be manipulated. But Velanda and Nevena are Orvas Dren’s creatures, and they will do nothing without his approval.”

Faern Sargtlin

(manage to way to Dren Plantation)


Orvas Dren


Faern Sargtlin

(bribe him with a lot of money)

Orvas Dren

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“So you want to be Hortator of House Hlaalu. And you’ve come to me. You show unusual wisdom for an outlander. But what’s the title of Hortator worth to you? Why do you want to be Hortator?”

Faern Sargtlin

“To defeat Dagoth Ur and protect Morrowind from the Empire.”

Orvas Dren

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“I have long believed it was a mistake to turn from the old gods. Perhaps Azura is with you after all. And perhaps not. I will tell you that I’ve spoken with Dagoth Ur. He promised me the same thing. That he will drive the foreigners from our lands. But I am not one to ignore opportunity, nor am I one to be troubled by rubbing two sides of a coin. If you are a dunmer of your word, I am your ally. I will tell Velanda Omani and Nevena Ules to support you as Hortator of House Hlaalu.”

Faern Sargtlin

(manage the way to Omani Manor)


Velanda Omani

“Yes, of course Faern Sargtlin, whatever you want.”

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“Yes. Of course. You wished to be named Hortator of House Hlaalu? No sooner said than done. You will, of course, need to receive confirmation from the other Hlaalu councilors. But I have every confidence in your ability to persuade them. Once all the councilors agree, speak with Crassius Curio again. He will give you the Belt of the Hortator.”

Faern Sargtlin

(manage the way to Ules Manor)

Nevena Ules

“I’ve just heard the news, Faern Sargtlin. Congratulations on your… negotiations with Orvas Dren. What can I do for one as influential as yourself?”

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“Oh. Oh. Yes. Yes, Ser Faern Sargtlin. The Hortator thing, right? They said, if I knew what was good for me, I would do as you asked. So. You want to be a Hortator? I make you a Hortator. I vote for you. That’s all I have to do, right? Once all the councilors agree, make sure you see Crassius Curio.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go back to Curio Manor)


Crassius Curio

“I’m so glad to see you again, Faern Sargtlin.”

:Hlaalu Hortator:
“How tender and thoughtful! You’ve made me the happiest fellow in Vivec. And now, pumpkin, it’s time for YOUR gift… And I have just what you want. In my formal capacity as Councilor of House Hlaalu, I give you my vote for the title of Hortator. And since all the councilors agree, here’s the Belt of the Horator. Just snug it around that supple little waist, and don’t forget Uncle Crassius, your lonely admirer.”

:Redoran Hortator:
“You should talk with Athyn Sarethi first. He’s always been fair with me. You can find him under the crabshell in Ald’ruhn.”

:Telvanni Hortator:
“Master Aryon in Tel Vos is the one most open to new ideas. He may give you some advice.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive Belt of the Hortator)
(manage the way to Ald’ruhn)

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